

Despite wanting to give Elan a bear hug, Seina refrained from asking him how he could pick her up at a certain hour while she was still in class. Seina was astonished and unintentionally hugged Elan when the speed bumps appeared to comprehend the situation. Elan's attitude made him want to renounce holding Seina's hand, but because he thought it was odd, he kept it and told her not to release his grasp.

He said, concentrating on controlling his motorbike, "Don't let go."

Just a bashful smile from Seina. Elan stared at him in the rearview mirror without realizing it.

"Lack of confidence. Just don't fall, please "He said, seemingly intending to smack Seina with his words.

Seina saw Elan was speaking in such a manner because he had observed her foolish behavior as she turned to look in the mirror that was already aimed at her face.

That sucks, the girl kept murmuring gently.


Elan is instructed by Seina to purchase some sort for Elina.

Seina indicated the bag in the right corner of the numerous bags stacked in front of the storefront.

Seina praised the pink bag, saying, "That's fantastic."

Without the girl asking him to respond, Elan said abruptly, "Elina likes blue."

Even though the three of us were already close, Seina was still perplexed and extremely intrigued about how an Elan who had before shown no interest in women could learn about such a trivial matter. Seina is the one who is knowledgeable about Elan, though.

"How did you find out? Lie about your knowledge. He is better known to me."


Seina realized that Elan had a point when she gave it some attention, as she hardly ever saw Elina dressed in pink or doing anything else. Even if Seina is the only person who enjoys that hue, it doesn't always follow what everyone else does.

Seina finally made a decision and tried to rely on Elan by saying, "Yeah, try your pick."

Seina dared to ask Elan, "What have you got for Elina?" since she already knew about Elina.

Short and flat, he yelled, "There."

Elan had covertly taken the initiative to deliver something to his best friend, which piqued Seina's interest more and more.

Looking at Elan's face, he questioned, "What?" Elan appeared to make an effort to evade Seina's sight, but Seina was becoming more daring in her attempts to come close to his face.

How did I say that? Seina yelled again, this time to Elan.

Elan would try to tell her, and the girl believed. Elan interrupts the conversation to ask what is there, "Pick quickly. Old habits!"


The chilly air enhances the nighttime silence. The water splash that descended from the sky resembled a violent collision.

"Why have you not yet arrived? Rain has disappeared. While Elina will arrive soon, "While waiting for Elan to arrive at her boarding house, the girl screamed. He purposefully left Elan and Elina in the dark about his invitation. Seina was confident that her best friend would be surprised, and that the experience would be unforgettable.

After much waiting, the person Seina had been pacing for had finally shown up. Elan arrived with damp hair.

Why don't you dress in rain gear? Seina expressed concern that Elan would become ill from being exposed to the rain.

I brought the vehicle.

"Why didn't you inform me right away? Is it okay if I bring the umbrella up front?"

Elan asked, "What brought me here?" as if he didn't want Seina to worry too much about him.

To hasten its drying, he tossed his hair with one hand. He rejected the towel Seina offered him by shaking his head.

"Seina... What brought me here? What do you wish to share with me?" Elan yelled as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

Seina smiled at Elan and added, "Elina will be here shortly."

Elan raised an eyebrow and expressed his displeasure at the news. "Sey, look outdoors! Rain is falling."

"Tap," but, "I told Elina already,"

What was his response?

Elan awaited Seina's response as if she were unwell or had done something wrong. "He said..... He wants to come here," Elan murmured.

Elan was visibly angry, yet he refrained from publicly reprimanding Seina. I have no idea what he was thinking, but he would rather keep quiet than risk breaking his heart.


Elina, who doesn't aware that Elan is at Seina's house, gives Elan a stern look while wearing wrinkled clothes.

Do you need a drink? Seina quickly said while handing Elina a towel.

She yelled incoherently, "A little," with no emotion on her face.

Instead of surprising her closest friend as originally planned, Seina appeared to not understand the scenario; in fact, everything appeared to go wrong.

"Sey... Looks like I have to go home," Elina said as she cast a hesitant glance down.

"I'm swift? Have you just arrived?"

What is the issue with Elena? Before Elina went, Seina took the time to offer Elina a gift because he felt restless and uneasy.

"Thanks, man. I'm opening now okay?" Elina grinned as she hugged Seina.

Elina had already opened the present without being signaled to do so "Wow, what a lovely bag. My preferred color. You can let me know what color I prefer "She screamed, grinning as she used the bag Seina had given her to show how to use it.

This time, Seina wasn't sure what to say, but she didn't take her time to think too much. "I'm sure of it. I am the first person you think of." While embracing Elina, Seina yelled.

Seina gave Elina a hearty hug in response.

"Apart from a gift from me? From whom else did you obtain it?" In front of Elina, Seina exclaimed adoringly as if she were a young child who needed to be informed what she wanted to know.

"What's that?"

He anticipated Elina's apologetic response, "Surely Zean gave you a present?"


"Is it not so? He must be the one, surely? Do you intend to visit your ex again?"

Seina ignored Elan, who was standing next to them, as she only focused on Elina, whose face was red.

Elan suddenly spoke louder, "if you still desire to discuss the past. I've returned home!"

Seina and Elina were startled to discover that there was no storm, and Elan's expression revealed wrath. Seina and Elina were startled by Elan's roaring in the middle of the night, which caused them to become silent.

"Wh... what are you doing Lan?" daring Seina to ask. Seeing Elan's look as he prepared to attack him, he paused in his voice.

Seina immediately touched Elan's forehead with the back of her hand.

Elan, though, firmly dismissed it.

What are you doing, Lan? Seina asked in increasing confusion.

He said without looking at us, "Elina's home, it's late."

He requested a taxi for Elina rather than having Elan drive her home.


Since there was no other place for Elan to stay at the woman's boarding home after Seina and Elan lived alone, they sat in the living room.

Seina gave this some serious thought because she had never seen Elan angry before, and she realized that Elan's rage was more sinister than a ghost who prowled the streets at night. Naturally, there was silence and quiet between the two of them instead of laughter.

Elan finally broke the centuries-long stillness at nine o'clock that night by saying, "Don't keep doing that, your eyes will fall out."

Seina was taken aback when Elan, who appeared unconcerned, turned out to be observing the motions of the woman next to him, saying, "You. Seina spoke in a scornful and feeble tone.

Elan shouted, attempting to make things right, "Yes I know, I'm fine."

Seina remarked, "That's not it.

Does it imply? Elan gave him a serious look.

***To be continued...

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