
Chapter 03

After a few seconds of silence, the caller spoke again.

"We agreed about the payment and weapon. Mr. Snow, please state the weapon you wanted." the caller said this time with more serious tone.

"Very well, I would like you to get me a sniper rifle with this statistics. Listen carefully, the gun should be have the length of 138 cm, 114 cm with stock removed, Barrel Length - 700mm

Weight - 13.8 kg with ×8 sight (14.4 kg loaded)

Caliber - .50 BMG

Ammunition - 12.7x99mm NATO Anti-Materiel ammunition"

The caller jaws dropped upon hearing Blaze's demand. The caller knew Blaze wanted is Barrett M82A1 an anti material sniper rifle, that usually used in warfare.

"Please wait a moment we will discuss about your weapon of choice" the caller said.

Blaze could pick it up through the phone the the caller have a problem, too bad Blaze doesn't care at all as long as they give what he wanted then they are good.

"I'll be waiting for your call" Blaze hang up the call, he put the phone to his pocket. He stare at the gun on his hand, he placed it his inventory.

Blaze look into his memories regarding the gamer system, he immediately found it in short time possibly. Blaze saw a very useful skill, if he wanted to grow in unimaginable rate he needed this skill.

Blaze begun following the instruction, he circulate the energy in his body and direct the flow into his palm.

"ID Create"

Upon mumbling the words his surrounding change although in his eyes it's still the the same room he's residing, Blaze clearly knew he's not the same place as if he shifted into different dimension.

[A skill has been created through special action]

[[ID create] has been created]

[ID Create(Active)- Lv.1 1% exp: Use to create instant dungeons may be created according to level.]

Blaze raised his hand as if his intent to destroy overflowed his palm glow red and a shattering glass echoed to his ear.

[[ID Escape] has been created]

[ID Escape(Active)- Lv.1 1% exp: Use to destroy instant dungeons.]

Blaze opened his eyes the instant dungeon shattered, the sharp fragmented glass fell from above and disappeared upon hitting the ground.

"So it works like a fused reality and illusion, what an interesting concept."

Blaze phone rang again, he knew it's the ministry of defense. Blaze answered the call.

"Mr. Snow, we agreed to give you the weapon that you want. It will be given once the squad of First Lieutenant Itami."

"Alright, I have a feeling that you hired me as a spy, and at the same time to gather information regarding the other world incase the Itami's squad failed to do so."

"You're sharp as ever we weren't made a mistake hiring you Mr.Snow. We wanted to know the the resources that can be found in that world. Also we need to have a further understanding how the political system works in that world, same goes to their culture, and lastly your main mission prevent any foreign countries from infiltrating the gate. "

Blaze nodded" You can count on me... Prime Minister"

The caller hang up the phone, suddenly he received a message from unknown number saying that my weapon arrived the compound. Blaze smirked 'Good thing I recognize the voice. If not I would think the caller is from the ministry of defense.'

Blaze opened the TV, he saw that the, JSDF were already preparing to entered the gate. Blaze's eyes widened and cursed.

"Holy Fuck! I'm late! That bastard didn't even bother to tell me the exact time."

Blaze hurriedly went to Genza Street fortunately for him, his house is just blacks away from the street.


Blaze arrived where the GATE is the Prime Minister is still giving a speech. The Prime Minister noticed his arrival, and gestured.

A uniformed personnel approached him and whispered to him. Blaze nodded, and followed the personnel.

They went inside the storage room and the personnel pointed the box. Blaze understood that it's his weapon, Blaze immediately opened the box, and picked up the gun, it's heavy but Blaze can lifted it with one hand.

Blaze suddenly asked "Is there any place to test this gun, if it's defective or not?"

The personnel shook his head "Unfortunately, there isn't"

"I see, I will just test at the other side of the GATE, I'm sure those people from the other side is matching through too."

The personnel stare at Blaze with awe.

"Alright, you can go now, Oh! and tell the Prime Minister thank you"

The personnel nodded and left. Blaze put thr Barrett M82A1 into his inventory, then Blaze followed him he doesn't know the way out.

Blaze suddenly heard that the Prime Minister mentioned his name. Blaze, doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. The Prime Minister just given him a problem as he announced that Blaze scouted the area, but he give after an ambush of hundred armed people.

After the Prime Minister mention his name. The commander took and continue, his speech is about the scout who entered thr gate, that they should prepare for combat Blaze already knew it so he didn't listen to the commander's speech, he just climb at the the tank and sat on it.

He took out a potato chip and eat it, the commander named Hazamu saw him, he send a glare at Blaze, Blaze just wave his hand at him with care free smile.

Hazamu snorted and continue his speech, the soldier ready themselves as the tank engine started and the tank slowly move. The metal gate that covering the GATE, slowly opened.

After the the metal gate fully opened the Tanks moved towards the GATE. Entering the GATE the tanks transversed the dark path. Blaze took out the Barrett from his inventory and loaded it with armor piercing rounds.

Blaze saw the end of the tunnel, tank went out and it's already nighttime, although it's night Blaze could clearly see the barren lands.

Blaze immediately used the scope of his gun to accurately scan the area. Blaze sensed the ill intention coming from somewhere. Blaze see the enemies camp, he heard someone shouted enemy sighted. The soldier went out positioning themselves.

"Fire!" hearing the command the soldiers begun shooting the enemies. Blaze joined the fun, he shoot the enemies' throat leaving a gaping whole.

[A skill has been created through special action]

[[Sharpshooter] has been created]

[Sharpshooter(Passive): Lv.1, 1% exp: additional 10% accuracy to every shoot you made.]

Blaze didn't bother reading the notification as he is busy grinding his level.



[You have slain a Imperial Soldier]

[You receive 300 exp]

[Your level increased by one]



[You have slain a Imperial Soldier]

[You receive 300 exp]




You have slain a Imperial Soldier]

[You receive 300 exp]


Blaze reloaded, and continue to shoot down the enemies. Of course was already noticed by them and they knew that the Prime Minister directly ordered him to join with JSDF.

And seeing his weapon they gasped, although they're angry with their enemy. They still feel pity using anti material sniper rifle is brutal.

Blaze ignore their gaze as his sole goal right now is to grind and level he's now level 3 and the exp he need is 1200.

The more he leveled up the amount of EXP needed doubled.




[You have slain a Imperial Soldier]

[You receive 300 exp]

[Your level increased by 1]

Blaze received the notification, after he use explosive rounds to shot down an Imperial soldier through his head his head exploded like a watermelon, he brain matter spattered everywhere.

Blaze saw one soldier running away from the battlefield, Blaze calculating the his distance and the spineless coward. After precisely calculated it Blaze slowly breath to stability of the aim.



[You have slain a Imperial Soldier]

[You receive 300 exp]

[Sharpshooter skill level up by 1]

[A skill has been created through special action]

[[Gun Mastery] has been created]

[Gun Mastery(Passive)- Lv.1 1% exp: Thw user can instinctively, use any firearms with ease.]

Blaze could only mutter one word"Neat"


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