

Kosuke walked side by side with Sora as they made their way to the next class. Coincidentally, it was a class taught by his homeroom teacher Shizuka.

With the short distance, the two were of the first half of the class to arrive.

Kosuke seeing the back row mostly filled sat in the front for a change. His homeroom teacher was quite intriguing to him.

Her strict exterior yet caring interior was quite fascinating. It was normal for teachers to put on a caring front but not actually think about what they displayed. Kosuke could only count on one hand how many teachers were like her.

It should be mentioned that Kosuke did not know all the merged world that he was living in. If the fictional world had been created after he first got the system he was completely in the dark about them.

(AN: Ok in his original world I changed what anime were created when. I did this so not every encounter felt like he was trying to just get in good graces with the main characters. Perhaps I should also make sure this is emphasized because I don't feel like adding this to his development. This is Kosuke's reality and he has accepted that. Even if he once viewed them as fictional, those part of his life are even more real to him than even his past life.)

As soon as Kosuke took his seat Sora was quick to follow suit sitting next to him on his left.

Kosuke couldn't help but to smile at his lovable maid. The way she always had a blank look in her eyes as if not having thought in her brain yet could give all her attention to every detail of her surroundings was a contrast Kosuke loved about her.

In fact, she remained the only person Kosuke could not see through completely. Her mind was a mystery even to him, an ability she had that could rival even Kosuke's inhuman talent.

After a few minutes with almost all of the class arriving Shizuka began her lesson. She spent the majority of the time going over a few things before giving us a bit of time for more introduction.

There's no need to say that the one or two kids who came in late did not have a fun time.




After Modern Japanese came lunch. Like yesterday, Kosuke headed to the vending machine and grabbed a few snacks.

When he opened the door to the roof, sure enough, he was greeted with the sight of Aki in the middle of devouring a bag of chips. Yoshino was behind her holding another bag of snacks.

As soon as Aki made eye contact with Kosuke she swallowed. The excess chips on her face were wiped away by Yoshino as Aki's face turned slightly red.

"At least knock first," Aki spoke with her head lowered.

"I thought my girlfriend would appreciate my visit. Was I wrong?" Kosuke teased.

That embarrassing sight of her did nothing but make him see her as cute.

"G-girlfriend." Aki with a slight smile looked up but then downward again not letting anyone see the redness on her face.

"F-fine. Bring me those." Aki still kept her head down as she pointed at the snacks he was carrying all the while she gestured for Yoshino to put some hand sanitizer on her other hand.

By the time Kosuke's shadow entered her field of vision her hands were clean, and she could finally do what she truly wanted to.

While slightly raising her head she slowly stood up with both her hand grabbing the other behind her.

"You can come here anytime. You're my b-boyfriend after all..." Aki's voice trailed off at the end but Kosuke heard it all.

To hide her embarrassment she took another step forward and buried her face in his chest. Her arms followed from behind and wrapped around his waist.

Kosuke with a happy smile reciprocated the hug while giving her a small kiss on the top of her head.

While this was happening behind Aki, Yoshino had a very complicated expression. Her love for her master combined with her 'hate' for Kosuke made the scene a bit troubling. At least, that's what she wanted to think.

Sora who was also to the side could only mentally shake her head at the girl. Turning to Kosuke and Aki she couldn't help but smile.

Perhaps it was weird for her as someone who loves him to be happy seeing him with another girl, but it was also weird to try and subject Sora to normal human views.

She was Kosuke's maid, and what that truly meant to her was something not even Kosuke was aware of.

After the hug finally finished Aki made no move to get out of his embrace. Seeing this Kosuke too did not back away, instead, he just held her by her waist.

Aki's face was still red. Her embarrassment, however, wouldn't stop her from spending time with Kosuke.

After around 5 minutes the four sat on a picnic blanket that Kosuke had brung in preparation.

Aki still sat leaning on Kosuke although she was extremely stiff and the only movement she made was to shut up her repeatedly grumbling stomach.

After a while, Aki albeit still nervous loosened up a bit enough that she could get comfortable in his arms.

Then again after they finished lunch and the period was close to being over her boldness increased and she ended up laying on his lap.

"So, did you talk with Sena?" Kosuke while running his hands through Aki's silky hair spoke.

"Nn, I did. She tried to hide it but... well I guess you should find that out yourself. You should meet her, she's just as hurt as I was you know." Aki spoke while enjoying his caress.

"I know... I'll catch her today." Kosuke momentarily stopped his hand but continued when he heard Aki 'huff' in disapproval.

When lunch was over the four went back downstairs. Aki had reluctantly parted herself from Kosuke although not until Kosuke kissed her.

She was like Sora in the way that she wouldn't speak what she wanted when it came to physical intimacy.

On the way down the stairs, Kosuke caught sight of Chika and Shōko walking side by side while smiling. Kaguya on the other hand couldn't be seen with them.

Perhaps she thought it best to not get close to Shōko.

With those thoughts, Aki and Yoshino broke away from Kosuke and Sora as they had different classes.

Aki and Sena lived in the same apartment so it wasn't strange if they met again.

Kosuke's next class was English followed by a double period on world history.

These classes too focused on introductions and Kosuke got to meet some faces he recognized as well as various others he didn't.

(AN: I don't want to introduce too many characters at the start, so I'm going to focus on the characters already presented.)

After school, Kosuke and Sora had met up with Mai and Yozora.




"So what do you want to do?"

This question came from Kosuke. He was currently walking next to Mai after dropping Yozora off.

Mai while gazing dispassionately at the missed call that read 'mother', could only sight before turning her phone off and putting it back in her pocket.

"Truthfully... I want to act. But... I feel like if I went back I would be giving her what she wanted." Mai spoke with a low grumble as she lowered her gaze to the concrete below her.

While still lost in thought she suddenly felt herself being tugged as she lost her footing and nearly fell before Kosuke wrapped an arm around her and held her by the waist.

"You seriously need to get it together," Kosuke spoke while looking at Mai like she was helpless.

Mai finally gained enough awareness to see that she was milliseconds away from crashing into an old lady walking with a cane.

"I'm sorry ma'am." Mai lowered her head, internally berating herself.

"Not a problem dear, keep your head up. Your far too cute to let only the ground see you." The old woman waved away her apology before continuing about her walk.

Mai seeing the old lady slowly walk away could only give a helpless smile before sitting at the bench of a nearby empty bus stop.

"You're right, this isn't like me. Maybe... maybe she's getting to me more than I thought." Mai spoke before staring up at Kosuke who followed behind her.

The way she looked was as if asking Kosuke. It was fairly obvious she was looking for comfort at the moment. Unfortunately, however, comfort was not what she was given.

Kosuke while resting his arm on Sora's shoulder spoke.

"Stop letting other people dictate what you do. Do what you want to do, and stop letting your mother get in your head." Kosuke spoke sternly while next to him Sora crossed her arms and nodded. The two resembled parents lecturing their daughter.

"Ughh, I don't know how to act when you two do that..." Mai stood up.

"But you are right... she has been in my head." A bit of resolution made its way to Mai's face.

Sora seeing that formed a slight smile as she walked up and patted the girl on the head.

Kosuke followed suit and brung Mai into a long hug.

It should be mentioned that the two were in public and with their fame, it wasn't likely for them to not be recognized.

The only reason they were not swarmed left and right was simply because of the pressure Sora gave off at all times.

It wasn't some type of magical ability and instead something psychological Kosuke had taught her. It was a pressure that completely blocked people from approaching.

The only exception to this were people Kosuke went to school with along with normal passer-by. Essentially people who were trying to approach him for autographs and the like were kept at a distance.

There were times for him to meet his fans and his personal life was not one of them.

One may also question how such a thing as psychological pressure was a thing. To that Kosuke could only say that his talents were more than advertised.

"Mmm, that feels nice." Kosuke while still hugging Mai whispered in her ear.

Mai was confused for a bit before her face turned red and she was made clear of the nice-sized protruding lumps pressed against Kosuke.

While still keeping the hug she mumbled the words 'pervert' before using her right thumb and pointer finger to pinch his back.

In the end, however, she wasn't able to as there was no fat to pinch.

"You say that, yet you don't back away." Kosuke chuckled.

"Hmph, just consider it a reward for helping me open my eyes," Mai spoke with her face turning an even deeper shade of red. Unintentionally she pulled herself closer to him.

"A reward huh, in that case, I think I'd rather take it somewhere more relaxing." Kosuke backed away as he spoke with an evil glint.

Mai looked a little sad at the disappearance of his warmth but soon that too disappeared with the wind.

"Too bad, that was just an in-the-moment thing, your reward has been claimed already sorry," Mai spoke with a smile.

Unfortunately, like she had learned so many times in the past, teasing Kosuke wasn't possible.

With one hand Kosuke held her again by her waist. This time however his hand was dangerously close to her ass.

"We both know if I asked I can get that reward anytime I want." Kosuke leaned in and whispered.

His eyes pierced her own as she felt every word penetrate her defenses. The worst part...he was right.

Kosuke gave her a kiss on the cheek before backing away.

Mai was left still, her face completely red as she didn't even try to hide her fluster.

Kosuke didn't seem to care however and as if nothing happened he began walking alongside Sora as he spoke up again.

"I do have connections to a different agency, I could get you a role."

"I-I will think about it." Mai finally began walking although her face remained as red as a tomato.

Soon the three arrived back at their apartment. Kosuke after changing clothes left Sora and Mai at his apartment while he made his way over to Aki's.

He usually would bring Sora, but at times like these, he needed to go solo.




"Hmm, great. Bring me the key by tomorrow night."Kosuke while finishing up a phone call arrived at the apartment.

It was a fair distance away from his own but not too far. As he rang the bell for Sena's apartment he simultaneously sent a text to Sora.

'Normal training begins this weekend.'




Surprisingly the person to open the door to the apartment for Kosuke wasn't Sena but Aki.

With the door, open Kosuke could clearly hear the sounds of questionable dialogue coming from a room across the hallway.

"I didn't expect for you to come over so quick," Aki spoke as she opened the door wider to let him in.

"Well, this is important," Kosuke spoke before giving her a peck on the lips much to her happiness.

He didn't miss the slight dread in her voice. His purpose for coming over was obvious and that was a fact she still has complex emotions of.

The kiss was meant to give her a bit of closure.

"Stop you, idiot. You came for Sena, right? Go get her." As much as she sounded like a jealous girlfriend her words were to get out of the embarrassing situation.

Kosuke while running his hand through her hair went toward the room where the sounds were coming from.




(Yes Alexander, ram your long thick sword into my sheath! PIERCE ME.)

Kosuke watches in amusement as a focused Sena rapidly clicks away at buttons on her controller.


The sound continues to play from the speaker.


Kosuke's fake cough was louder than the audio effectively gaining Sena's attention.

Kosuke watched as her pupils seemingly widened as she stared at him.

For a few seconds, no one moved until Sena suddenly sprang to her feet. Tears dripped from her eyes and her face turned crimson red.

"K-Kosuke!" She screamed trying to block his view from the giant television.


The audio kept playing as Sena desperately waved her hands. Sena seeing no other option slammed her foot straight on top of the power button of the game console.

"So, should I come back at a different time?" Kosuke smirked at the flustered Sena.

"It's a very amazing game filled with action and romance," Sena screamed out as she took a few steps forward.

"No need to defend yourself, if that's what you like then who am I to judge." Kosuke couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Ugh. I-IT'S NOT SMUT OKAY?! The female lead was just pronouncing her love to the main character. IT'S A VERY GOOD GAME FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE AMAZING TASTE." Sena kept rambling trying to save herself at least the tiniest bit of dignity.

"I never said it was smut." Kosuke put his hands out in defense. His smile was still present something that only made Sena redder.

"Why do I need to defend myself anyway, who do you think you are bursting into a young girl's room like that?" Sena redirected the blame to Kosuke as she crossed her arms in protest.

"I knocked multiple times you just never answered. Maybe you were too engrossed in your 'game'." Kosuke spoke as he stared at the case of the game she was playing.

With the evolution of technology, it wasn't often someone would go out to buy a physical copy of a game. As it seemed this girl was a big fan of the franchise.

"FORGET ABOUT IT!" Sena wailed as she belly-flopped onto her bed.

Kosuke while closing the door also made his way over to the bed and sat at its edge. For a while, it remained silent as Sena kept her head on her pillow.

"You talked with Aki?" Kosuke broke the silence as he stared at her back. Sena currently only had on a blue tank top and black shorts.

She was well developed in all areas and that combined with the fact that her shirt rolled up a bit when she jumped on the bed gave him a nice sight.

"Yeah... So you guys are dating now huh?" Sena moved in a way that she could take a peek at Kosuke's face.

"Yes. You know why I am here then." Kosuke pulled at the girl's arms forcing her to sit up. Her expression changed multiple times before, in the end, it stopped at one of resolution.

Standing up she turned herself to face Kosuke.

In a fast motion, she crossed her arms and used them to pull up her tank top. In a second her large breast sprung out only covered by a white laced F cup bra.

Sena, still not done yet then moved her hands down to her shorts and began wiggling them down her curvy hips.

Her bent-over posture gave Kosuke a good view of her breast that bounced and swayed.

Soon though she got one of her legs free from the shorts and used it to push down the remainder of the shorts.

Now with her clothes completely off she was left in nothing but her white laced underwear.

She stood in front of Kosuke with her face dyed red. Slowly she raised her right arm before pointing her index finger at him.

"Kosuke Miyamura I challenge you to a sex duel," Sena yelled as she fidgeted around a bit.

'What the hell is this girl on?' Kosuke internally questioned as he gave a glance at the door across the room.

"If I win, me and Aki will be the only two." Sena continued.

"And how exactly do you 'win'?" Kosuke entertained the fidgeting girl.

"T-that. Well... Whoever c-cums first loses." Sena spoke with the latter part of her words a whisper.

"Hmm, that's it? Ok fine." Kosuke spoke before in seconds he had Sena on the bed.

Sena tried to speak but all her words simply didn't come out.

Slowly Kosuke ran his hand on the inside of her thigh. As he reached the top his hands slowly traced past her already damp underwear causing Sena to shudder.

She wore a complex expression of arousal and need but still said nothing. She only stiffened herself and closed her eyes.

Kosuke had already noticed this reaction yet still continued.

For a few seconds, he did nothing but play with her using his hands before finally he stopped completely.

When that happened Sena began opening her eyes only for soon after her chin to be grabbed. Kosuke stared into her eyes as he uttered a single word.


The moment he spoke Sena shuddered as her eyes dazedly stared at him. A few seconds later she came down from her high as Kosuke backed away from her and stood up.

"Looks like I win." He chuckled as he stared at the arousing sight of Sena in a disheveled state.

"W-what, you can't do that. THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES." Sena screamed before finally noticing her appearance and picking up the cover that was next to her.

Kosuke seeing her refusal to give up put on a serious face as he sat back on the bed.

"You know I can see through you right?" Kosuke spoke while staring into the girl's eyes.

"Ughh, I can at least try, right?" Sena rolled over on her bed ending with her being exposed again, although she didn't seem to notice.

Truthfully, Sena had already made her decision after Aki came to talk to her. The entire 'sex duel' was just a ploy for her to steal Kosuke's first time. Little did she know however that a certain silver-haired maid had already done that.

"Sena. I love you." Kosuke spoke seriously at the blonde-haired girl.

"I-I know, I... love you too. Just make sure you don't neglect us ok?" Sena spoke with her face yet again turning red.

Kosuke hearing those words could only smile warmly as he in seconds was laying right next to Sena and while holding her by the waist brought her into a kiss.

The kiss lasted a few minutes before with Sena still in his arms Kosuke sat up and looked at the door.

"Aki, you can stop eavesdropping now."

For a few seconds, everything remained silent until the door began to creek open and Aki stumbled in.

"Geez, Aki have you been listening the entire time." Sena albeit kinda embarrassed called out to her best friend.

"I-I just wanted to make sure this beast didn't do anything to you," Aki stuttered although her red face ruined her attempt at being cold.

Kosuke's reaction was only to reach out his left arm signaling for Aki to join them. Soon after Aki began walking forward before finally arriving in his embrace.

For around 20 minutes the three lay cuddled up on the bed. Sena and Aki whispered to each other excitedly during that time while Kosuke just enjoyed the comfort.

"Kosuke, what's your relationship with Sora." Seemingly out of nowhere Sena asked, perhaps already suspicious.

"If you're wondering whether we have had sex then yes, yes we have. As for our actual relationship, she is my maid. That is what she want's to be so I haven't pushed for anything further." Kosuke's words caused Sena and Aki to be left speechless.

"Does it upset you that she was the one to take my first?" Kosuke questioned the two although his voice was relaxed.


"Nah. I like Sora, and well she deserves it." Sena spoke as she got more comfortable in his arms. Aki to the side nodded.

"Hmm, well that's good. Anyway how about I make dinner tonight?" Kosuke spoke.

"YES, wait here I'll tell Yoshino not to cook." Aki with the promise of Kosuke's legendary cooking rushed out of the room in search of Yoshino.

"You go first, I have to do... something." Sena turned her head to face Kosuke.

Kosuke seeing that nodded his head.

"Alright, but..."

With one swift motion, Kosuke put Sena on his lap. Her body faced him and her legs wrapped around his back.

"That 'sex duel' thing, why don't we try that some other time?" As he spoke he grinded her damp panty-clad cave against his covered hardened member.

The stimulation made Sena moan as she wrapped her arms around his neck and moved her hips herself.

Even if she didn't speak this was confirmation that she was ready anytime.

The two had known each other long enough that taking things slow was irrelevant.

It would be the same with Aki but she was naturally shy and it would take some time before they got to that.

Kosuke might even have done what Sena wanted today if it weren't for the fact that Aki was outside the door.

After Kosuke separated from Sena he gave her one final kiss before making his way out of the room.

With Sena being the only one remaining she waited for Kosuke's footsteps to fully fade before she shot up and made her way to the door.

She flipped the switch on the doorknob and tried to turn it. When she was confident that it was locked she started removing her remaining underwear.

In seconds she was completely naked as she ran the rest of the distance to the bed. Her tits swayed behind her as she ran until finally, she arrived at one of her many pillows. A perverted smile overtook her face.

Double checking that she was in the clear one last time she took that pillow and undid the zipper of the pillowcase.

She reached her hand inside and seconds later pulled out a rectangular-shaped of piece of paper. This paper depicted a sweating Kosuke in the process of running.

His shirt was off letting the world see his well-toned body. With the picture, Sena jumped back into bed, and just as she had done many times before completely ruined her bed.




By the time Sena had come out of her room, dinner had already been completed.

Yoshino who sat to the right of Aki at the table was a bit dissatisfied, however, that all changed when they finally got to eat his food.

Who knew that the system could give him a talent that lets him reach 'food wars' level of skill?




Kosuke arrived back at around 9 after leaving Aki and Sena's apartments. His happiness was obvious to tell by the smile on his face.

Sora who was waiting at the door as soon as she heard the door, also smiled upon seeing this.

"I'm home," Kosuke spoke upon seeing his lovable maid.

"Welcome home, master." Sora bowed before heading up to him and taking off his coat.

"Did you eat?" Kosuke asked while taking off his shoes.

"Yes, I had the leftovers from yesterday."

Hearing that Kosuke who left his shoes by the door walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. Their faces drew closer until finally, their lips overlapped.

The kiss lasted around 10 minutes as Kosuke was still a bit pent up from today's events.

When the kiss finally ended Sora practically climbed on top of him wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

'Well, I guess it is her time of the month.' Kosuke thought as he began walking toward the bath.

Unlike normal girl's Sora didn't have intense mood swings during her period. Instead, she just got a stronger desire for physical contact.




During the bath, Sora never left his lap. Even when she was cleaning him she just sat on top of him and used her body and a sponge.

It was quite amusing how she had seemingly developed a skill with this unique way of cleaning. Nonetheless, Kosuke just enjoyed his maid's attention.




The two left the bath after drying off and brushing their teeth, they wore nothing but a bathrobe.

When they arrived at their room, before Kosuke could begin to get dressed Sora dropped her robe.

She had long since noticed Kosuke's erection and she wouldn't be his dutiful maid if she didn't handle it. Even if she was on her period she still had a lot of ways to satisfy him.

"Would you like to use my other hole master?" Sora smiled as she untied Kosuke's robe and watched it fall to the ground.

With them, both now naked Kosuke picked the girl up by her ass and brought her to the bed.

"You don't have to force yourself you know? Just use your mouth." Kosuke while laying against the pillow spoke.

"Nn" Sora nodded before moving down his waist. The way she was facing gave Kosuke a good view of her tantalizing ass and pink pussy. He could also for a second see her breast complete with her cherry pink nipples.

The sight overall only served to increase Kosuke's arousal as he suddenly felt a wet and tightening sensation on his dick.

At the same time, he too began pleasuring Sora. He focused on her thighs and clit as they were her most sensible places.




Around 2 hours later. Kosuke lay on the bed with Sora on top of him. They both wore nothing but their underwear.

They needed to take another bath afterward, it was a habit they had developed as a result of having all their activities after they washed up.




(3rd person POV)

The next morning. After working out the two went back to the bath before heading out to school after meeting with Mai. Today they were picking up Yozora so they left a little earlier.

It didn't take long to arrive at her apartment where she was already standing outside. Upon seeing the three she happily skipped over.




In the auditorium, a blue-haired, blue-eyed girl yet again leads the school in some type of chant.

The students were all pretty lifeless as they spoke showing how little they cared.




After homeroom, today Kosuke's first class was math. Looking around the room he saw in the same location their group was at last time, Chika, Shōko, and Kaguya all in the back row.

"Good morning." Kosuke and Sora took their seat also in the back row with Kosuke near Kaguya.

"Morning." Chika cheerfully waved as she bent over to see past Kaguya.

Shōko was the same as she too greeted Kosuke. (Good morning.)

Kosuke smiled until he watched the girl's gaze turn away from him onto the person next to him. Seeing her line of sight Kosuke lightly elbowed Sora who was next to him.

Sora got the memo as she turned her body and while giving a slight smile signed to Shōko. (Nice to meet you.)

Shōko while beaming moved her hands in super speed. (Nice to meet you as well.)

Soon after the exchange, a clumsy Yuri stumbled into the room, yet again beginning another interesting math period.


"Hehe, more." On the rooftop of the school, 5 people can be seen spread out on a blanket. Leaning directly on the railing that outlines the roof, Kosuke sits upright while a girl sits directly on his lap.

"Geez, you two have no decency." Next to the two, a girl bites down on a cookie as she stares red-faced at the duo who for the 1,000th time locked lips.

Sena with her arms wrapped around his neck try's to dominate Kosuke's tongue with her own but yet again fails and falls into his pace.

The intense display was watched in full by Aki who simply could not take her eyes off.

"Hehe, if your jealous just say so." Sena after the two parted breathed roughly before sticking her tongue out at Aki.

"I'm not jealous-Whaa-mmmm!" Aki tries to rebuttal but Kosuke doesn't give her a chance as he pulls her forward by her arm and steals her lips.

For a few seconds, she fidgeted around in defiance but soon all her defenses fell as she fell into a daze and simply let his tongue do as it liked. Even if she didn't want to admit it she was in fact jealous and a bit disappointed in herself that she couldn't be as bold as Sena.

Luckily for her, she had a boyfriend that would always make the first move and in that way, she was never attention deprived.

For a few minutes, Kosuke with his right arm holds Aki by her waist as their lips stay connected. His left hand meanwhile plays with Sena's hair as she lays her head on his chest.

A few feet away from the trio two beauties sat both sitting on a bench and watching the scene. One had a smile on her face as she watched her master while the other had a bit of a complex frown.




School ended after a couple more periods. He on this day had P.E where he observed even more familiar faces. He didn't get to meet them however as the entire period was spent checking the physical ability of the girls and boys as well as a simple check-up. This of course was done separately.

Like usual Kosuke walked with his group, the only difference being the addition of Aki, Sena, and Yoshino. The three were coming over to see Kosuke's apartment and eat his food.




The simple house seeing turned into a small party as the group played a few games. In the end, though a driver came to pick up the three.

This left just Mai, Kosuke, and Sora.

"So what's this agency you have connections with?" A black-haired girl speaks trying to hold back the embarrassment she was currently feeling.

Currently, Kosuke was sitting on the couch claiming his reward as he was getting a lap pillow from Mai.

"Star Light. It's one that gave me a few offers for movie rolls. I've been on set before, the staff is nice and they aren't sketchy like a lot of other agencies nowadays." Kosuke spoke as he enjoyed the comfort of her stocking-clad thighs.

"SL, huh? I've heard of them... Ok, have you already talked to them?" Mai nodded approvingly as she stared down into Kosuke's eyes below.

"Of course, we can go visit if you want to see for yourself before deciding." Kosuke nodded.

"That's fine... I trust you." Mai blushed yet couldn't help but smile.

Kosuke in response rolled over. His face was now buried inside her thighs as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"HEY!! That wasn't a part of it, pervert." Mai pinched his neck in protest but after a while gave up.

"Fine... Just this once, I'll let you indulge in the never-ending desire you must feel when being around me." Mai spoke as if a goddess speaking to a mortal but her face was showing something completely different.

With Kosuke not able to see her face, she allowed her expression to melt into that of overwhelming glee and happiness.

Mai and Kosuke's relationship had always in a way frustrated her yet filled her with happiness. Even back when they were kids Kosuke would tease her relentlessly. She was never able to flip the tables on him like he had done to her every time she tried to tease him.

Even as they grew up and they had an obvious interest in each other that relationship never changed. Kosuke never asked her for something more and she herself was too stubborn to make the first move.

Sometimes she felt like smashing a brick against his head for being so annoying other times she wants to slap herself for not just outright confessing.

Alas, feelings were not that easy. Even if she knew of the attraction he held for her, somewhere deep inside she was afraid of rejection.

So for now they were at a standstill. At least, they were currently, as thanks to the recent development involving two girls, Mai finds herself slowly losing patience.




Around 30 minutes later Mai leaves for her room as Sora and Kosuke go about their usual routine. With Sora still on her period, she found various other ways of satisfying her master.


(AN: Pleaseeeeeee, notify me of mistakes in spelling or if I accidentally call the mc Akio instead of Kosuke.)

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