
Gawee Cart Potentials

Gawee Cary Potential


However, to enhance that, he needed to study a part of them. The good thing was he had already collected the refined scales of the three dragons. So he can use it as a base.

Just like he used Vera Aspecto using her scales, in truth that was a rudimentary way of using that ability. Of course, some dragons need certain organs to use their ability but Seth didn't need the scales to use his voice.

As he read about Vera Aspecto his eyes widened in shock and surprise, he has been blind to the various ways of utilizing the Aspectos.

Vera's scales are very special instruments, each one was a device capable of capturing any kind of sound, even if it can't be heard by normal ears and sound sensory organs.

Ascendent Seth wrote down about their ultimate use and that was Sound Configuration.

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