
CHAPTER 7- A Queen's Woe

Rhaella POV

267 AC

It has been three years since my baby boy was born and it has been the best years of my life. Seeing Rhaegar and Daemon together makes my heart feel warm.

So much has happened in these three years. Daemon started getting taught by the Grandmaester and it really is not a shock that he is very intelligent since all the Grandmaester does is praise his intelligence.

Aery's also started paying attention to him ever since he started attending the practice of the men at arms and the kingsguard's . He plays with him now and then and I thought that he could change but how wrong was I . He would not even pay any attention to Rhaegar, just ignoring his existence . What kind of a father does that? I was worried because of his stupidity , Daemon and Rhaegar would drift apart, and that is the last thing that our family needs. The realm will not be able to handle or tolerate another war between squabbling siblings.

But my sweet child made up with his older brother and when Ser Barristan told me what happened it brought tears to my eyes. He truly is an innocent child who does not know how this this world is. I will protect him and keep him safe from all the dangers in the world. After all he is my baby boy.

It was when we were having a meal together as a family when the news came that Joanna had given birth to twins had come. The expression on Aery's face turned sour instantly . What did the idiot think, that Tywin and Joanna would never have children? It really made my day.

After that incident I did not see him for many days. He must have gone to one of the whorehouses in Kingslanding. It did not matter as long as he did not come to me for comfort since I utterly detested him ever since we were young. But sadly daemon would constantly ask me where aery's had gone , I could not give him a proper answer, so he would go and ask Barristan and the other servants. He really loved that man. He truly was an angel.

Rhaegar was used to not having his father around , so he was busy with his books. Rhaegar really should go out and make some friends with people his age , since he will one day be the king of the Seven kingdoms, especially at that time that we only have the goodwill of the houses towards us. If they wat they can rebel against us and we would not be able to stop it. Even though I am not educated in the arts of war I know that the men of the crownlands cannot compare to the other kingdoms in terms of manpower.

Then aery's finally made his need of us felt on daemon's nameday. My little dragon turned three namedays old , it really made me happy that my baby was growing up fast, since it felt that he only was born yesterday. He looked very cute in his black doublet with a targaryen on it. It had taken Mary a long time to comb his hair since he liked it being messy.

As I approached the Iron throne It made me think how things would be different if my grandfather still lived. I could still hear his voice chastising my father on his stupidity to listening to a Woodswitch. Oh , how things would be different but then I would not have my child.

After many days I heard his voice and the first thing he did was chastise Rhaegar and me for not asking for him. What did the fool think that I actually cared for his wellbeing. he praised daemon for being a dutiful and loyal son. It made me chuckle , but the next thing that he said my me freeze. My idiot brother said that it would be better to make daemon his her than Rhaegar. The whole court became silent.

The realm bled five times when Aegon the 4th decided that his bastard son was more wrothy of a throne. It was a good thing that the "Seven" abhorred bastardy and the great lords did not like the fact that they would have to acknowledge a bastard as their king.

But in the case of Daemon my son, he was a prince and I knew that the scheming lords would do anything to gain more power. The way things are going there is a higher chance of the lords supporting daemon over Rhaegar since one will surely become a great warrior while the other would become a scholarly king. I could never let a second "dance" happen.

Then to make matters worse Aery's decided that he would take Daemon to Casterly Rock to bring his hand back but I knew that he was only going to go and see Joanna . After the nameday feast I decided to confront him.

As I entered the room I saw that he was busy drinking wine. I merely nodded to Ser Gerold and he left the room. "Ah , it seems that my wife finally decides to grace me with her presence". I ignored him and said, "You cannot take daemon away from me, he is my son and also he is too young to travel without his mother."

"Bah, utter nonsense. It is a miracle that he has not turned into the pathetic excuse that we call the crown prince". Hearing that I became incensed," Don't you ever say that about rhaegar, he is a good boy and already show signs of being a good king".

"A king who cannot swing the sword is useless my dear sister , how will the realm follow and respect a man who cannot fight his own battles". I wanted to bite back by saying that the realm did not respect him too but It would go against what I came here to do.

"But Aery's you seem to want to start another dance , brother against brother , what kind of king will you be remembered as? A king who left the Targaryen dynasty at the weakest point in its history?"

Hearing that he stopped drinking and got up, walking towards me and said something that shocked me, " I never wanted to be a king , I never wanted to marry you , I may be a shite husband , brother and father but It is not my fault, all I ever wanted was Joanna but Tywin took her away."

I laughed hearing that and said in a cold voice," You were busy chasing different maidens , not even leaving the servants alone . Your depravity knew no bound's Aery's."

He chuckled and said ,"Please Rhaella you have no right to judge me , while I was busy chasing the skirts of maidens , you were no less. Falling in love with a lowly knight of all the people in the world. Can you imagine what a blow it would be to the memory of our ancestors? And the reason I am taking Daemon along with me is because I do not want you to spoil him as you spoilt our eldest. It is time for him to see how a dragon is feared by all . When he sees me command Tywin to come back he will know the true might of the dragons."

I laughed haughtily and said," The whole court knows that the reason you are going to the Westerlands is just to see Joanna . Tell me dear brother how does it feel to be the King Of The Seven Kingdoms and still not be able to get the thing you want the most? It is not a surprise why Joanna chose Tywin over you and you know it too but still blame it on father and the witch for getting you married to me. Why do you think she chose Tywin over you ? You are pathetic."

As soon as I said that I knew that I said too much, the mirth on his face was gone and it was filled with anger and then suddenly he slapped me and I fell down . I could feel the taste of blood in my mouth and as he came closer to me and pulled back my hair and brought it closer to his. It pained but I did not want to give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry. "Rhaella this is the only time I will tolerate this insolence , you understand. The next time you say such things to your king and lordly husband I will gladly pull out your tongue. The only reason I have not done anything drastic is because you have the blood of Valyria and are the mother of my children. "

As he walked towards the door he said, "You do not want to wake the dragon , dear sister".

That was the day I truly started to be afraid of my brother. I realized that there was nobody who could protect me from him. The only ones I could rely on were my children but they were still young . I fear for the future that is in store for House Targaryen. The last thing I want is for our legacy to end in "Fire And Blood".

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