
Chapter 31: First Attempt

"I figured out that something isn't right about the palace," he said before looking at me. "Stacey showed me the family tree that is supposed to be the royal family who should be seated at the throne," he said. "I, as an elder, didn't know about this," he added.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, confused. "Isn't Rebel the rightful king?"

"Unfortunately, as I studied his family tree and where he came from, I couldn't see anything royal related to him," he replied.

I was speechless. I was still processing what he said.

"Then why is he sitting on the throne? Where is he supposed to be and the rightful king, where is he?"

"I searched more about the kingdom's history for a second time, but when I returned to the files, the files I needed to read were all gone. Someone inside the palace must get rid of it. But I'm sure I read about dethroning the real royals about something I don't quite understand, "he added. "I wanted to discuss this with the elders, but I can't say who I can trust or not," he added. "Until I completed my investigation, I wanted you to keep the engagement and the wedding on hold."

"Is that even possible? Rebel has already decided," I replied to him.

"Not if I convince the king that it is not time to get married," he said. "Leave that to me. I'll do what I can to delay it. For now, I want you to investigate that book and the memory Stacey left for you. She won't make a great length for you if she's unsure about everything she finds."

"So what are you going to do? Do you think you can convince the king?"

"I'll convince the elders first, and they will convince the king after," he replied after opening the door.

Before leaving, we scanned the outside to see if it was safe, and when we confirmed that it was safe to go, we hurriedly went out of the house only to find out that our car was set on fire.



Those bastards blew my expensive car for fun? Or because they didn't find any information at Stacey's house?

"Are you guys okay?" The driver asked us after he stopped the bus where we were standing.

We end up being hitchhikers since we don't have any means of transportation to return home.

We were lucky to be stopped by a school bus going home after their field trip that day.

"When we came back, our car was stolen," Onix replied.

"People nowadays," said the aged bus driver.

I sat next to the girl while Onix was on the other side.

We remained silent until Onix got off the bus first. The bus driver looked at me, puzzled, and I only smiled at him.

"Where should I drop you, young lady?" he asked while looking at the shopping bag I was holding.

"Just at the nearest gas station, sir," I replied to him.

"Alright," he said before looking at the bag I held for the last time.

After I hopped off the bus, I immediately called Kaydon.


"Come fetch me here at the first gas station," I told him.

I put my phone back in my jeans pocket and decided to wait for him.

Suddenly, I felt like someone was watching me. I tried to sniff the air to see if something was off, but the only human scent was the majority I smelled, but still, the nagging and the perking up of Claw's ears made me anxious.

"Do you feel anything, Claw?" I asked her.

"I don't, but my guts keep telling me something is wrong. You better move your ass away from here," she said.

Suddenly I saw someone running towards me from the other side of the road, and he didn't mind the car speeding on the road. The big guy's eye was fixed on me as if I was his target.

"Fuck! Run, Raven!" Claw screamed at me.

I ran as fast as I could. I could still hear the honk from the annoyed motorists. I secured the bag on my chest and sped up. If only there weren't any humans here, I probably would have killed that guy without batting an eyelid. I can't even use my wolf speed or the vampire. They would be frightened and shocked if they saw me with my abnormal speed and ability.

"Kaydon! Get your ass here now! I was being chased and no longer in that gas station. Hurry up before I can do anything that people here will run with fear and nervousness!" I mind linked him.

"Coming, Alpha!"

Fuck! How can this human run so fast and immediately catch on to me?

I turn my way to the small alley. I don't know where that alley leads, but I need to get away from that guy, or else I wouldn't control myself. And why would someone chase me? Especially humans?

I found out that the alley I went through had a dead end.

Darn it!

Suddenly I faced the man who had also stopped chasing me and now standing in front of me.

I saw his mouth salivate, and his eyes were all white.

"Give me that book, pup," he said in a double voice.

I can hear his original voice like some foreign voice that doesn't belong to him. "Give me the book, or you will end up just like your friend who was poking at my business," he said while gritting his teeth.

"Make me," I answered him back. Every flesh in my body wants to wring the bitch whoever used this poor human. "If you can!"

"You little brat! I should have killed you when I had the chance!"

I set the book down behind me and was ready to fight the poor human when suddenly someone leaped down from the roof and cut the human's neck, and I saw the man fall face-first on the tile's surface.

I looked at who the newcomer was. I saw Spade taking off something from the human.

"I'm sorry, Alpha," he said, smiling at me. "I saw you were running and was chased by this human, so I acted myself and tried to save you," he replied to me before removing a dagger hidden on its side. He then proceeded to unsheath the dagger, and my eyes widened when I saw that familiar blade once plunged into me a few years ago. That red and silver dagger was the one my mate used to kill me.

Anger roused within me as Claw growled. She fears the dagger, and I can feel her uneasiness and the constant whimpers. I punched the wall behind me, and it made a slight crack on its surface, and then I fell to the floor. I felt so weak and lost. Why does that thing show up? Why? Is he out there trying to hurt me again? Or perhaps he wanted to finish what he started? I felt so weak that I couldn't even lift a finger. Tears suddenly escaped from my eyes, making me blinded to see Spade.

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