
Thank you for being lenient!

Short and sweet.

Instructor Black Kong didn't mince words, and immediately got to the point of what was about to happen in the clearest and simplest words he could come up with.

He then didn't bother taking questions, and immediately started the timer.


All one hundred Class Instructors took a massive bite out of their sandwiches!

"Holy smokes! Our class instructor looks like a damn nerd, but damn it, he sure can eat! Attack!!!" Roland Hu shouted in near panic.

At his words though, the rest of our classmates woke up from their shock and were immediately galvanized into action!

They jumped at the teacher from all directions!

The students were smart. They knew that they were no match for the class instructors in combat, but they also knew that if they could somehow tackle them down to the ground, they would have won.

So many of the students flung themselves bodily towards the class instructors, hoping to catch them by surprise!

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