
Maybe I'll smooth talk you too

It took Ivo some time to fall asleep. The cot in the bar's office wasn't as comfortable as Davi's bed back in the apartment, and he tossed and turned for hours before finally dozing off.

He kept waking up through the night, by turns too hot or too cold. He couldn't figure out why he was sleeping so terribly, until he had a hazy, sweltering dream, where Davi held him from behind in the bed, keeping him still with the weight of his arm thrown over his waist.

Perhaps it wasn't the cot's fault. He never seemed to sleep well on his own.

He got up when he accepted that sleep was a losing fight. For hours he wondered around the empty bar, putting things back in their place. Finishing up all the cleaning he and Edu hadn't gotten around to the night before.

Around noon he fixed himself something to eat from the kitchen, and just before sunset Edu arrived to get everything ready for the night.

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