
Chapter 22

"Let me guess, she didn't like me."

The first thing Meixiu said as soon as Suyin approaches their direction. The smaller girl was embarrassed as she look down and fidget with her fingers.

Meixiu just smiles and shakes her head.

"I'm immune already, it's fine."

Grandma Jia told Suyin that she didn't like Meixiu. She's a very straightforward person. Her actions are louder than her words.

If she did say she didn't like someone, she'll only tell to her family members.

Suyin understands what her grandmother is telling her. She just didn't want her to get mistreated as she knew what kind of society there is.

Suyin just looks at Meixiu.

Renshu knew what Meixiu is talking about. Upon hearing how she was treated by her mother-in-law.

"Ms. Jia, I know why Ms. Song is like that. Her mother-in-law doesn't treat her well, I think her wife also."

Renshu whispered to Jia.

"Really? Is it that bad?"

"She curses Ms. Song, and even belittles h-"

Renshu cut himself when a breaking sound interrupted the room.

Everyone turns their heads to the sound and found an employee with a distressed look as she was looking down.

On the floor is the broken Snake Dragon jar!

What did the employee do!?

Grandma Jia was shocked and furious. This is their family treasure and this employee just broke it!?

"What did you do!?"

Grandma Jia approaches the employee which Suyin did as well. Suyin observes the jar.

"I'm sorry! I didn't balance myself well!"

Meixiu furrowed her eyebrows before looking at the jar. She approaches and squats beside Suyin.

"This is not the real one."

Grandma Jia and Suyin both look at Meixiu.

"What are you saying? Do you have any knowledge about our treasure!?"

"It has fine powder when it broke out. The Snake Dragon jar is made of mortar, they are built thick."

Meixiu stands up before looking at the employee who's backing out. In doing so, she accidentally hit a plate that is worth hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Grandma Jia was frantic and she quickly approaches the employee, slapping her in the process.

"Where's the real jar!? I wanted to see the treasure!"

"I don't have any idea, Mistress. Forgive me!"

The employee held her check as it burns like hell. Even if Grandma Jia is old, she can still slap harshly.

Meixiu approaches the plate before signaling Renshu to come over.

"Give me some eggs, water, and flour."

Grandma Jia heard what Meixiu just said and her face became ugly.

"What are you saying!? Are you going to make bread!? How does it help the plate!?"

"Grandma, call down."

"I can't this new friend of yours is stupid!"

Grandma Jia breathed a sigh. Meixiu just ignores her and grabs the things that she told Renshu.

She quickly sits and puts the pieces together. She cracks an egg on top of the plate and puts a little bit of water with a pinch of flour.

She mixes it before closing her eyes and chanting something inside her head. After doing so, she stands up and presents the plate in front of Grandma Jia and Suyin.

The two seem shocked while Renshu is confused. The employee flees away from the scene as the manager seems angry.

"What did you do? You put an egg into hundreds of thousands of yuan!? Are you insane!?"

Grandma Jia quickly slaps the manager. Suyin was shocked at what Grandma Jia did.

"Are you dumb!? That's the Chuàngjiàn ritual! It's the hidden creation of ancient times!"

"It's been dead for a thousand years. How did you know it?"

Suyin looks at Meixiu in amazement. She never met someone with this much knowledge about antiques.

Even the rituals that have been dead for thousands of years even before the Jia family was born, she knew it.

Meixiu just smiles at them.

She knew it all, she accidentally hit an antique inside her teacher's house. She found a small book that contains everything about Chinese culture and tradition.

Suyin smiles widely.


"I disturb you. You should just go home with your Grandma."

Meixiu scratches her nape as she smiles awkwardly with Suyin. The smaller girl just smiles and shakes her head.

"It's fine, Grandma told me to do it as well."

When Grandma Jia saw that Meixiu is a hidden treasure to her family, she quickly let Suyin get close to her.

Suyin never disagrees. She wanted to get to know more about Meixiu's skills.

"Ah, this is my stop then, nice meeting you."

Meixiu bow down to show the respect that Suyin reciprocated.

Meixiu quickly walks inside their house as Suyin walks back to her car and drove off.

"Who's that?"

Meixiu jumps a little and looks at her back to see Xiaohui with a frown.

"Ah, a new friend from the event that I attended."

Xiaowen scoffs at what Meixiu just said.

"When did you become friends with Kang Renshu?"

She's listening to their conversation and was shocked when she heard Meixiu say that.

But as she thinks, Meixiu said a new friend from the event. Does that mean Meixiu met Renshu at the event?

Then, why did she see him fetching Meixiu earlier?

"What are you saying, Mom? I saw Meixiu with a girl earlier, not with Kang Renshu."

Xiaowen was delighted when she heard this news.

"Then it's fine! She should cheat on you and you can divorce her! We can find a better son-in-law in the process!"

Xiaowen claps her hands. Xiaohui just shakes her head before looking back at Meixiu, whose face is blank.

Meixiu saw Xiaohui looking at her and she furrow her eyebrows.

"Do you think I will cheat on you?"

"No, I just wanted to know who that girl is."

Meixiu just sighs and nodded her head.

"That's Jia Suyin, a young lady from Jia family."

Xiaowen stops and looks at Meixiu.

Did I hear it right? Jia Suyin? From the Jia family!?

Xiaowen quickly approaches Meixiu and held her arms.

"You are cheating with someone rich!? Are you that desperate to be wealthy!?"

Meixiu just frown.

I'm already a multibillionaire, I don't need another 100 billion in my account.

Jia family is worth 100 billion. With Ren family is the richest, earning almost a trillion as time progresses.

"Jia family? I've never heard them."

Xiaowen held Xiaohui's shoulder before she talk about the Jia family.

"Jia family is the richest family in Jiangqiao. Their net worth is 100 billion! They were the last monarchy family that is still alive today!"

"But it will change since there might be a few real royal types of blood from them."

"Just take Jia Suyin, her father is a whole royal blood, with her mother being half only."

"She can be called the Princess but we are democracy country already."

Xiaohui nodded her head.

"So, what's the matter?"

"Don't you get it!? If Meixiu can have an affair with Jia Suyin, she can divorce you and be with Jia Suyin! She has more money than us! And we can't let her have an affair with someone richer than Tingfeng!"

"We should find another man! Someone richer than Jia Suyin!"

Xiaohui pushes her mother gently. Meixiu frowns before walking towards their bedroom to change.

"Mom, stop it already. I'm fine with this one and I don't want anything in my life. Just simplicity and silence."

After saying that, she went inside the room to talk to Meixiu. As she went inside, Meixiu just went out of the bathroom with her comfortable clothing.


"Don't mind what my mother said, you know her."

Meixiu nodded and sat down on the bed.

"What do you want for our anniversary?"

Xiaohui stops in her tracks before she sat down beside Meixiu, a person away from her.

"Our 5th one?"

Meixiu smiles and nodded. Xiaohui looks through the mirror to think. All she wants is just a simple celebration, just them two.

"Do you want it to be celebrated or not? It's fine if you don't want to."

"I want to celebrate, but just the two of us."

Meixiu looks at her for a moment, she smiles and nodded her head again, standing from the bed.

"Ok, I can find a restaurant for us! I'll make it the most memorable one for you!"

After saying that, Meixiu walks out of the bedroom as Xiaohui just shakes her head.

"The wedding anniversary is still 2 weeks from now, why is she so excited?"

Meixiu walks out of the house and picks out her phone to dial Yanlin.

"Young Master? Is there anything you need?"

"I just wanted to ask if you know a restaurant? I want to celebrate our anniversary together, just us."

I was so busy this week so I apologize for one chapter update. Vote if you like it!

Quinn_Blitecreators' thoughts
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