
7.05.4 End to the negotiations.

The child that I hated, the coward that ran away. 

"Hah… my memories." I saw him, running away, I saw myself running away again and again.

It's like a tired pattern, a memory that turned so boring that I didn't wish for it to repeat in my mind. But it still did, I kept recalling those days, that anger, that frustration whenever I tried to go to sleep in my own way.

Until I reached my limit.

It's why I removed that unimportant things from my mind.

"No, this is good… this is my weakness, I have to deal with it one day anyway." 


"I can finally see the reason for the countless assassination attempts," Amir spoke words that shouldn't be spoken easily. And the Knight who hid in the back of the tent also heard it, but he didn't react well to it.

Only he understood how sensitive this topic is to his Master, so Amir casually mentioning it with a hint of mockery in it did make Sarlen a bit unhappy.

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