
Chapter 52 - Cruel

Absolutely starved, and passionately feral, his lips ravished hers.

Forgetting that he had his gloves on, his hands went on a desperate and crazy quest up and down her dress to find an opening, so he could touch her warm skin that this silly fabric kept from him. He wanted to lose himself in the moment more than he already had.

Was there even any more to lose?

By Ignas, he wanted to lose himself in her! Buried in her.


Lost in that wet warmth.

The memories made him ache.

He was going insane!


Against his restraint was raw lust, the strings of which he was losing, every moment that his tongue dominated hers and tasted those lips of hers that he had been deprived of for way too long.

The rain raged on outside, while the small storage room was filled with lustful emotions that tussled against each other relentlessly.

Bouncing off the walls and straining against them.

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