
The aftermath and progress

I woke with my body feeling heavy, I open my eyes and saw Lala and Raikou beside me as I was lying on a bed.

I look around and concluded that I am in the house of Mikado, I checked my body except for some bruised that is now healing fast and very low on energy everything is ok.

I feel refreshed after the fight even if I lost to him, the feeling of finally throwing everything I had for the first time in my life makes me feel like I was freer.

My movements awake Raikou and Lala as they slowly got up.


Raikou was the first to notice me and jumped in my embrace burying herself on my chest.

"Errol your awake!!"

Then Lala also jumped and hug my neck tightly and I feel it will break if I didn't get the moon Emperor Body Technique cause right now I am low in energy.

"Wah, you really are a pervert putting yourself in the body of girls just after waking up"

This annoying voice I look at this flat mother earth descendant who is looking at me right now with contempt and I look at her as if she was the third wheel which she was.

"Oh looks like you are awake I didn't expect you to wake up fast"

Mikado was also here I was about to thank her before.

"And here I thought I can finally analyze your body (tsk)"

And my thankfulness to her disappear and instead, I am grateful to myself for waking up fast before being dissected.

"So how long was I unconscious?"

"Not much, just about 5 hours, it looks like you just pushed yourself a bit making you faint from exhaustion"

Mikado spoke as she was currently my doctor.

"Then where is Gid?"

"Papa decided to go home already but he left you a message here"

Lala took out a crystal that was the same as the last time he gave me a message, they also explain to me what happens during my sleep.

Apparently, when I teleported them to the other side of the planet, they immediately try to go back to where we fought.

They used Lala's machine to fly fast there and saw a very large hole in the area where we fight it took a while before they find us.

They saw me unconscious with Gid holding me with one hand like some sack being pulled on the ground which pissed Raikou so she took me from him before launching a bolt of powerful lightning at him which he just punch.

Gid look at her with interest and was about to fight her but stop after receiving a call from his wife asking where he is, and making him go home.

They don't know how to get back to earth as there is no ship around and the person who brought them here is unconscious but luckily Zastin has the remote of his spaceship making it fly towards them, it didn't take long since the earth was close in the space standard.

So then they return to earth and the rest was history me slept until waking up and Gid had already flown away.

I took the recorded message from her and the voice of Gid was heard in it.

"If you are hearing this then your awake kid, anyway I have left your planet already as I still have something to do, as for the fight I must say it was one of the most satisfying I had for years, but your still weak, right now I am just in my weak state so don't slack off and train hard cause the next time you will see me is in my adult form which won't take long so make sure to entertain me at that time Hahaha"

The last thing I heard was his laugh and extremely bad news, for god's sake you as a kid are hard enough and you still want to bully me in your adult form.

I am not that even interested in fighting, why can't I just have a normal life...


Yes, I know it's my fault for choosing this world and taking Lala from Rito which I don't regret.

Anyway, I was about to return it to Lala when Gid's voice sounded again.

"By the way as promised since you entertained me, you can have my other two daughters, if you get their heart's that is hahaha, you already got my approval it's up to you if you can get them"

And there the message ended...

We are silent for a moment.

I was about to return it again before his voice was heard again.

Come on are you pranking me!!

"I almost forgot our fight was broadcasted around the galaxy including earth so you are quite popular now good luck hahaha"

Now I am sure it's truly finished but.

"What does mean by that?"

I know what he means but I still had hopes as I look at the people here.

But this Greenhead has just had to crush it.

"Congratulations you are now as popular-wait no, more popular than those space celebrities even here on earth you are the number 1 known person by now"

She was waiting for a reply but what she gets was silence, she look at the guy she wants to bully but what he saw was a guy who was on the verge of fainting around.

I feel like going unconscious again...can somebody knock me out.....

Although it sounds like it was a good thing but I know how troublesome it will be if it was in the previous world.

But I guess this is an anime world so it should be milder than how it should be, but I am now quite popular yay...

But Lala being my troublemaker as if decided to change her ways suddenly give me a piece of good news.

"Don't worry Errol my father told his subordinates to handle the various leaders of this world to not make us trouble"

Looks like father in law has a good heart hahaha wait?.... isn't he the reason why this happens? why am I being grateful!?

I was about to get angry at him before I calmed down.

Forget it, I am tired and just wanted to lie down, but Evergreen just had to comment on something.

"So your problem was solved before it even becomes a problem, now back to what his majesty said, do you plan to marry his other two daughters?"

I was about to give my answer but Lala just spoke first.

"Eh? Do you really plan to Errol? That's great with this they will be with us as we'll..."

I and Evergreen were kinda speechless as she started to talk about a lot of ideas of what we and her sisters can do in the future.

Looks like having her sister with the same husband as her is to her liking or is it her kinks?

I give up, trying to comprehend the law of the anime logic is beyond impossible for me.

Although I don't have plans to court her sisters let's just see what will happen in the future.

I took one sensu bean that is just taking dust in my storage and ate it.

It tastes bland but it's crunchy that it feels satisfying to bite before gulping it down.

I suddenly felt a rush of energy all around my body before all my bruised and injuries that I got from the fight with Gid disappear.

As expected of the bug-level item of dragon Ball it's ridiculous to think that this little bean can heal and restore most of my energy in an instant.

I jumped down on the bed before stretching while in the shocked eyes of Evergreen.

"What bean is that and how did you suddenly recover!!??"

She rush towards me and started to shake me I started to feel dizzy so I give her a karate chop on her head.

"Oowww what was that for!!"

"For making me dizzy from the shake"

She holds her head before looking at me.

"So what kind of bean was that"

I just gave her the same explanation that I told Mikado when I give her one.

"Give it to me"

"Eh, why should I?"

"It's a waste to someone like who will just eat it all, it's better to give to me so I can make some more"

"Who says I can't do that?"

"Oh, you can?"

"Of course, I can, I can even manipulate plants like you and much better, and how hard could it be for someone like me"

"So hard that you won't be able to even make more and just waste it all"

"Oh, and you can?"

"Of course, I am the princess of plants how hard could be for me"

"As hard as getting passable grades in your math which means impossible"

"That's totally different matter!!"

We argue for so long that others had to stop us or else we will not stop until morning.

In the end, I felt being nice to her once so I give one to her.

But she knew that I only gave it to her to laughed at her if she failed, so she swore to make sure that she will make lots of it and make him envy her.




It's been five days since my fight with Gid and my life returned to normal like how it should be...

It's not!! my life in school this day is hectic the students look at me like some super celebrity which is not wrong it can even be called humble.

They also keep on asking a lot of things that it's annoying, Lala was also subjected to this treatment but she just laughs and answers them which I wish I could also do cause I only felt annoyed.

When I walk outside many people recognise me and started to ask for a picture, some for autographs and there are even reporter's who started to try to interview me.

But the most annoying thing was.

""Plus ultra""

They started to shout this at me and even some kids look at me like some hero.

I just muttered it at the last moment to motivate myself in the fight but they all actually heard it.

Now people are all looking and saying that sometimes and it even turned some kind of motivational words too many..., god do you like to watch me suffer.

I am not even a macho so why just why?

There are many more things but they slowly drop thanks to the work of Gid's subordinates.

Now at least there is no disturbance in my house and around my neighbourhood, but when I go to school there are still some worshipping looks, crush, and obsessions from the students.

I sigh on the rooftop enjoying this rare peace this day, I decided to skip class as even the teacher acts the same as the students.

I open my status screen and feel at least that fight makes most of my skills improve and even one of them evolved.

[Name: Yuuki Errol



Hyper Intuition


Mind Wall


Storm Legs Lvl 1

Moon Emperor Body Cultivation Lvl 8

Pure Path Integration stage Technique Lvl 6

Cosmic Storm fist Lvl 2

Sword Field Lvl 14

Predator shot Lvl 19



Bag of senzu beans

Endless water bottle

Random devil fruit


My kicking technique has evolved again and my other skills has improved a lot in just one fight from Gid.

Thinking about the fight it felt so satisfying that I thought I was a battle junkie but good thing I was not.

As I was observing it I saw the devil fruit which I had already forgotten that I had one.

I mean I can almost do all the devil fruit can do although not those unique ones like jacket fruit or the Goma Goma fruit which is actually Human human fruit sun god Nika.

I thought of giving it to Mikan cause I like to spoil her but I wonder if the curse is still there.

Hmm, I will leave it to her if she wants it or not cause it's her's anyway.

I look at my silent blond companion reading a book and give her some taiyaki I stored in my storage.

She looks at it before taking it, I also took one for myself and eat.

We just enjoy this peace with the nice breeze freshening us from its passing.





He already knew the reaction on earth but he still didn't know how the galaxy reacted to him.

The majority of them accepted him as a capable successor part of them was the result of him showcasing his strength in the fight capable of fighting the ruler albeit the weaker version

But the true reason he was mostly accepted is because of his charm, who successfully charmed the innocent girls and boys in the universe.

Right now those who look up to him(fans) are slowly gathering becoming a force that will be recon in the future.

However, although majorities are nice and good but being popular is also trouble as he caught the eyes of the leader of some syndicate that opposed Gid's ruling.

Who knows what impact this person will do in their life as even I(author) don't know.

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