
Truck-kun played it part

*Third POV*

"Please Visit again sir" Kai just nods his head in response with a smile over his lips.

Walking out of the coffee shop on his way back to the office, where he has seen some haaat- haaat scene out of the game.

"Stop thinking about it already Kai, no use of thinking something like this" pouting his lips feeling his vision getting blurred than before.

"Why did I even fight with my family for a guy like him who just-I can't even go back home? Mom will ever open the door for me as always" sniffing his nose, feeling the tears already streaming down his eyes.

"I caused you, Takeshi, hopes that cucumber gets bitten off by a cat or just-just…." Kai paused, lifting his hand up to look down at his phone. Just to look over the locked screen,

The photo of younger vision of him and the other guy with the black short hair with the piercing earrings with long earrings over one side.

"I hope you get your heartbroken and feel the pain what I'm feeling now-" just then to feel someone bumped into him, making his foot stumble sideways in the middle of the road. Making Kai fall on the ground with a thud.

"What that fu-" right before he could complete his sentence, just to see the two hooded figures standing in the distance.


A voice screamed over the other side making Kai stop on his track, lifting his head up from his phone screen. To look over the side of the road as his finger presses over the lock screen, unlocking the phone.

Starting at a truck heading towards him along with the loud honk of it echoing around him.

Just an inch away from him just to feel his body hit against something hard. The next thing Kai knew, his ears starts to ring, him lying on the ground on his own pool of blood.

Feeling numb all over his body along with the burning sensation inside his throat ended up making Kai cough in response. Only made the guy taste the metallic taste inside his mouth, as the single teardrop from the left side of his eye crossed over to the right.

"Heyyy!! Someone calls the amb-"

"Is he breathing?"

"Oh no, he is bleeding so much"

"Ambulance is on…. Wai"

"Hey ar-"

Kai could feel his vision getting blur than before along with his cheat getting heavier and heavier making it harder to breathe. Making his eyes get heavier and heavier, making him close his eyes fully shut.

"Love you~" watching a blurry face standing right in front of him with the sun setting in the background.

Just to reopen his eyes, watching the white light moving backwards once after the other above his head.

"Kai!! Kai!!! I'm sorry!!, I'm sorry!! I'm sorry so sorry, please keep your eyes open" hearing a voice crying in the distance, a blurred head looking down at him.

"Kai! Please I would never repeat I would never just stay away Kai!!" making him close his eyes once again falling once again into the darkness of his own world.

*Entering the route of The Omega Wolf boy*

Enter your name: {....}

Entering name Error 707...


** Entering the Route Error**

Are you sure you want to enter the Error...

Achievement Unlock Now you are playing as Koishi the Omega wolf boy....

**Error... **.

A boy sat with his knees closer to his chest in darkness with the bright light shining upon him.

Just wearing brown pants reaching right above his knees, plain as white skin marked with the scars on his back. Bright as fire red, darker than the night sky as the blood tracking down through it one after.

Black hair Eyes which were still closed with its shadow falling upon his cheeks, light pink lips parted away from each other.

'Its so cold'

Right then, the soft tune of the piano being played in the distance made him slowly open his eyes by blinking it a few times. The dark blue eyes are just like the view of the ocean of the evening sun.

"I love you, Kai, thank you for coming into my life, giving it a new meaning to it," a voice said echoing around him. The boy still has the blank look over his face.

*"Kai common stop now!! Get some sleep already, my panda" *

*"Kai!!! Really eat already, it makes me feel as if I'm with a tough kid who just knows to play rather than eating" *

*"I-I'm sorry Kai, it's just I wanted to experience what it is like being with girls" *

*"Can we take a beak for a year please no-no don't misunderstand It's just as we have been together for three years. So I just want to feel like what's it like to date others" *

*"You can take a break too and date others, it's a win-win situation and then after a year we will come back together" *

*"Wait, you must be kidding me, you told your family about it? Why would you ever do that, are you stupid?" *

*"Let's keep it a secret in between us for us, I need time to come out as I'm not like you and my family isn't like yours. They will kill me" *

*"Kai, I love you! I love you so much" *

*"Love you Kai" *

*"I'm sorry Kai" *

*"Please don't close your eyes I'm sorry, sorry for everything" *

*"Sorry" *

*"Sorry" *

The voice that was echoing around him finally came to a stop as a tear slipped from the left side of his eye. Still holding the blank look over his face a bright pink dialogue appears in front of finally making the boy turn his gaze towards it.

Along with an image of the boy behind it, as if some kind of projector is being played in the mid-air. Blinking his eyes a few times, slowly lifted his head up to have a clear view of it.

'Sinner of Pleasure' is displayed in front of him in the most beautiful writing with the butterfly flying around it.

Along with the shadow of a girl right behind, it has thrown warped all over her with the hands above her head. Holding a rose in her tied hands.

Making the boy bend his head sideways like a small curious puppy looking at something it has never seen before.

The ears above his heat appear out of nowhere with the white small light sparkling around it. Both of the ears in attention as one of the twists.

*-A princess of the small country far from the distance with the happiest kingdom with no war has taken place for 200 years- *

-She used to be the happiest, the smile as if an angel has fallen from the sky down to the earth. Making everyone's heart flutter-

*-On the day of princess 18 birthdays the banquet's heald for her to choose a husband, in between the 10 candidates- *

-Who will you choose princess with whom do you want to spend the eternal life with and be blessed with the light of the goddess-

*-Will you really fall in love or fall into the darkest of your wrong choice - *

"Be careful what you choose, for will be the one to lead you to the ending?" a voice said, breaking the boy with the blue eyes break out of the train of thoughts.

Opening his mouth to speak as his lips kept on moving just to hear no voice coming out from his lips.

Making him rise, his hand touching his head with his dark blue eyes going wide in response as the ears that were the top of his head disappeared from his head with the small lights circling around it.

'Wait, where am I? And this screen, why does it look so familiar, Sinner of pleasure? Isn't it an Otome game but-'

All of a sudden, just to feel a sudden wave of pain on his head, making him hold it with both of his hands. With his mouth wide, screaming in pain but no voice coming out of his mouth. As the tears start to fall one after the other.

"HEYYY WATCH OUT!!" making his mind flashback at the moment the bright light of the truck heading towards him.

"Kai!! Kai!!! I'm sorry!!, I'm sorry!! I'm sorry so sorry, please keep your eyes open" hearing a voice crying in the distance, a blurred head looking down at him.

"Kai! Please I would never repeat I would never just stay away Kai!!

A faded white light passed one after the other, slowly turning into the darkness. Opening his eyes back up just to see the projector still paused at -Be careful what you wished for-

'Did I really die?' the boy though

'Does that mean this is after like, and I'm just seeing this Otome 18+ game where I was the illustrator and played before I died? Damn, I wasn't even able to inform them about the Error' Rolling his eyes looking down at his hands which looks a lot skinner and plain than before.

'Well it doesn't really matter does it, Damn I don't even know the ending what happened after that Koishi died did the MC live with the Vampire guy forever?' getting on his feet the boy walks towards the projector still unknown how he really looks.

Rising his head as it slowly moves towards it, the tip of his finger touches the screen making him almost jump out of the skin, a blurred face moving towards him like some 5d character.

"The moment I saw you were already mine," the faceless guy with the red hair said, just wearing a white tunic and brown pants with the black sword hanging in the side of his waist. The face of the red-haired guy moves closer to his face.

Standing under the tree with his hands extended towards him as if it's under his chin. A sudden wave of shiver passes through him, feeling the cold wind hitting against his skin.

*'The hell what?' *

"I want to tame you, tie you up with, so you would never ever be able to escape me…."

With that, another guy with blue hair standing under the moonlight, a white robe covering his body fallen off from one side of his shoulder exposing his chest.

Right above him up on the bed with his hands that were tied up on the bed. The blue hair shone along with his body with the moonlight falling upon him. Looking around just to find himself upon the bed with the flower petals upon it. Candle burning in the distance upon the stand on the wall.

Once again the surrounding changes around him, this time the boy finds himself sitting upon the red velvet chair with the golden border. One blond boy kneeling down right in front of his leg, holding with his chin rested upon it.

"Our sunshine aren't you the innocent one" the blond boy mumbles under his breath, the boy could see the smirk across his face.

"It makes us want to mark you with our sins" another side said right beside the boy holding his hand cupping his chin just like the first blond guy.

*'The hell is happening? Am I in hell or in heaven? Am I in a VR game now, but why does their touch feel so real?' *

"Why don't you spend the night with me and let me take you for the ride of the heaven filled with pleasure?"

One after the other the surrounding of the boy just kept on changing one after the other finding himself in a different situation.

Only to come to a stop where he just finds himself kneeling in front of the shadow with his hands that were tied behind his back sward pointing upon his chest.

Once again the surrounding once again starts to fade around him, once again looking down at the pond at his own reflection. Eyes wide open along with his mouth, the dark blue eyes staring back at him with his body smaller than before.

"Koishi?" mumbled under his breath, raising his hand as if moving along with his reflection.

"What the hell, why am I looking like one of the characters of the Otome game?"

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