
431. Adventures of Lord Chonky

[A/N: Rejoice the fluff while you may. For you will crave this when the next arc is on display.]

Miraj, the lovable fluffy cat, the proud father of the strongest kitten in the whole world. But despite his many blessings, Miraj was not always content. Much of his time was spent in a state of boredom, especially when he was traveling with Sylvester. While the journey was exciting, most of their time was spent traversing from one destination to another, leaving Miraj little to do but perch upon Sylvester's shoulder and nap.

However, their arrival at Viscount Mineworth's castle signaled a new adventure, one that promised to uncover long-buried secrets within the ancient land. It was time to unlock the doors and reveal precious riches for donating to the Chonky Bank of Commerce — Exclusive to Sylvester.

As the morning sun cast its radiant light upon the mortal realm, the immortal cat leaped nimbly out of the window without disturbing Sylvester's slumber.

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