
658. Questionable Existence

"And there you see the beautiful and lush agricultural fields of Riveria Kingdom." Sylvester, sitting in the reinsman seat, drove the carriage he had borrowed from Aurora. With Ella and Rex sitting beside him, the rest of the adults were in the back, with slightly more windows added to the carriage's frame. 

"What's that?!" Rex exclaimed, pointing his little finger toward a building structure in the middle of the fields. 

At that, the little girl Ella replied with a monotone voice. "That is the water tower. Its height helps move the water in the pipes and irrigates the field." 

Sylvester smiled and passed a candy to the girl for her correct answer, which she happily accepted. "That is right."

Through the many fields of the Riveria, they soon entered the Highland Kingdom from the Fort Sunflower. Too many memories were connected to that place, but he didn't stop and kept going down south while showing his students the various places he had battled. 

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