
Book 5, prologue

The ship was damaged in the battle but it was still operational. Julian was still pissed off at Sendredie for stealing the world core, but he had to admit it was nice to have. Once she bound the world core to the ship's reactors, the ship was able to operate at an increased level. 

With such a monstrous amount of stored energy, the ship could jump through dimensional layers like they were not even there. 

Even so, there were a few roadblocks they had to pass through on their way back to the Lorocan empire. 

Allison, Yukna, and Malden wanted to return to their home planet, but Julian didn't care what they wanted.

He wasn't going to spend another few weeks looking for a shit hole of a planet when it was likely already being attacked by the undead.

Therefore, they didn't have a choice but to come with him.

Julian could tell Zee liked them around, so that was another reason. Besides, he was going to enroll them in the Imperial Academy of Lorocos. 

It was the most prestigious combat academy in the Lorocan empire. He was doing them a favor by kidnapping them. 

Besides, it was for their own good. 

While they traveled for over half a year, Julian decided to whip them into shape. He couldn't have them embarrassing his clan name once they entered the academy. 

Besides, space travel was boring, so he didn't have much else to do when he was letting his energy reserves refill in preparation for opening long-distance gates. 

As it turns out, beating them up every single day for hours on end was fun. Another bonus, they were to exhausted to complain about him kidnapping them.

The white-haired one even had some talent for the sword. It was enough that he decided to give her extra attention. 

By the time they finally arrived in the outer solar system that belonged to Lorocos, they all looked relieved. Julian opened a portal on the training deck, examining his captive audience. Hah, captive audience. 

"We are here! Go through the portal, it will lead you just outside my clan's family estate. Stay there until I come to get you," Julian said.

"And what will you be doing," Allison asked warily. 

Julian furrowed his brows.

"I will be seeking an audience with the emperor. You four should get some rest, you will need it. The next semester at the Academy starts in only a week," Julian said. 

Allison pursed her lips. Julian grinned. 

"There is no point in still being upset," Julian said.

"You refused to take us home in the middle of an invasion," Allison replied dryly.

"I have told you a thousand times, that was not my problem. Besides, your world was probably already turned into a wasteland by the church, or conquered by the undead. There was nothing to go back to," Julian said.

"You don't know that! We could have helped," Allison said.

"You are too weak to make a difference. All you would have accomplished was getting yourselves killed in a futile gesture," Julian snorted. 

Fuming, Allison stormed through the portal. Malden was close behind and didn't look much happier. Yukna on the other hand looked dejected to leave the incredibly suffisticated ship. 

Greg stepped through, and Bastion was last.

He paused. "How long do you think it will be until Zee finishes her training," Bastion asked worriedly.

"At least two more years," Julian replied. 

"I will hold you two that," Bastion said walking purposefully through the portal.

He watched the kid go. It was obvious Bastion loved his granddaughter, and the feeling appeared to be mutual.

Time would tell if Bastion would be able to stand next to her, or be pushed aside as Zee rose through the ranks.

The universe was not kind, if they were not strong enough, everything they cared about would be ripped away. 

Speaking of which, now he had to go meet with the emperor. Sendredie would not be attending of course. 

The fact she was this close to Lorocos would already put a strain on the talks. 

"Thanks for the help Sen," Julian said aloud.

She appeared next to him, leaning on her cursed staff. 

"No problem. My ship got a few more scratches, but I had a lot of fun," Sendredie replied. 

Next to her, a ball of teeth, fur, and claws appeared. Its long red tongue lolled out as it panted. The varsu hellion rushed over and put its paws on his chest, licking his face with its six tongues. 

It seemed harmless enough, but that was deceptive. Sendredie had to confine the monster to her inner world for the whole trip back so it didn't accidentally kill their fragile passengers. 

He kept his gaze averted, as he scratched its neck. Staring into its eyes was enough to grievously wound even his soul. Gazing into those dark orbs was like staring at an expression of the abyssal plane itself.

"So, have you made up your mind," Julian asked. 

Sendredie ran a finger along her hooked nose. "Braving the cosmic river to search for clues to the Eternal Throne is dangerous. More then one celestial warrior has entered its depths and never returned. That place is a death trap," she said wistfully. 

"Is that a no," Julian asked. 

"Ohh, dear, sweet Julian, do you know so little about me? It sounds exciting! When are we going," Sendredie asked. 

"I will send word, but prepare, and be ready within five years." Julain said.

After working out a few minor details, Julian left the ship, teleporting into Lorocos proper. The planet's barriers would normally stop an unknown gate from opening and even set off planet alarms. That didn't happen because his energy signature was registered and it allowed him entry. 

While passing through the planet's barriers, he felt a soft tug as his presence was detected and identified. A few seconds later, a wizened voice filled his mind.

"Come see me immediately," 

He had known this would happen, and was already en route. Getting a meeting with the emperor was normally an incredibly tedious and time-consuming matter. 

It involved politics and days of pointless bureaucracy. That was all ignored, as Julian opened a gate right into the emperor's private gardens.

Julian stepped out from the rift, noticing the old man sitting on a bench. The emperor looked old and frail, but he was far from it.

His hair was greying, and he had a hunched back, but his eyes shone with cunning.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't have you and all of your clan executed," The emperor asked in a calm voice. Using a mundane wooden hoe, he chopped at some weeds like a common peasant. 

Julian licked his suddenly dry lips. "I have discovered some information you might find valuable," Julian replied calmly. 

The emperor poured some water over the spiritual herb he had just weeded and picked back up his hoe. 

"We have known each other for a long time Julian. I have given you the freedom to act and do as you wish. What was I supposed to think when you went rogue and invaded our neighbors?" Julian didn't say anything, letting the emperor continue. "The blood gorgers are our enemies so that could be forgiven. But then I hear who you went with, that hurt," The emperor said.

It was only then that the emperor turned, his knuckles clenched tightly.

"That mad woman you allied with is the reason my daughter is dead," The emperor shouted. 

Julian held his ground, unflinching. "You know as well as I that Sendredie did not kill Verenia," Julian replied, pushing down his sorrow. 

"That's a lie! If not for Sendredie's madness, my daughter would have never ventured into the abyssal plane," The emperor retorted.

Julian took a deep breath, straightening his back.

"Verenia did what any cultivator would do. She died in the pursuit of power," Julian replied. 

The emperor's aura spiked for only a moment, but that was still too much. Most of the spiritual plants in the garden withered and died.

Julian clasped his hands behind his back, letting the emperor's rage and grief wash over him.

The emperor took a deep breath, getting control of himself before speaking.

"So, why did you return?" The emperor asked sourly.

"I have found hints that the Eternal Throne is re-emerging", Julian said. 

"Are you sure," The emperor asked, doubtfully.

"Yes, during my travels I found one of the keys," Julian replied. 

The emperor's anger fled. It was replaced by a look of calculation as his mind raced over the implications.

"I presume you found this key in blood gorger territory," The emperor asked.

"I believe the eternal throne will emerge somewhere in the cosmic river within the next eleven years," Julian nodded. 

The emperor's eyes widen, his cunning mind already at work scheming. "This changes things. That is not much time to prepare. Come, we must meet with generals. Oh, and from now on, I was the one who ordered you into the blood-gorger territory." The emperor said.

"There is something else you might wish to hear," Julian said.

The emperor whirled on him, "What is it," He asked, with much of his usually good mood returned.

"Glendale of the Terlashar and I have struck a formal alliance. It will last until the throne emerges," Julian said.

"That's excellent news, I will send an envoy. Come, we have a lot of work to do, and little time to do it," The Emperor said. 

Julian bowed," Of course your eminence,"

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