
The Jealous Rosie

Rosie walked quickly towards the two of them. Because they were quite far apart, the two of them then had separated before Rosie could arrive in front of them. Aslan… that man would be on a mission for three years. This was really a very random occurrence. She really wanted to scream in the man's face right now.

"Rosie… can you walk more slowly?"

Rosie groaned. She forgot about May who had been with her. The child had difficulty going down the hill while bringing the large jar that had to be given to Miss Lynda. 

"Ah, sorry. Do you need my help?" Rosie asked.

May nodded and Rosie pushed aside her basket, which was also full of jam, and hugged Miss Lynda's jar. 

"Oh, Gary!" called May after the big jar of jam no longer held her gaze. Rosie tried to avert her eyes, pretending not to see Aslan who looked surprised to see her presence.

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