

A man can be seen running through a forest ducking under low branches and jumping over bushes in an attempt to get away front the monsters he encountered as just a few hours ago it was a regular day for him hunting and eating the prey who came out of the metal bird only for his fellow tribe men to be slaughtered like cattle by a group of demons who all looked alike while their faces held no emotions for the merciless killing they served.

Taking a knee behind a tree eagle tried to catch his breath only for the sound of harmonized marching scattered the birds knowing he would die anyways he decided it would be best to lead the hell spawns into their damnation.

Letting out his loudest war cry in an attempt to gather their attention which worked as the marching demons headed towards him, he sprinted one final time to a small clearing and forced himself inside letting one last cry out he dashed into the darkness of the cave knowing it would be his last.

The men followed the native till they reached the cave entrance which was barley big enough to allow an average man at a time through.

After the first 10 men made it inside they continued their hunt not waiting for their comrades, while walking through the cave one could hear the sounds of running water and creatures of the night voicing out their anger of being awoken outside of their usual activities.

Upon traveling for a while they made it into a clearing of bodies looking closer they were oddly shaped to small for a man or woman yet to large to be a animals despite this the men kept marching stepping on them with a crunch.

"AAAAAAA-" a sudden cry of pain echoed from a deeper part of the cavern following the sounds they discovered the same man they were chasing was in the clutches of a creature with 6 arms each grabbing a limb of the tribesmen and strength far beyond a human pulled the mans body apart in a single attempt splattering the majority of the clones with blood.

Despite this unsettling show of power they charged the 7 foot tall creature, the first clone was completely obliterated as a single swipe of the giants meaty hand shattered his shoulder and sent him flying into the cavern wall which killed him on impact the rest of the clones were lucky as the beast moved slow they were able to stab into its body only to discover their attacks did little to nothing but only seemed to fuel its anger bringing its hands to they sky it smashed them on top of a clone spreading his blood across the floor yet uncaring for the disturbing scene the clones fought again and again even after they were reduced to 3 which were easily killed.

Standing victorious over its prey bloody and wounded let out a roar that shook the cave only for a spear to pierce into one of the many arms it owned looking for its next victim it saw dozens of men that it just killed walk into its territory and with a growl it charged shaking the very ground underneath them.

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