
Sandra's obsession over Tristan

Noah just wanted to escape Tristan's wrath but for how long. He knew somehow he had to face him.

"This guy is never gonna change. This is the seventh girl he's dating within a month" Karl snorted as he watched Noah sneak away like a scared rat.

Tristan was against Noah's playboy nature but even after warning him multiple times, that boy never changed. Sometimes they had to help him out of a relationship if the girl somehow fell in love with him or seek commitment.

"By the way is he serious this time? I mean the girl he was with earlier isn't an ordinary girl" Gabriel asked moving his head from Tristan and Karl. If the dean happens to find out about Noah fooling around with his daughter, he will seriously take strict action against him.

"What do you think, is he really in love with her? Definitely not. I am sure we will soon find him tailing behind another girl" Tristan assured.

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