
Chapter 446: Familiar Figure_1

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Above the boundless Eastern Plain of Coldflame City, Leo Ray and his party, cloaked in invisibility, were speeding along.

The wind caused by their high speed spread around, making constant tearing sounds, drumming in everyone's ears.

At this moment, riding on a huge white wolf, Leo Ray lowered his body, feeling the chill of the cold air on his cheeks while looking around.

Of course, leading the way at the front of the team were the two Tier 5 Powerhouses, Taylor and Red Night.

Just as Leo Ray had observed earlier, with the addition of Red Night,

After both of them activated their energy barriers, the air resistance encountered by other members was greatly reduced, increasing the team's movement speed even further.

Guarding Leo Ray's left and right flanks were Serena Clark and Stella Clark.

Behind Leo Ray were the two maids, Abigail and Amelia.

Bringing up the rear were Scarlett and Gideon Black.

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