
"If beauty isn't justice, then I must be a super villain!"

It was supposed to be an uplifting statement.

But Lola Hussey countered with, "They say anyone who thinks I'm pretty is shallow. But if we're not supposed to judge by looks, what do we do? Look at X-rays? Inspect our organs?"

Emily Winter: "..."

Emily knew her worries were unwarranted. Even with memory loss, this girl's spirit remained unbroken.

The event organizers gave Lola a separate dressing room under the pretense of avoiding conflicts.

The other artists were more than happy with this arrangement.

No one wanted to share a dressing room with Lola Hussey – they feared bad luck by association.

As Lola was getting ready, Emily went out to mingle.

Events like this provided opportunities to widen networks and resources.

Furthermore, Emily hadn't anticipated being invited to the Roast Show. To ease her anxiety, she needed to build as many relationships as possible.


They hired a male stylist for Lola.

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