

Austronesian Empire, Imperial Maharlika, Luzon, Maynilad, Underground Bunker of Malacanang Palace.

2000, 2, 1st Week, January

Radio chatters and the buzzing of television screens were filling the surrounding ambience. The flashes of light from the television screen, lights up the face of the emperor. Upon seeing the things that transpired on the television screen, the emperor Maximo's face turned ashen. Blood, death, and chaos were happening all over his country and his people were suffering. While he, the Emperor of the people, was just sitting ducks at the underground bunker of the Malacanang Palace. Anguish and guilt, envelopes the heart of the Emperor Maximo.

However, if he moves out now, he might just as well sacrifice the entire country. After all, his death means the downfall of the empire. He hasn't had any heir yet, nor a wife. Therefore, the only person projecting stability onto the empire will vanish and thus cause the downfall of the empire.

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