
New family


It's been about 3 days since the bridge disaster, I have to say I've spent them in bed mostly, I mean my wounds heal pretty fast although it costs me a lot of energy, another problem is that strange glow in my veins when I got lost in the rage I guess it's something I'll have to look into another time.

I haven't talked much even with Vander, I don't like to get too attached to people because at any moment it's possible to lose them, but, I will do my best to protect them all, even Violet who at the moment seems to be quite suspicious of me, it's not like I'm surprised I mean I let myself go pretty much I don't think what has been a pretty show for anyone sane.

Apart from Vander who is very busy organizing the Lanes the person I've talked to the most has been Powder I think she's a little scared of me but I think she likes me, at least she seems genuinely interested in my strength mainly she's been the one who has been taking care of me in the brief moments of lucidity I've had, she's a very nice girl.

I think I am now healed enough to get up, I feel too numb and need to get my body back in shape, I need to get stronger, this situation has shown me how weak I am compared to what I thought if I want to be truly free I have to be stronger than anyone else.

Violet entered the room where I was recovering and commented as soon as she saw me.

-I see that you are already better, you don't look like a dying man anymore.

-Well, if your little sister takes care of me, how can I not recover.

I say knowing that the mere mention of her sister will make her lose her temper, not that I want to be mean to her but it's annoying that she's still distrustful even with Vander trusting me.

Violet gave me a dirty look and quickly said in a growl.

-Vander was asking about you, he said if you were awake you should go downstairs and get something to eat.

-Okay Violet let's go see what he needs, thanks for the heads up.

-No problem Deyn.

-My friends can call me Dyn Violet, you can call me that.

-Then call me Vi, Dyn and...you have any friends?



Vander was at the bar of his bar, he looked haggard with dark circles under his eyes and bags under his eyes, he looked blank-eyed cleaning a pitcher he came to when he heard two figures coming down the stairs which turned out to be Deyn and Violet when the boy saw Vander he said.

-Well I'm glad I'm not the only one to look like shit.

-Language kid, You barely reach my waist to talk to me like that.

-Well at least you're in better spirits aren't you?

At that moment Vi spoke.

-Can we talk about why you called us here Vander?

Deyn answered.

-That's right, where's Powder?

Vander sighed, preparing himself for a long conversation that he was sure was not going to be very popular with his listeners.

-Powder is sleeping, it's too early anyway, I called you guys to talk about the situation after the failure a few days ago...the rebellion is over we have suffered more losses than we thought, and all the people on the lines will have to keep a low profile for quite some time, people have even noticed you Dyn, there are rumors of a deranged kid who was annihilating enforcers and no matter the injuries he wouldn't stop.

Interrupting Vander Vi he speaks

-Well, you're quite right about the unhinged thing.

Deyn just gave her a dirty look waiting for Vander to continue.

-We'll have to cover your tracks Dyn, we don't want the enforcers after your head, we won't confront them under any circumstances.

With anger rising to the surface Deyn replied.

-You mean we can't do anything but put up with being treated like scum? I'm sick of it Vander I want to fight, I want to be free, I want you all to have more than the scraps from those of above....

-I understand how you feel, but, you're not ready and you won't be soon, it's a reality you can't run away from, first think about defending yourself and your family before you think about anything else...

Deyn sighed in frustration and simply sat down on a stool and dropped his head on the bar with obvious discomfort...Suddenly he heard a noise in front of him so he looked up and saw some sort of shiny drink and before he spoke he felt a hand on each of his shoulders, one was of course from Vander who was smiling and the other was surprisingly from Vi who looked at him with understanding before saying.

-Cheer up that face my little brother can't be that sad.

Pouting Deyn says.

-I'm not sad...I'm just, well I'm serious you know?

Both Vander and Vi burst out laughing just before Deyn joined them when they heard a voice on the stairs.

-It's unfair that you guys are having fun here by yourselves and you leave the three of me out of the way?

Powder said sad, she had woken up with so much noise and came to investigate.

-Powder, don't worry, this used to be a serious conversation, come with us, let's get to know each other better if we are going to be a real family, that's the least we have to do.

Deyn said between sarcastic and amused by the situation.

Powder heeding his new big brother sat on Deyn's right side since his sister was on the opposite side and so they spent a few days as a happy family.


It's been a few days since Vander told us that we should stay away from the public eye, so we have been out of The Last Drop just enough and necessary, good news is that I am now healed at all, so I have started training with Vander's help he is teaching me how to punch better he says that with my strength I shouldn't need any weapons but I have a more warmongering opinion about that, also Violet has started training with him, she seems to have talent so I'm happy for her.

Powder, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be overly talented in hand-to-hand fighting but I'm sure she has talent in that, one day I went to see what she was doing and it turns out that with the scrap scraps she found she was trying to make a smoke bomb, who knew little Pow would have talent in mechanics and engineering I'm happy for her, every time I go out I try to bring her parts so she can build things, I think if her gadgets get to work she will be an invaluable help to whatever plan we have.

Today is gathering day, Vander will go for food Vi will go to steal money, and Powder and I will go for anything we find valuable to sell or keep, so we head to Zaun's walk level one of the closest levels to Piltover, but we will stay away from prying eyes so nothing bad should happen.

Upon arrival, we were dressed like any two beggars indistinguishable from any other beggar, plus a long hooded cloak that kept our identities hidden, actually most of the work will be done by me Powder is simply there to observe, at first there wasn't much to steal trinkets, junk, gears, sometimes I would let Powder take over when there was little or no danger and if we got caught I would simply put her on my back and run away, In one of those we stumbled upon what seems to be the secret stash of a local gang, my smile turned greedy as I looked at the loot, ingots of export minerals from Piltover, some carbines and pistols, two shotguns, bladed weapons, ammo, and some bombs, needless to say, I stole everything I could, if we can dismantle them we can learn more about how they are made when we successfully returned I kissed Powder on the forehead out of pure happiness before telling her.

-Pow I'm sure you're my lucky charm.

Hi guys, I'm new to writing, so don't be too mean to me. English isn't my first language either, so there will be mistakes. Feel free to comment on any questions, criticisms, or suggestions. I'm gonna be grateful if you throw me a power stone. Thank you for reading.

Rattelbittecreators' thoughts
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