
Volume IV: The Senju Clan Chapter 29: Senju Representative

Looking at Tsunade, Hiruzen asked "Do you have anything else to say?"

"Yes. From the report I got from the time were that traitorous man was apprehended, it was clear the Shisui was being naive, and I agree with it, but it's because of his age. So I would like suggest sensei to take Shisui in and train him to become a worthy Hokage."

"And why not Fugaku?" Hiruzen asked.

"There are two factors, one of them is that the Hokage has to be unbiased to any clan and always think about the future of the village, this was said by my granduncle, Tobirama Senju the Second Hokage."

The clan members nodded, they know what the First Hokage did to his friend Madara Uchiha when he became a threat to the village, the Second Hokage died in the battle field to protect the future of the village, the Fourth Hokage gave his life in order to save the village from total anililation by the Nine Tails. As for the Third Hokage, they have the doubts about the unbiased personality as he let Orochimaru escape the village after what he has done and kept silent about the assassination attempt by Danzo, and instead of executing him on the spot for treason.

Hiruzen looked at the rest of the clan heads and from their eye's it's clear to him what they were all thinking, and he knows very well about himself that he was biased when it came to dealing with Orochimaru and Danzo. Sighing Hiruzen asked the Clan Council members "Are you all in favor for this arrangement?"

"Hai." Everyone accepted that suggestion, because that will be good. And from the things that they have heard, Shisui always had a neutral mentality in the issue between his Clan and the Village, and that is what a Hokage should have. An unbiased personality and have to think about the village as a whole.

Fugaku agreed to this because he knows that he will be biased to his clan no matter what. Even though it's vexing to lose the chance to become the Hokage second time, Fugaku doesn't have any ill thoughts as he fully knows himself more that others.

"Alright, the next four years, Shisui will be studying under me while. That's all for the meeting." Hiruzen said that and everyone was about to leave the office, but was stopped by Tsunade's voice.

"If everyone could stay for a minute, it will be helpful."

Even though they were confused all of them sat back on their chair, even the Hokage.

As she got everyone's attention she said "Everyone knows that most of the time I'm not in the village, right?"

The council members nodded.

"Because of that, I'm not able attend the important meetings. So, as the last remaining direct lineage of my grandfather, I would like to make my cousin, Bokuto Nara to be the representative."

As she said that there were different reactions in the office room.

Hiruzen sighed seeing his student making her cousin the representative and going to gamble on from now on just like before.

"Troublesome... " Shikaku said that hearing what Tsuade have told the whole council.

Bokuto was looking at Tsunade, knowing full well she's doing this so that he won't bother her again like this time.

As for the rest of the clan heads and Shisui and Itachi, their face had utter confusion.

So to clear it up, Hiashi asked "What do you mean by cousin, Tsunade-sama?"

"Mmm, cousin means cousin. He's the son of Itama Senju, grandson of Tobirama Senju." Tsunade told them.

''What?'' Was the question the Clan Heads asked, with Inoichi and Choza looking at Shikaku for some explanation.

Seeing them looking at him, Shikaku said "Mayumi-nee."

When the two of them heard that name they had a face of understanding and nodded.

Shisui and Itachi were surprised to know that their friend is the grandson of the Second Hokage.

Looking at them Tsunade asked "What? Don't tell me you forgot about Itama?"

"No, we haven't forgotten about him at all." Fugaku said, "After all Itama-san did save my life in the Third Shinobi war." Then looking at Bokuto he said "Now, I owe you're family two times."

Bokuto just nodded.

Hiashi then asked "So does that mean Bokuto will take his fathers clan name?"

Now all of them looked at Bokuto, who looked at Shikaku. Seeing Bokuto looking at him, Shikaku said with a smile. "Whatever your surname is, you will always be welcomed in the Nara Clan."

Bokuto nodded at him and told Hiruzen "Hokage-sama, I would like to change my name, from Bokuto Nara to Bokuto Senju."

"Hmmm that can be done." Then looking at the council Hiruzen said "Even though the Senju Clan has dissolved, they do have one vote like the rest of the clan council for their main family."


"Then the meeting is dismissed, and Shisui, your training will start from tomorrow onwards." Hiruzen said.

"Hai Lord Third." Shisui replied.

After that everyone went their seperate ways and Bokuto teleported Tsunade back to where he got her from.




<Chapter 29 End>

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