
Chapter 193: Do you plan to add her to your Harem?

Sam heaved a sigh of relief after the vampires had left. They got out of hiding and walked toward Elsa.

"I think it's high time we leave." Kevin said.

"That is what I was about to say." Sam added.

"That girl, her words means something. There is something going on that we don't know about." Elsa said.

"I know, but we have to leave now." Kevin said as he grabbed Elsa and Sam's hands.

"Teleport us now." He ordered and sam nodded in agreement.

In a blink of an eye, the three appeared on the other side which was in the black market.

"Listen carefully Sam, we don't know if there are any vampires here. Since we have half vampires and half elves, and vampires who could pretend to be fairies of elves, we need to be careful not to tell anyone about Elsa or our journey to the vampire city. Understood." Kevin warned Sam and he nodded slightly.

Just then, a few ladies started making their way toward Kevin as his wives gave him a heartfelt hug.

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