
Chapter 501: The Uninvited Guest in the Fortress Warehouse_2

Due to the clutter and large equipment scattered throughout the massive warehouse.

Half of the emerging Saint Night soldiers were busy clearing the surrounding debris, paving the way for subsequent troops.

As for the other half of the Saint Night soldiers, they were bloodthirsty, squeezing through the narrow passage and began to spread out, looking for the location of the warehouse gate.

Among these soldiers, in addition to warriors wielding longswords and daggers, there were also quite a few mages.

Before this, they had forcibly torn apart part of the magic restriction covering the warehouse floor, so they could successfully emerge from the underground.

Next, they just needed to tear apart the magic restrictions at the warehouse gate, allowing the subsequent troops to pass through smoothly, and everything would be accomplished.

"Quick, hurry up and find the warehouse exit, give those unprepared Coldflame pups a fatal blow! My great axe can't wait to see blood!"

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