

They got to the airport and she took a seat with her brother even though they were the only ones on the plane. She was that mad at him and he couldn't understand why! She wasn't even going to talk to him anymore. He took a seat beside Diane. Diane had been awfully quiet all through the day and he wondered why. He shoulder bumped her and she looked at him, smiling.

"You've been awfully quiet. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I've just been thinking about a lot of things. I don't know why my father has to be the bad guy. He was once a loving sweet person. How did things change?"

"People are like that. It takes the littlest of things to bring out whatever monster they have in them. Some have small triggers and some, it's the big bang. One thing you should know though is that, everybody has a monster in them and if properly pushed to the wall, that monster would come out. You would almost think it's a different person entirely"

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