
Chapter 134: Deepening Bonds

Naruto PoV

Grinning at Sasuke, I dusted off my pants as I gloated to him, making the serious Uchiha frown.

"Haha~! I beat you yet again, Sasuke! Are you losing that edge of yours, hmm~? Spending too much time socializing, and not enough time brooding~?"

Rolling his eyes, the dark haired boy took my hand and stood up, muttering "How could I have any time when you constantly challenge me..?"

"HAH?! I challenge YOU!? You were the one to challenge me, mister duck head!"

He rolled his eyes again at that, before he raised a brow as he said "I didn't lose though. Look."

Pointing to the ground, he smirked at me as I looked down, and I grit my teeth.

"I threw you down before I stepped out!"

"No you didn't."

"Did so!"


Growling, I looked away as we walked out of the Academy yard, before I smiled as I looked around at the busy streets.

"What are you smiling for? Please tell me you're not going to be an idi-"

Not letting him finish, I grinned at him as I threw my arm over his shoulders, ignoring the disgusted look he wore as he tried to wiggle away.

"Hey hey hey~! See that over there?"

Sighing in defeat, the lithe Uchiha followed my gaze, before shaking his head instantly.

"No. Naruto, no. Stop it. Don't even think about it."

I chuckled at the deathly afraid look in his eye, prompting me to try and goad him.

"Come on, stop being a big baby~! She wouldn't know if it was us or not! Besides, haven't you-"

Pushing me away, the Uchiha glared at me as he said "If you want to get hit, go right ahead. I'm tired."

Frowning, I sighed as I shrugged, saying "Fine, I won't go nag her~! Who woulda thought the dreary little duckling would be so..."

Trailing off, my smirk returned as I watched Sasuke continue to stare at the person we were observing.

We had grown closer recently, and I could confidently say I had picked up on his cues, and right now...

He was interested in her~!

The girl that walked down the road was Ino, the blonde haired Yamanaka walking beside another Yamanaka Clan member as they chatted, carrying bolts of silk through the market as they approached the Yamanaka stall on the main road.

Feeling my smirk, Sasuke glared at me as it widened, and before he could say anything I rushed forwards.

"Naruto! I swear I'm going to kill you!"

Laughing aloud, I weaved through the crowd while Sasuke jumped above me, trying to reach me before I got to her.

The people in the street heard my laughter and turned, and I briefly noticed the difference in their stares.

Some still seemed wary of me, some were still sneering at me, but most...

Most chuckled as they watched Sasuke Uchiha chase after me, the warmth in their eyes obvious as they enjoyed the show before them.

The peoples sentiment on me had shifted over time, and more and more began to treat me better.

With that change in temperament, I stopped pranking as often as I used to, instead focusing on my training.

All this change could be attribute to one person; Kokoro Kanei, the woman who took me in and bea- no, changed me with her guidance and care.

I was thankful to her, and I wanted to repay her for taking me and giving me what I needed...

Attention and acceptance.

But, for now, I reverted back to my old self as I reached Ino, grinning at the blonde girl as I began to say "Heya Ino~! See, Sasuke has something t-"

Sadly, the Uchiha wasn't almost top of the class for nothing, as he reached me a moment later and slammed his fist against the back of my head, sending me stumbling forwards.

Panting, the dark haired boy glared at me before bowing slightly to Ino, who was staring at us in confusion, her pale green eyes narrowed as she looked between both of us.

Of course, I noticed how her eyes softened as they landed on Sasuke, and she shook her head and let out a sigh as she said "Can you boys not be so... loud?"

Sasuke glared at me as he said "Sorry, but I don't think Naruto is capable of being calm and quiet."

Getting up, I glared back at him as I stomped over, growling "Hah? I can be calm! You just piss me off! Why don't you just-"

Before I could speak, the Uchiha clamped his hand over my mouth, his black eyes hard as he said "Calm. And. Quiet. Learn it, you dolt. Sorry again, Ino..."

Bowing to the Yamanaka, Sasuke grabbed me by the face and led me away, all while Ino stared at us, even more confused then before.

"I swear, if you say one thing to her again, I'll... argh, I don't know! Just mind your own business!"

Hearing his growl, I smirked as I slipped from his grasp, grinning at him as I said "Sure, sure~! Take your time, Sasuke~! Surely Ino won't be swept away by..."

Trailing off, I looked away as I mentally went through our class, trying to pick someone to urge the Uchiha on.


"Sakura? I mean, they hang out a lot?"

Yeah, even I wasn't sure, but still, I said it.

Rolling his eyes, the Uchiha stared at me like I was an idiot as he said "They're friends, moron. Besides, that same logic could be applied to literally anyone in our class. What about Ami and Tenten? Kasumi and Midori? Neji and Rock Lee? Are they all a couple since they hang out a lot?"

Scratching my cheek, I smiled weakly at him as I nodded, saying "Yeah... makes sense..."

"Forget it, idiot. I'm going home..."

Shaking his head, he turned and began to walk away, only to look back as I shouted "Hey, let's got get some ramen! Kakashi gave me a few free coupons!"

"Kakashi did? Why?"

Chuckling, I grinned conspiratorially at him as I beckoned for him to approach, which he did, curiosity filling his eyes.

Leaning forwards, I made sure to make a show of looking around, before whispering...

"Cause he thinks I'll be Hokage, while he thinks you'll be my janitor~!"

Punching me in the back, Sasuke glared at me as he growled "You better buy me four bowls then, moron."

Wiping off my black pants, I rolled my eyes as I clasped my hands behind my head again, letting out a "Sure, sure, of course your highness..."

Which earned me another punch, but I dodged that one.

Letting out another laugh, I began to lead the angered Sasuke through Konoha, before we both settled down at Ichiraku to eat, swapping jabs and advice the entire time.

Despite our barbed words and hostile actions, we both left the other late at night, smiles on our faces as we made our way home.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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