
The Hunt

"I heard we are hunting only one titan."

"I heard it too. This is going to be easy."

"I dont think so. If it was easy, the higher ups wouldn't have panicked this much when they heard its location."

"You might be right."


"After this mission, I am going to confess to my cush."

"Heh. Look at you go! Finally having the balls to confess ha?"

"Yea yea. Dont make fun of me. I am trying my best Okay? I just dont want to destroy our friendship if she refuses."

(?) :"Too bad she is not going to hear it"

"huh wha-" *Slash*

"blblblbl" *choking on blood*

"huh?! Johny!" *Stab*

/Pov Mc/

I wiped the blood on my knife. "I guess that was the last of them."

{Affirmative. They were the last Infantry in this wave.}

"Now lets hunt some titans"

{Roger that captain uwu}


Must be my imagination. All those time I spend in training is effecting my brain. Yea that is it.

I hop in the cockpit and the front plates closes once again. Heh. I suddenly remember how many sex jokes I could make about this. She gives me control when I am inside, when I ride her we become a better team... Wait can this be considered vore?

God damn it! I need to get out of here! I am slowly going crazy!

/General Pov/

Two titans were walking on the road between buildings "I lost contact with the last infintary squad."

"He must've been Haunting grunts. Haha little pussy is afraid to face us."

"Fuck! He is going after People Who can't even defend themselfs. If I see him, he is dead."

"haha good luck taking him apart from my fist."

Suddenly a blue energy beam hits delta two and then right after, a missile barrage came from infront of them *BOOM*x12

"Oh shit! Fuck! Delta two is down! I repeat delta two is down! Need backup at area Zeus!"

Just when titan pilot recovered from the shock, a Red titan appeared from the dust cloud and punched Delta one!

Delta one couldn't even react when another punch was connected. One after another delta one was getting beaten but suddenly he deployed anti Rodeo countermeasures.


'It might not damage him but at least it can gain enough time for me to get my shit together.' thought delta one.

The red titan fires through the smoke *Brrrrrt* (i dont know what sound XO-16 makes)

"Shit my shields are down!"

The red titan quickly re-arms and fires a blue beam and a rocket salvo again. *BOOM*

{Core exposed} "I can see that you fucking titan! - D1

Right when delta one finishes insulting his titan, an uppercut hits his titan! The front plates of the titan gets loose and opens, showing the scared pilot to outside world.

The red titan holds the delta one's titan with one hand and opens his plates. A pilot runs out and climbs the back of the delta one's titan pulling out the energy cell in the process.

The pilot doesnt even looks back while getting back in his titan. When the front plates closes, the red titan smashes the open plates of delta one's titan shut, squashing delta one in the process.

{Yummy. Thanks for the meal Captain}

"Get me out of this hell hole please."

[Sensing irregular brain waves due to constant stress. Begining stage 2 of the cute titan protocol]

{I love you captain}

*Sigh* "I love me too"

*Sounds of titans approaching*

"Lets get out of here"

{Roger Roger}

/Area Hades/

"Monarch let me out here." the titan obeys and lets her pilot out from her cockpit.

"There are 3 titans patroling this time. So the previous strategy is out of window. You are going to show yourself for a breif second then run between building and I will use that distraction and jump on the titan at the back. Once I am on it, you need to engage the enemy to distract them from me planing a bomb."

{No Captain. You will be on the titan so me firing at them is not a chance. I will not risk your life}

"Great. First woman to worry about me other that my mom is a giant mech"

{I might have an idea captain}

"I am all ears"

/Area Hades Patrol group/

"I lost contact with the patrol team in area Zeus. Be carefull."

"By the way, how can one man can take on our entire mercenary group by himself?"

"I dont know. The higher ups were nervous like they were about to die. I guess who ever behind this man or woman is strong enough that even mentioning his trainee causes them to lose their shit"

"I heard his teacher was one of the few people who are feared in the galaxy"

"Thats just a story to scare away the New recruits. I dont believe it."

"Maybe, maybe not"


"huh? What was that?"

"what was what?"

"I just heard a static."

"Probably due to the high buildings here."

"Wasn't our equipment can handle harshest conditions and work perfectly?"

"I dunno man! I didnt make them!"

"Okay! Okay! Jees"

"Soo, wanna go drinking after this mission?"

"Dude. Really?"


"We are here, possibly going to die and you are talking about going drinking."

"Yea, I know. Was just trying to ease the mood."

*boom* Suddenly a little explosion accurs few blocks ahead

"HQ this is team Hades. We heard an explosion few blocks ahead of us. Going there to investigate."

Radio: "This is HQ. No problem. Sending support to your area"

/Explosion area/

"I cant see anything"

"Maybe it was a distraction?"

"But from what?"

"I dont know but stay frosty."

A Red titan apears infron of them.

"We got a monarch variant titan! Blew it into bits!" all three titans open fire. But much to their efforts, their bullets were stopped by a blue shield.

"What?! Those titans shouldn't have shields!"

"Wait! Look closely!"

"W- what is that?"


"Shit! It took the hands of other titans and somehow strapped into itself!" the Red titan didnt even wait for them and redirected all the bullets back to them

"SHIELDS!" all exept one, opened their shields and the one who didnt opened was hit by the bullets.


"Why didnt you open your shield?!"

"I- I cant! It says low energy!"

"What? How can... H1 Above you!"

"Deploy anti rodeo countermesures!" all of them poped their smokes.

"Shit! He got away" *BOOM* suddenly H1 exploded.

"H1 down! I repeat, H1 down!"

"HQ where is the back up?!"

Radio: "The person you have called, cannot be reached at the moment. Please try again later. Probably never"

"what the fuck! Coms are down!"

*X0-16 sound*

"Open fire!" the two sides went into a serious gun battle.

"Thats it! I am going in. Cover me!"

"H3 Dont do anything recless!"

A blue beam hits H3 and he loses his defence shields. Without waiting for a second, H3 takes out his knife and wemts in for a stab.

The knife is stopped by the red titan. H3 gets kicked in the front plates and gets thrown 15 meters back.

H2 decides defend H3 while H3 is down *X0-16 sounds*

(?):"You guys are really newbies"

"wha-" *BOOM* H2 gets blown away

"Ugh my head. H2 cover me while I punch this fu-" H3 looks back only to see his teammates are dead. He turns his head to Red titan and starts dumping his entire Mag.


But the red titan activates its shields and catches every bullet. H3 gets frustrated and throws his gun at it which the red titan grabs mid air.

"Heheheh. Fuck you" H3 says while looking in the eye of the red titan.

{Ejection} H3 ejects himself and his titan starts to glow. Seeing this, the red titan falls back quickly to avoid getting damaged for no reason.

A giant explosion accurs. And H3 lands on a roof. "Heh. This teaches you not to mess with us you motherfucker. That was for my comrades. Why didn't the support arrived?"

I man de-activates his cloak behind him. *bang*

"Phew. I think this area is cleared too."


"By the way, it was a great idea to use other titans we destroyed to get in their coms. Heh idiots never realised they werent even connected to the main coms."

{Thankyou Captain. You were cool yourself. Destroying two titans without them noticing the bombs you planted}

"I guess we really are a good team"

{Our battle succes is %100 untill now}

"Lets go hunt some more titans."


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