
Please use condoms

Narumi fainted and curled up like a fetus, and with an indistinct pile of flesh on his lower half, Akane then stopped. She seems to realize that Lee was watching her become ashamed, she didn't want him to see this side of her.

"Lee-Kun you've been hiding too well. you made quick work out of this thing, I didn't know you were proficient in Martial arts."

To hide her embarrassment, she decided to divert his attention by asking him something she was curious about.

Her hatred for her ex-boyfriend can be seen in how she was calling him a thing, she didn't treat him as human anymore.

"It's nothing impressive, I used to train with my mother's friend when I was young," Lee explained briefly, he wasn't dumb enough to tell someone he didn't fully trust about his powers.

"Lee-Kun, today you are acting really weird, can tell Nee-san what happened to you?"

From their first interaction, she noticed, that Lee was acting differently, but she didn't have time to ask, usually, he was shy, indecisive, and dense. but today he was bold, confident, and ruthless.

"Ever since my parents died, I felt that life is short, and death is always near us. Since then I decided to stop limiting myself."

He made use of his parent's death to explain the changes in his behavior. There is no way he would tell her that he was a different person. He also used this opportunity to pretend to act like someone deep and mysterious.

'Lee-Kun is so pitiful, the pain of losing both his parents must've been too great for him to take'

She felt that Lee was too pitiful, she wanted to hug him and console him, and maybe he would fall in love with her in his moment of weakness, thinking about being with him, her heart started beating faster and her cheeks became red.

"All right, I want to try something since you are done with this guy" Lee patted her butt and went to the unconscious poor cuckold. completely oblivious to the women who become increasingly obsessive with him because of his previous actions.

''What do you want to do with a useless thing like him? Why don't we continue what we were doing before this thing interrupts us?'' Akane asked with disgust when she was talking about the poor thing. however, her breath becomes rough when she mentions what they were doing before.

Ever since he embraced and kissed her when she was at her weakest and saved her from her dark memories, Akane started to develop an obsession with him, she couldn't stop her overflowing emotion, she wanted to feel him and his warmth again. She was behaving like a pervert and she knows it.

"Since we were teleported to this place after death, maybe we can find some clues in him if I search thoroughly, and we don't know when someone else will appear and I don't want to get cuckblocked again'' He feeds her some more bullshit to make her shut up. he was indeed a lustful man, but he knows where his priorities lie.

He turned his attention to the cuckold lying on the ground.

'Holy crap! women can be scary sometimes.' Lee shuddered when he examined the cuckold's body he discovered that he became a eunuch, Akane kept stomping on his Dick and balls, till they became a meat patty, it is a miracle that he is still alive.

The scene was scary enough for any man to make him feel pain in his crotch. Lee made up his mind if he ever provoked a woman, to make sure never fell into her hands.

'Let's try to manipulate muscles, if I managed to increase my muscle density coupled with the Gantz's Basic suit, my chance of surviving tonight would pretty much guarantee!'

Ignoring the disgusting scene he started to use his ability on the now eunuch cuckold. He first used his ability to manipulate the guy's muscles.

On the other hand, Akane was filled with curiosity, however, when she saw how Lee was focused. she didn't disturb him and sat beside him, to get a closer look at his charming face.

'They said a man is the most charming when he is serious, it's indeed true.'

She put her hand on her cheeks and kept staring at him foolishly.

A few minutes later the same voice interrupted Lee once again.

A beam of light shot from the black ball towards the air, and like a 3D printer, transported a short black-haired young man with shifty brown eyes wearing a loose white hoodie and loose trousers and carrying a school bag with him.

'Finally a character from the manga, but isn't this guy the boy with a mother complex? I still recall that when he died, both times he kept crying for his Mother.' Even though Lee knows the plot, he doesn't bother to remember everyone's name, like this guy here, who appeared now, the impression he had on him is a selfish, mass murderer bastard with a mother complex.

''Excuse me! How did you get here? Did you die too? Do you know where is this place?'' Even though Lee knows what's going on, he still needs to put on some act. to not appear suspicious.

The mama boy turned to look at the unfortunate gay that ended up here. a tall handsome, rich guy (from the clothes brand) a winner in life. Immediately, he developed a strong sense of disgust toward him.

'serve him right to die, all handsome men should die!'

The mama boy Joichiro Nishi glanced at them once before ignoring them, there's no way he would help a good-looking bastard, not that he would help him if he were less good-looking.

"Hey, kid! didn't your parents teach you how to respect your seniors?" She frowned at the boy when she saw how rude he was towards her Lee-Kun, Akane wanted to teach him some manners however Lee pulled her.

"I can sense that this guy is dangerous, we better not provoke him," Lee said seriously, he still remembered from the manga that this mama boy always carried with him Gantz weapons, and even though he could use his body manipulation on him if he caught him off guard, however, he didn't want to provoke him without having enough strength. of course, the part of him sensing is just bullshit.

"I don't know what you mean by this, but since Lee-Kun is so serious, Nee-chan will listen to you," Akane said softly, she was surprised to hear him say that. She didn't see how a short weak boy could be dangerous, but she decided to believe in what he said. this way she can raise her favorability with him.

Lee was a bit surprised by how obedient she was, but he didn't pay much attention to it, for now, he needed to focus on his ability. if he can achieve some basic control before the hunt starts, that will raise their chance of survival.

He tried to heal the cuckold's muscle legs but ended up damaging his muscles more. he still needs more time to learn how to use his ability. he knows that it is unrealistic for him to master his ability in a few or dozens of minutes, but it doesn't stop him from trying.

As for the mama boy, he sat beside the black ball with his eyes closed. maybe he wanted to act cool but failed miserably, no one would find an emo edgy guy cool, but then again this is 2002, and people from this era may think he was cool.

A few minutes passed in silence, and they heard the same voice again.

This time Gantz transported a middle-aged couple with their kid who seemed to be around ten years old.

Lee gazed at them and saw that they were people he didn't know. he proceeded to ignore them and turned back his attention to his task.

"What's going on? we were in the just a moment ago, how did we get to this place?" The middle-aged man asked his wife. He was on a trip with his family to visit his wife's parents, when his kid started making trouble and they ended up crashing into a truck.

"It's all your fault! If you paid attention to the road, we wouldn't have crashed into that truck!" The wife shouted and condemned her husband, completely ignoring the fact that she was also responsible as well for not taking care of the annoying kid.

"Ouaahhh! Mom, I'm scared I want to go home! Ouaahhh!" As if it's not enough The kid started crying to add to the family drama.

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