
Back To Zero

When Frisk opened his eyes, he immediately knew something was wrong. He sat up in bed oddly tense for just having woken up. A spike of concentration had his Aura covering his body, washing away the last vestiges of sleep from his mind.


It was faint, but he could hear something. Not exactly sure what it was, Frisk leaped out of bed and threw on his newly cleaned clothes as quickly as possible. When that was finished, he made to leave but stopped and dug through his backpack. He found the piece of candy and shoved it into his pocket before leaving the room.

"Toriel! Are you in there?" Frisk knocked on her bedroom door and waited a few seconds. "I have a bad feeling, so I'm going to open the door." He called out and did just that.

Frisk took a couple seconds to scan the room, but it was evident that no one was inside. In fact, it didn't even look like someone slept there last night.

With that worrying thought in mind, Frisk moved to check the sitting room first before freaking out.


Still standing in the doorway to Toriel's room, Frisk heard another sound, this time a bit louder, coming from somewhere to his left. His awful feeling got worse. Frisk ran down the hallway and to the entrance to the house.


"Toriel!" Frisk called out again.

It sounded and smelt like the fireplace was on, so Frisk ran into the sitting room, hoping to find Toriel sitting by the fire. Sadly she was nowhere to be found, and Frisk quickly checked the kitchen before realizing what was probably going on.

"Shit!" He swore before charging back to the entrance, only quickly stopping to grab a fire poker on his way.

Frisk should have known. Toriel would never want to purposely put a child in danger, like letting them fight a murdering flower, even if she believed him about the power over the timeline.

He should never have broken down like that yesterday. Maybe she might have listened to him if he had been braver or spun his wording better.

Frisk reached out and opened the door.


Hot air buffeted his body, desperately trying to equalize the temperature.

He saw hell. Almost everything was burning. The massive dead tree in the middle of the courtyard was in flames. Even the ground (which Frisk was pretty sure should not burn like that) was littered with patches of fire and burning vines spread all over. Flowey sat in front of the flaming tree holding Tor-

"Toriel!!" Frisk screamed, tightening his grip on his fire poker and dashing towards Flowey. "You put her down!"

Flowey held Toriel in the air with his vines, multiple restraining each of her limbs. But the worst part was the look of utter despair on Toriel's face, which only increased when she saw Frisk.

"How about no," Flowey said with a grin on his face.


Frisk froze in his advance as a thorned vine drove itself through Toriel's chest.

She let out a silent gasp of pain before falling apart into dust.

Frisk stared at the spot where she had died.

"HAHAHAHA!" Flowey let out a cackling laugh.

Frisk stared at the spot where Toriel had turned to dust.

"It's always one of my favorite reactions! When a person watches someone they care about killed right in front of them, powerless to stop it!" Flowey continued laughing hysterically after almost every word.

Frisk stared at the spot where he had failed to stop Toriel from dying. He felt tears in his eyes.

"But really, how could your reaction compete with the look of despair on her face when she learned I was her dead son! Hahaha! It had been too long since I've used that against her!" Flowey bragged.

Frisk continued to stare at the spot where Toriel had turned to dust. His left eye was numb.

"REALLY, Frisk! Did you actually think anyone in the underground could help you? I have killed them all a hundred times! I know each and every one of their weaknesses!" Flowey continued to brag. "My power is UNSTOPPABLE, and you are going to face it ALONE! Give UP!" He screamed with finality.

Frisk took his eyes off the place where Toriel was killed and on to the BASTARD that killed her.

Frisk had never lost someone close to himself before. His mother {or was it his father?} had died when he was too young to remember her {him?}. He was raised by his loving father {no, mom hated him for even existing} to be a relatively typical teenager {depressed and desperate kid}. All of that didn't prepare him for the amount of RIGHTEOUS ANGER {RIGHTEOUS ANGER} he felt at Flowey at that moment!

The shadows cast by the fires seemed to swallow the room whole; they made even the brightest fire die down to only a flicker of light in the darkness. Flowey stopped laughing and looked around the room in confusion before his eyes landed on Frisk.

Yellow energy sparked around Frisk's left eye like a firecracker in the darkness. Said energy grew into large bolts of electricity that sparked along his face evaporating the tears that sat there before dissipating into the air.

"FLOWEY!" Frisk screamed, pointing his fire poker where Flowey sat. "I'm going to kill you." He finished in a much quieter voice, still quivering in anger.

Flowey's face grew into a wide smile. "I'd love to see you try, HUMAN!" Flowey yelled as he sent dozens of magic bullets flying in Frisk's direction.

Lightning built up around the base of Frisk's fire poker he was using as a conduit. Only years of combat experience allowed Flowey to recognize the danger and throw up a weak wall of vines.


Uncontrolled bolts of yellow lightning exploded from the said conduit, erasing the magic bullets in the air and blasting into Flowey's vine defenses.

Sadly while JUSTICE did have good ranged power, the uncontrolled strike was unable to easily pierce Flowey's defense and ended up arching across everything in the surrounding area. Which luckily included a very burned and already hurt flower.

Launching himself forward, Frisk's power of JUSTICE felt like lightning flowing through his body, allowing him to reach speeds rivaling his own while at his highest level of PERSEVERANCE magic. Flowey tried to slow his progress down with magic pellets, but Frisk just barrelled through them, blocking some with his poker and some with his Aura.

When Frisk appeared next to Flowey, already swinging his electrified poker down. Flowey had only just recovered from the lightning, meaning he could only make a last-second attempt to avoid the attack. Frisk scored another line across Flowey's face bringing the already hurt flower down to dangerously low HP.

"Back OFF!" vines grew from everywhere around Flowey as he screamed in frustration.

Frisk was forced to abandon his next attack before he got hit. And Flowey dove into the ground only to appear on the other side of the room.

The two fighters watched each other for their next moves. Flowey knew that he should probably just reload at this point. But couldn't allow himself to admit defeat to a complete novice of a human. Frisk knew that Flowey could reset at any time but planned on forcing him to reset after feeling his wrath.

Frisk leaped towards the fight again. This was similar to how their battles had gone on from the 27-30 range earlier. Frisk was faster and had better range than before, but his defense piercing and endurance were lower. Flowey was barely able to keep him back with his excellent ranged options and deflecting his poker with vines.

The fight continued in a flurry of movement for minutes before both fighters disengaged.

Flowey was panting, having to use up even more of his already depleted magical energy to stave off Frisk.

Frisk was tired, but it didn't seem to affect him at all. His left eye was still crackling yellow with JUSTICE, and his right eye had started to glow the purple of PERSEVERANCE.

"Damn you and your stupid dual-traited SOUL!" Flowey scowled before gathering himself for another attack. "Let's see how you handle this!"

Dozens of magic bullets completely surrounded Frisk's position while vines exploded from the ground around him. Frisk put his full attention into the buzz of his JUSTICE magic and stabbed his poker into the ground. Lightning burst from the ground in an omnidirectional wave of power that decimated Flowey's attacks.

Looking back toward Flowey, Frisk was surprised by a glowing green orb of magical energy that Flowey had spit from his mouth. He was barely able to bring his poker up to block the attack. Grimacing as he almost lost more of his already low Aura.

But instead of shattering against his defense, the glowing ball exploded into thorny vines that encircled and stabbed his hands, also completely surrounding his poker. Frisk was caught entirely off guard and forced to rip his hands off his weapon or risk losing even more of his arms to the thorns.

Frisk stumbled back, his hands flopping bloody and useless at his side. And his Aura shattered into glass-like fragments that rained down around him.

"Yes! Yes! I WIN! Hahaha." Flowey gloated, already confident in his victory. "Did you really think I didn't have any surprises left in store? Even after a fight with Toriel, you still couldn't beat me. I don't understand why you just won't give UP!" Flowey dumped the last of his magic into a giant bullet the size of a basketball and growing.

Purple fire spread across Frisk's bloody hands, not healing them but forcing them to work despite their injuries. He brought them into his pocket and pulled out his only piece of monster candy. Quickly throwing it into his mouth, Frisk felt the magic flow through him, just enough for this final attack.

He brought his hands close to his chest, gathering that feeling of fire flowing through him in waves. While before the fight started, the feeling of his PERSEVERANCE could be compared to a match; right now, it felt like a bonfire was flowing within him.

"No! No! NO! I. Said. Just. DIE!!!" Flowey screamed angrily and released the bullet he had been powering up early.

Between Frisk's hands, purple PERSEVERANCE exploded into a spinning column of fire that tried to compress itself into a spear. But it was not enough; Frisk hadn't had the time or the skill to make a fully functional magical weapon out of PERSEVERANCE.

However, what he did have was the rest of his JUSTICE magic that coiled around the fire, condensing them both into an unstable pseudo-magic spear.

With a flick of his wrist, he sliced the oncoming attack in half, and Flowey watched in disbelief as the two halves flew past each side of him. Frisk could feel the spear in his hand starting to unravel and knew it was time to end this.

"Pierce! Gáe Bolg!" Purple fire and yellow lightning exploded out of the spear as Frisk gave his all into his final throw.

Before Flowey could even comprehend what was happening, the spear flew across the room at the speed of a lightning bolt, embedding itself straight into his body.


Purple fire eviscerated him as the spear erupted in an explosion, destroying the tree at the center of the room and sending Frisk flying through the air.

Frisk raised his neck to look at the damage he had caused. He was sure Flowey was dead this time. He had watched as the flower disintegrated under the pure power of his attack. Frisk smiled for the first time since the start of the fight. Now that bastard would be forced to reset and bring Toriel back.


[Save Loaded x30]


Author A/N: Just thought I would explain this in story for completely normal reasons (and not because I want to reach 15000 words). Frisk will not be this powerful again until later in the series. He will need to get better with control first and stop relying on rage or perseverance amps. I tried to do a similar thing to MHA and show just how powerful the MC can become close to the beginning of the story. This will give him a goal to work towards.

Wow, that has to be one of the most Chunni things i've ever written. But dang did I have a fun time doing it, so I hope you guys have a fun time reading it. With this the story should officially reach 15000 words so yay for that I guess. That’s pretty much the only reason I’m writing this tonight (or morning if you want to be technical because it's almost 3) updating so soon after my last post. I also don’t work tomorrow so I'll probably post again.

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