
Chapter 6

They had been traveling for about a month on the sea and they had yet to see signs of any fire nation forces in their general area, meaning that they escaped successfully without leaving a trail.

Aroh had been busy throughout the month, taking his time to level up the skills he could raise during that time period. [Meditation] had now reached level 48, granting him a few unexpected boons.

The first being the derived spiritual attunement. He felt connected to the world in a much more deeper way than the physical body could achieve. He had a hunch that maxing out the skill would allow him to enter the spirit world.

Other than that, he could now perceive the nature of the energy in the air around him and within himself. The Yin and Yang energy. The ability to sense these energies had been his priority from the moment he learnt meditation.

With him being a non bender, he was very limited in the ways he could fight. The thought of how he would be able to fight Ozai and Azula came to mind numerous times as he was reminded of his inability to wield the element of fire.

Fortunately, he had a few ideas. One of his ideas being to find one of the ancient lion turtles. Mankind had caused them to become extinct but to his vague memory, only one remained. He just had to look for it.

His other idea was even more absurd, Lightning. According to Iroh, firebenders can create lightning by separating the yin and Yang energy around them. There wasn't anything that explicitly said that he needed to be able to wield fire to do it.

That was where [Chi Manipulation] came into play. With the appropriate amount of control, he theorized that he would be able to take it further than that, spurning him to tirelessly level up the skill.

He had reached the point that he could freely and fluidly move his chi around as he wanted without any obstruction or falter. He had the interesting idea of trying to walk on water but he would try that when they weren't in the middle of the sea.

He did try walking on the walls of the ship when Katara wasn't with him, gaining a few more levels in [Chi Manipulation]. He was a bit sad that he don't get a skill for wall walking but he moved past that.

Other than that, the month had been somewhat uneventful. It had been awkward at first with both of them being the only ones on the ship. Despite the fact that he had helped her escape, they were still mostly strangers to each other.

With no one else to interact with, they were forced to make conversation and interact with each other. They learnt a lot of things about the other person, both weird and interesting. If nothing else, they could be considered as friends at this point.

'What am I doing!?' Katara asked herself as she buried her face into the bed.

Of course there's also that fact that they were two teenagers on a boat in the middle of the sea…alone. That fact alone was more than enough for Katara's imagination to run rampant.

She dug her face deeper into the sheets as she tried to clear her mind. The image of Aroh's calm face appeared in her mind, causing her cheeks to heat up in embarrassment.

For the past month, she had been responsible for assisting the ship with currents to make it go faster. Due to that, she was getting more and more familiar with her waterbending.

The food supply in the ship was enough to feed the entire ship's crew for a few weeks, meaning that it was more than enough to last them till they got to their destination.

During each of their conversations, she couldn't help notice how different Aroh was than the boys of the water tribe, granted that there weren't many.

Unlike Sokka who was a bit lazy and childish most of the time, Aroh was calm and collected with a sense of humor that surprised her. The way he carried himself gave off the feeling that he feared nobody.

That countenance and the smooth way of his words put a lot of images in her mind. She was a teenage girl after all and he was a handsome teenager who was strong as well.

She didn't have Gran Gran to give her advice on what to do anymore so she had to think on this by herself.

Taking deep breaths to cool herself off, she got off the bed, no longer wearing her tattered water tribe apparel. She now sported a simple black sleeveless shirt over her normal pants that she managed to salvage and mend. The fact that she was wearing his clothes fed her imagination a bit.

Heading towards the deck of the shop, she met Aroh leaning on the rails of the ship with a thoughtful look on his face.

"What's on your mind?" She asked, walking to the stand beside him. He took a moment before he answered.

"Nothing really." He answered only for her to level a look at him, causing him to raise a brow before continuing.

"Fine. I'm thinking about our next course of action…when we get to the earth kingdom." He said finally, confusing her.

"I don't get it. What's there to think about?" She asked, showing her naivety on the matter.

"When we get there, we'll either have to find a way to get a message to the avatar and your brother or we'll have to find them ourselves. After that…" He trailed off as he stared at the clouds, causing a bad feeling to well in the water tribe girl.

"What?" She asked carefully as the feeling grew.

"I have a few things I need to do. After reuniting you with Aang, I'll be on my way." He revealed as her heart sunk. She felt her heart drop at his words. She didn't consider the idea that he wouldn't be joining them after they met up with Aang and Sokka.

"You're not coming with us?" She asked shakily, wanting to tell herself that he was joking. His silence was more than enough to answer her question.

She felt tears prick at her eyes but she held them in. Despite knowing him for only a month, she was already attached. Not only had he freed her from the fire nation, he was also helping her reunite with her friends and family. She owed him a lot in her opinion.

"W-why?" She asked, still in denial as her voice shook a bit. Aroh was a bit taken aback by the question. He had already stated that he had things that needed to be done. What other explanation did she want from him?

"That…" He started helplessly but trailed off as she grabbed unto him, burying her face in his shirt to hide the tears, a job she succeeded in failing at.

"Why…?" At that moment, Aroh realized that no answer he would give her would satisfy her. She also knew that but she needed to let out her rampant emotions. With nothing else he could say, he said the only thing he could in this situation.

"I'm sorry" He would be lying if he said, he didn't feel a bit sad that they had to separate. They had bonded quite a lot so far and he would be alone once he dropped her off.

Hearing his words, the tears came even more as she held him tight, bawling her eyes into his shirt. He could only comfort her in silence as words weren't too helpful in this situation.


Staring at the inner ceiling of the ship, Aroh let out a sigh as he thought about what had just occurred in the last few hours. He took a look at his skills list.


Hand to hand Proficiency Level [32/50]

Sword Proficiency Level [38/50]

Blunt Damage Resistance Level [23/50]

Throwing Proficiency Level [32/50]

Wire Manipulation Level [14/50]

Fire Resistance Level [19/50]

Poison Resistance Level [5/50]

Meditation Level [48/50]

Chi Manipulation Level [31/50]

Stealth Level [31/50]

Danger Sense Level [21/50]

Bloodlust Level [10/20]

Copulation Level [24/50]

Looking at the latest skill, he was reminded of the weight that lay on his chest. A fully naked Katara laid on his exposed chest, a peaceful expression on her face as she slept, hugging his body as her soft breasts pressed against his chest.

'Did I just cuck the avatar?' He thought as he closed his skills list. He had realized that underneath the innocent and kind girl that Katara was, lay a horny teenager that was an absolute freak in bed.

He didn't complain though since his stamina far outclasses hers but he didn't expect her to crave more even after two hours of sex. With how long and intense the session was, he wasn't surprised that the new skill was already at level 24.

Judging by the screams of pleasure and the stained sheets, she thoroughly enjoyed herself. For a virgin, she was quite good at it herself.

Putting the thoughts of how he would clean up the mess they made into the back of his mind, he focused on something else. With the rate they were going, the ship would reach the earth kingdom in a few days.

Hopefully, they would find something useful that would help them find Aang or at the very least, clear out some future obstacles while they were there.

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