
Chapter 337: A Surprising Harvest【5K】_2

[Note: The body of this staff is made from the branches of a thousand-year-old ancient tree, emitting an aura of antiquity.]

[The core of the staff is embedded with a top-grade, magic-filled Stone of Nature, possessing the miraculous effect of enhancing the duration of spells.]

[Name: Elemental Dance]

[Tier: 5 (Extraordinary) (Silver)]

[Attack Strength: ★★★★★★]

[Effect one: Magic Amplification • Absolute (Significantly increases damage when casting spells)]

[Effect two: Magic Reduction • Extreme (Substantially reduces the caster's consumption of magic)]

[Note: The manufacturing process of this wand is extremely complex, combining twelve rare magical metals. It has a remarkable amplification effect and reduces magic consumption for all attribute spells. It is said that the original creator of this wand was a master magic craftsman with a lineage of human, elf, and winged races.]

"Is 'Nature's Staff' focused on support, while 'Elemental Dance' is focused on offense?"

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