
177. Duke Zephyr Vas Zon 

Once again, a scheming grin appeared on Sylvester's face, sending shivers down the Arch Wizard's spine. It was a fact now that if Sylvester dies, the Viscount's name would appear somewhere. Therefore, it was beneficial to this noble that Sylvester lived. 

Sylvester put his hands on the man's shoulder and made him stand up. "Viscount Willington… by the holy powers bestowed upon me by the lord. I command you to aide me. Your liege, the Duke, has been compromised as a part of a greater conspiracy. If we lose today… the entire Duchy shall fall."

"What do you need me to do, my lord?" Viscount asked firmly. He already knew there was a conspiracy going on. But he only cared for Count Jartel's lands before. 

Sylvester solemnly ordered. "Be the shield that guards the light. You must ensure that I reach that hill over there… or else… if I die here, then…" 

The Viscount blurted quickly. "I will Fight! Even if the toll is my life… I shall stand by the light!"

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