
Chapter 22: Tested at the Door

Vix moved in front of Caine, shielding him, fear and loathing pooling inside her. He, too, had just noticed the metal face of the man standing before them. A mixture of horror and fury intermingled across his disguised features.

The hood concealing the man’s face shifted even further as he looked at them. Vix gasped slightly. She had expected to see the Riverman’s skull face leering at her, with its awful, orange, piercing eyes. But the face of the gray cloaked man was different, a patchwork of flesh and metal, not a mask at all.

The right part of his jawline was polished chrome, catching the light from the melting ice far above. One of his eyes was ordinary, brown, and deep-set. But the other seemed to be made of iron, glinting from deep in its socket. There was a barely audible clicking sound as it swiveled around to look at Vix.

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