

As the group stage reached the four-hour mark, the total number of living players reached twelve, four for each of the three groups.

The overall leaderboard ranked the players by number of kills and assists, but none of the twelve living players had any assists, as none of them let another player escape their clutches.

Kaizen, on the other hand, did not get the coveted spot among the four players with the most saves, finishing ninth. His skills did not favor him, nor did the amount of time he went without killing a player. Also, Kaizen didn't have the special ability to get territorial information, player positions, and the like, like other players did. Nevertheless, Kaizen certainly broke his personal record by slaughtering thirty-seven players in a single day. This brought him up many levels, much higher than he had climbed on any other day. He was now at level 91, whereas he started the day at level 70.

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