
Chapter 35

"Meixiu, you go with me later."

Xiaowen started a conversation. Xiaohui looks at her mother in confusion as she takes a bite of her food.

"Where are you going?"

Xiaohui asks her mother.

"I'm going to teach Meixiu how to find antiques! So she can sell it and help you with the money."

"Mom, you're not even good at it."

Xiaowen look at Xiaohui.

"The store owner told me I pick the good one. And I have a talent for picking antiques."

Xiaohui could only shake her head. She tugs on Meixiu's shirt, making the taller look at her.

"Take care of my mom for me. You know her."

Meixiu smiled and nodded.

After eating, Meixiu and Xiaowen quickly left the house to the Antique Streets. Antique Street is famous for selling antiques. It was always dwelled by foreigners looking for a good antique that'll give them good fortune.

Meixiu has heard multiple stories about the street. Some have their desired fortune as they get lucky and find that one treasure. A few looking for something to sell to wealthy people, pretending it'll give them a promising future.

Others looking for decoration.

As soon as Meixiu and Xiaowen reached the street, Meixiu sees multiple people lining up on the side with fake antiques on top of a cloth. The street was busy as Meixiu heard numerous people yelling.

"Ma'am, this is good for your future!"

"You can hang this on your door to bring you luck!"

"Wear this necklace. Good fortune will come to you."

"Meixiu! Why are standing there!? Let's go here!"

Xiaowen snaps Meixiu out. She looks on top of the store and reads the sign.

Shanyuan's Antique.

"Auntie! You're here again!"

A young man greets Xiaowen.

"Of course! I bought my daughter-in-law to teach her how to buy antiques!"

The young man's attention went to Meixiu. He smiles and bows his head. Meixiu nods, letting the young man know she knew about his existence.

"Auntie, look at these new antiques. I bought it for you!"

Long Shanyuan is the most famous antique store owner on Antique Street. He has been the most extensive fake antique collector and vendor.

Meixiu looks around the store. Her eyes darted at the stone on top of the counter. She went towards it and held it.

"Sister Meixiu, I don't sell that stone."

Shanyuan's voice roams around the small store. Meixiu looks at him. She walks towards Shanyuan as the young man's gaze follows her.

"I'll buy this."

"I just told you, I don't sell that stone."

Xiaowen looks at the stone.

"Why are you going to buy that? It doesn't have value!"

"Auntie is right."

"No, I will buy it."

Meixiu look at Shanyuan.

"I'll give it to you for five thousand yuan."


"Meixiu! That's a lot of money! What are you thinking!?"

But Meixiu ignored Xiaowen. She follows Shanyuan toward the cash register and grabs money from her pocket.

"Bastard! That's for the house, right!? Xiaohui never gives you something!"

Xiaowen went in her direction, snatching the money from Meixiu. She huffed and left the store.

Shanyuan scratches his head.

"Are you still going to buy the stone?"

Meixiu nodded, pulling another set of bill from her pocket and giving it to Shanyuan. The young man smiles widely. He grabs the money and puts it inside the cash register.

"Don't tell this to my mother."

"Of course! You can rest assured, Sister Meixiu!"

Shanyuan bows as Meixiu leaves the store.

"That sister, she's something else."


"Where are you going?"

Mingxia asks as Xiaohui opens the door with her bag in hand. Xiaohui looked at Mingxia's hand and saw tons of paper.

"Ms. Zhong is looking for my presence. She said she wanted to tour me around the site."

Xiaohui passes through Mingxia. The girl clenches her jaw. She walks inside Xiaohui's office, puts the documents loudly, and follows Xiaohui.

She manages to stop the elevator door from closing.

"I'm going with you."

"What? But Ms. Zhong is only looking for me."

"Still! I don't trust you! You might anger Ms. Zhong, then the contract is going to be terminated."

Zheng Company roses from the top when the announcement was made. Many investors invested in the Zheng Company because they got a contract from the Sapphire Group.

Grandpa Zheng's important rule is to not offend Zhong Wenqian. He has seen the power Sapphire Group can give to his company.

Therefore, he wanted everyone in the family to respect Wenqian.

"Mingxia? Xiaohui?"

The elevator door opened. Zedong was standing outside. He plans on visiting Xiaohui and Grandpa Zheng, to say goodbye as he's going back to Liangtai.

Mingxia's face brightens. She smiles widely and starts touching Zedong in his arms.

"Mr. Qi! What are you doing here?"

Zedong smiles at her, his attention is on Xiaohui.

"I'm going towards your office. Where are you going?"

Xiaohui smiles at him.

"I'm going to the ongoing construction site between Jiangqiao and Liangtai. Ms. Zhong from Sapphire Group is already waiting for me."

"Is that so? Then, let me drop you off."

"Ah, you do-"

"Sure! Thank you for your offer!"

Mingxia bows down and drags Xiaohui away from Zedong. The man scratches his nape but follows the two ladies outside.

As he went out, he saw Xiaohui standing outside while Mingxia is already in the passenger seat.

"Why are you still outside?"

Xiaohui looks at him.

"It's rude to come in without your permission."

"Please, I invited you. Come inside."

Zedong held the door handle. He opens it as Xiaohui slowly sits down to get herself comfortable.

Zedong gently closes the door, with Mingxia watching the two interact. She huffs in annoyance and follows Zedong, who's running to the driver's seat.

She clears her throat and smiles widely.

"Mr. Qi, what do you to a girl?"

Xiaohui looks through her purse. She picks out her phone and decided to text Meixiu.

Meixiu, how are you and mom?

Ma left in the antique store.

What? Where did she go?

She never said a thing. But she left with my money.

I'll pay for it, don't worry.

No, you don't have to worry about it. You're giving that money to me anyway.

Are you home already?

Yes. Are you going to eat lunch with me?

"Xiaohui, we're here already."

Xiaohui closes her phone and looks up. She met Zedong's eyes looking at her. Her gaze fell to Mingxia, who was glaring at her.

Xiaohui looks outside the window. She saw a familiar car not far from their place. She went out quickly and ran to Ms. Zhong.

"Ms. Zhong!"

She looks through the driver's seat, not wanting to make Wenqian uncomfortable.

"Young Master, are you sure you don't want to greet her?"

Meixiu looks at her back and shakes her head. She looks at her wife, who's still standing beside the car.

Meixiu decided to come and take a closer look at Xiaohui. She drives Wenqian using the woman's car. It scares Wenqian as Meixiu is a much-respected figure within the business industry.

She thinks Meixiu uses this excuse to see Xiaohui and fires her after. But Wenqian could only shake her head as she knew Meixiu as a good person.

"Go already. She's waiting."

Wenqian nodded. She sighs before opening the door and walking out with a straight face.

Xiaohui quickly bows in front of her. Mingxia finally went out and ran towards Xiaohui's side and copies her action.

"Ms. Zheng, what is she doing here?"

Wenqian raises her eyebrows as she notices Mingxia's presence. Mingxia looks up and smiles.

"Ms. Zhong, Grandpa sent me to look after Xiaohui."

"Tsk. That old man can't trust my wife."

Meixiu shakes her head.

"I clearly remember what I texted to Ms. Zheng. Why would you go here even if it's the order of your grandfather?"

Mingxia's face reddens as she looks down. All she knows is Grandpa Zheng never told her to come.

Grandpa Zheng doesn't even know anything about this. It's her own decision want to be friends with Wenqian and get the benefit.

Mingxia is sure that Wenqian is surrounded by many young men that have a promising future. It's her dream to get married to any of them.

It will be better if it's the Chairman of Sapphire Group.

But, as she remembers, Wenqian said that the Chairman is a mysterious person. Perhaps he's hiding as a commoner to not get killed.

Then if that's the case, the Chairman could be one of the Ren.

The Ren family is a big family that became smaller as multiple news about their family members being killed by their competitors.

As far as Ren Shun's generation. Ren Shun has three more siblings, all men and older than him. His sister was hidden at the time. She was a year older than Ren Shun.

Sorry for the grammar mistakes. I was sleepy so I couldn't get it right. Anyway, vote and comment! Feel free to judge it by writing a review.

Quinn_Blitecreators' thoughts
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