
Chapter 43- Despair

(A/N: Okay, you know how sometimes there are just certain emotions that pop up out of nowhere, and it keeps your mind awake? Yeah, I decided to write this based on that emotions to get rid of them, so story-wise, it's kind of abrupt and might not make sense, so...too bad.

I think it turned out pretty decent tho. And this "Depression" Arc will only last like 5 chapters so bear with me here. Thanks! After this is the "romance" arc. If you can even call it that.)

Two months later~

Inside Long Ren's backyard, two people were resting under a giant tree, the same tree whose shade they always borrowed every other day.

Their figures sweated heavily, at least Long Ren did. He slowly caught his breath while playing around with the gauntlet in his hands.

Long Ren used these past months to purely focus on gauntlet techniques. He would mix up his schedules, on one day he would learn from a cultivator that uses a gauntlet as well, courtesy of Xing Lao of course.

Sadly, he himself wasn't that strong, but at least his knowledge of gauntlets surpassed Xing Lao, so he'll do.

But in the end, Long Ren needed to develop his own techniques that could utilize the footwork [Swift Song's Encore] already provided, just to save time. So, other than the basics, he didn't really learn that much from the guy.

On the other day, he would either spar with Xing Lao, or train himself with a training dummy, just like the one he saw on the smithy. A better punching bag, so to say, as it, to some extent, quantifies your growth.

Though its calculation is by no means perfect, so, Long Ren took them with a little grain of salt.

Another thing he would do is to spar with a certain someone, someone he would very much avoid if he could…

"So…today is the second time now, you do know it is inevitable right?." Xing Lao suddenly asked, his tone a bit worried.

Long Ren's body shivered involuntarily, thinking of that bundle of joy and despair at the same time…how could such duality exists in this world, barring Nid, since she's outta here now.

Yun Ning…the sheer mention of her name reigns terror on Long Ren, in both his bruised body and pained soul.

On the very next day after Long Ren's little shopping event, Yun Ning visited him, wanting a spar. Great, nothing wrong, he wanted to try out his new toy as well. All good.


He was but a naive sweet little child, thinking he could match her now that he owned a weapon himself…

After seeing that as he now is in possession of a weapon, somewhat of the same caliber as hers, she began to go, how to say. Barbaric., no…more so, sadistic.

Her slashes are now harder, better, faster, and stronger, his work never seemed to be over as the hour passed after… [:)]

She kept going slashes after slashes, no matter how many bruises or scars they both receive, she would never relent.

Her expression only twisted even more as time passes. A simple gentle smile from your sweet neighborhood sweetheart devolving into one of Kira's himself…

Long Ren swore he had never regretted showing off his new toy so much, he wished Xing Lao would just turn him down when he asks for a new weapon, but alas.

The die had been cast as he shook hands with the devil…and fought with her…and may or may not have been coerced into a promise to spar with her every now and then.

What can he say, the devil had quite the persuasive smile. Not to mention, he just wants to make her happy…he wants his first friend here to always be happy…

Anywho, Long Ren had been avoiding her like the plague, social distancing, and all that shenanigans, always bringing holy water at all times and remembering to always wear a short teleportation rune to safely get back home!

But in the end, she knew his home, and it's not like he could go back and live away from the clan as he did with Nid…

'Why didn't I think of that!' Long Ren thought, scratching his head so hard it's like he wanted to shout family every now and then.

Well, it's not like Long Ren hated her or anything. He, and he used the term very loosely, enjoyed their spar, as he slowly gets used to her freezing aura and improves his parrying skills even more.

But even if he improved, so did she. Every time long ren finally broke through her stance and counterattacked, she just casually pressured him back down, as if it was the easiest thing to do…

Day after day, spar after spar, It was as if there was nothing more that he could do to her… for her. Not anymore.

He felt useless.

She came every three days.

The only reason she left two days off is to let their bodies recover. She had been providing him with very-VERY effective healing pills, god knows where she even got them in such inhumane quantities. Spoiler, it overflowed one barrel's worth.

Long Ren had been on a strike, constantly asking Xing Lao to spar with him or pretending to have done important and rigorous matters that strained his body, delaying the spar.

It worked, somewhat. Thankfully, she caught on to Long Ren's hints of "tone it down." he threw every now and then.

He'd really rather not let her down, not directly at least…he doesn't want to let her cheerful attitude near him down. This pathetic act was all he could think of.

They now spar every 10 days or so, much to Long Ren's dismay, still. He'd prefer their spar to occur once every month, but beggars can't be choosers.

Today, unfortunately, is such a day, a red zone day, where she may or may not come, she didn't come yesterday, so she might today, and he's really not in the mood to get some…scars, hence the sudden spar with Xing Lao.

"I know it's inevitable, but I just hope it's not today…" Long Ren said as he drank some water.

Xing Lao looked at Long Ren weirdly, "You've murdered yet is afraid or rejecting her, how odd." He said, still gazing at Long Ren.

Long Ren held his water bottle, now a bit tighter, "This and that are two different things…"

"Tell me then, why? I'm not just your Master in cultivation, you do know that right?" Xing Lao said as a gentle smile bloomed on his face.

Long Ren smiled wryly as he took a deep breath and decided to overcome his demons

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