
chapter xxxvi

Mathew fatherhood

His parents bring him back to Salt City, they are in his parents house waiting for dinner to be served. " I never going to see it born or grow up, I am not a rapist we loved each other, we were in love, said. Mathew, " you do not get it she wasn't your age ri her family it was rape, you force and took a part of her, you claim love she wanted no part of you get it boy grow up be a man, time you act responsible, his father told him. " you not ready to have a family or the responsibly of it, you have no money, house, or living hood, to you being a cowboy it's danty, not for a gal and a kid, a wife and a kid, she is with your baby. I would like to be there for the baby, stay we are going to see would her parents would meet with us, said. His mother, they got in the wagon and left, this is a cold night, all of their kids are in the house by the fireplace, as they getting dinner started, back in Dodge town, they walked out of the office. " you boys are coming along nicely, said. Marco, " with your help we have Mrs. Garrett back no time, said. Hank, "[jes what we having for dinner?] asked, hank. [Duck with all the fixings, ] said. Jessie, "[ humble pie, and tea by the fireplace, ] said. Marco, "[ yes dad, you will be staying tonight it's going to be bad tonight, we told them to stay here, ] said. Jordan, " Governor Anderson, we like to speak with the gal parents. Said, Mathew father, " [sounds like a good idea, the winter microburst is going to happen tonight, ] will her mother is at home but her father is right here. Said, Marco. " I don't talk on a empty stomach and without my wife, they got on their horses, " they must be good cooks, said. Mathew mother, " sound ask to me. Said, Thomas. " [ Jessie Jordan do we have room for two more, the rapist parents wish to talk with you and Hank, ]-[" scratch that how are baby doing?] Asked. Hank, " [ why he not married her or getting in our grandkids life's, tell them these words in this order go jump off a cliff, she here rest dad, she asking for you both, ] said. Jessie, "[ he is not welcome in this family, tell all three to go jump in a creek, ] said. Jordan, "[ you two stop it, ] what do you want exactly? Asked. Marco, " to see and be in our new grandkids life and help out, said. Mathew father, " can we help with our grandkid, said. Mathew father, " we got her, she our daughter and she is not married to him, she has her mother and father brothers, and sisters, brothers in law, sisters in law, nephews and nieces, and great niece, nephews, cousins, cousins in law, second cousins and Aunt and uncle, and grandfather, that all she needs brother. Said, Hank. " family first and you three aren't family, so do us a favor find him a wife thar is his own age, keep him way from our daughters, grandchildren and great grandkids, and we wouldn't have transfer him to Diamond prison camp for breaking the law, dinner is waiting, they left, " we just want to see him or her born hold in love to, he doesn't have to know about the baby, please Govenor Anderson help us. Said, Mathew mother, " let me talked with them after dinner, said. Marco, he ride off, they head back to the city. They pulled up at the house, " grandpoppy!! Called. Connor Berry and Melissa, " my grandbabies, said. Hank and Thomas, " what grappy don't get non, asked. Marco, they got done sitting the table, ' kids dinner is ready, said.Jordan, they walked into the house, " just in time, dinner is ready, the microburst is almost here, said. Jessie, they shut the door and locked,q they walked upstairs and in Kendall. " daddy uncle Thomas, " hey sweet pea how are you feeling? Asked. Hank, " i don't want them in my baby life, it's there fault that i am ruin. Saod, Kendall. " you not ruin honey, Aunt Jordan and me,mom and dad, os not agreung to do that a you think youcan way,mom and Aunt Jordan cooked an h#ck of a meal, psaid. Thomas, everyone came in the kitchen and said down at the table, " wow mom everything looks great if I would went with him I've missed this, said. Kendall, " yeah not fun miss mothers milk, homemade meals, being here little sis. Said, Heather. " mom and dad and Aunt Jordan and Uncle Thomas just want the best for all of us, said. Jessica, " we not just a family we an team outfit sis, said. Chessie. " we serve and teach the law the right way, sis we wouldn't be the same without you here, said. Cora, they bless the food, and Jordan and Jessie is helping their families plates. " I gladly ro be here, I be missing everyone like crazy, I need my family. Said, Kendall. Outside coming out of the snow a skin walker turn into a wolf and run through the snow, they start to eat, " I got an telegram from Chesterfield county, looks like they got an new mayor, and marshal. Said, Marco. " how long that is going to last? Asked. Hank, " it is going to take a miracle to get that county up right, said. Thomas, good northern family Night, suddenly the winter microburst hits Houston Texas, colds winds, ice, the house and Barnhouse and the farmhouse shook hard, and but in Solar City got hit with rain and ice, building is getting hammered, people don't know what to do now, after they got done eating and cleaning up the kitchen, they is all in the family room by the fireplace getting warm, wrapped in blankets with their pillows, Jordan and Jessie walked in with trays of pics and mothers milk and tea, they pass them around

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