
My Childhood Hero

this is the second one shot that i originally wrote for halloween lol

it's much much shorter than the first one,

anyways, have fun <3

also, I can't stress enough how grateful I am for the collection's and powerstones u guys give me, thank you so so much TT♡

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You had met him in Meteor City for the first time, you were younger than him.

As a toddler you had been abandoned there, shortly after learning how to walk.

When you found Chrollo back then, you glued yourself onto his side because he gave you the feeling of safety that a place like Meteor City could not provide.

He had just accepted it.

In the beginning it was hard for you to keep pace wirh him but rather quickly you observed everything he did and copied it.

He had never really thought you anything, didn't help you in times of need, you had to do it all by yourself from the very beginning.

Some thought you were siblings since you were always only a few feet behind him.

You liked it when people said things like these, it made you feel strong. 

To you Chrollo was pure glory, someone you looked up to.

But when you got older you came to realize that he didn't seem to care about you, especially after he founded the spider, so you left.

You left Meteor City and started a honest life.

You got a job that even provided, a very shaggy, apartment and saved your money.

After two years you started working somewhere better, earned more monyey and moved into a much better and your own apartment.

Someday you moved out of the city and onto an island with only around 500 residents.

There you got comfortable really quickly but it was to boring for your personal taste so you decided to take the hunter exam.

You wanted to help people if you could, especially those of circumstances like your past ones and prove and show them that there was a better life for them.

You had passed the hunter exam on your second try, between your first and second take two year had passed though in which you had learned about nen and mastered it's basics.

After you had passed the hunter exam you needed much more money to pay for a better nen teacher so you went to the heavens arena, one of the most famous fighting arenas around the world.

Fast you had worked yourself up to the 200th floor, your nen as a good companion.

When the woman at the reception to the 200th floor told you, that you could not earn any Jenny anymore but only fame, you were so high on all the cheering and your fans that you wanted to see how far you could get.

Daily you practiced your nen with your nen teacher which you paid with your prize money from the previous fights.

After only a few months though you had grown over his abilities and trained by yourself, perfected your nen.

When you had won your last fight to become a floor master you decided to leave the arena, you were unsure whether to want to become one since it wasn't rare that one of the fighters died in those fights.

Your fans were disappointed in your leaving, they had cheered and rooted for you for a long time.

In which direction you wanted to go as a hunter was still rather a mystery to you so you wanted to settle to be a bodyguard for a while.

But your fame and experience in fights at the heavens arena made possible hired almost kill each other over who will be able to have you work for them.

You had done this kind of job for a whole year when the son of one of the biggest mafia cartels of the continent wanted to go to the York New auction to which you were payed to accompany him to.

In the last moment he didn't feel too well though and the both of you were able to get around the massacre in the auction hall through a coincidence.

You didn't know exactly how, but now Chrollo was standing right in front of you.

He still almost looked exactly the way he did the day you left Meteor City behind, his fave was almost the same that it ws in your memories.

But you had grown ever since, he did not really anymore so now he was only a half a head taller than you.

He smelled like wet dirt, wet smoke and all around you people were walking around to try and get from A to B as quickly as possible.

It had started to rain an hour earlier and it send the city almost in distress, in more stress and movement than usual.

"You grew." he noted what you had already thought about yourself.

"You didn't." you answered and a open laugh left his throat.

With a bit of distance to him you could make out a few familiar faces behind Chrollo.

You recognised Machi, Pakunoda, Franklin, Feitan and Nobunaga.

You furrowed your eyebrows for a second, one of the members that Chrollo had called together as the 'founding members' was missing.

"Where is Uvogin?" you asked, interrupted Chrollos laugh with it.

"We think he is dead." he answered.

"Oh..I'm so sorry about that." you gave back truthfully.

Nobunagas gaze went to the side, avoided yours that met his for a split second.

From the old times you remembered how good the friendship betweem hin and Uvogin has been.

"You changed." Chrollo then said, he had not changed because the tone of his voice was the same it was all the years back in the past.

"It's been a while that we have last seen, I was a child back then, so what had you expected?" the tone of your voice was the same as his, calm, soft and monotone.

You had learned it from him those many years ago.

"Right, it has been a while." he admitted, looked up to the sky and let the falling rain coat his face.

A gust of wind hit you, made you shudder for a second and hope that this 'meet-up' would end soon.

You were there when the Spider was founded, you knew how they got their money and you had turned your back to it with full consciousness years ago.

You had grown up, and became big and honest.

Other than them.

"Why did you just leave back then?" Chrollo asked suddenly and the question surprised you.

He wasn't actually the type to ask things like these.

You took a few steps to get past him, only a few feet separated you and him when you spoke your answer.

"Because you didn't need me and I think that you never wanted me there." - "That's not true." he disagreed almost instantly and it almost made you stop for a moment.

You were standing midst the troupe when you answered him once more.

"That doesn't matter anymore anyways. I've grown up and earn my money with honest work."

You tried to wave him off before he could say anything else, something that could actually make you stop, and you squeezed yourself past the remaining members of the troupe.

You thought it was over, you were glad about it, but Chrollo seemed to have different plans as he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him.

He just started running and you had no other choice but to oblige.

A few moments later you had arrived in a come down building in which Chrollo pressed you down on one of the many boxes to make you sit down.

From then on Chrollo asked you many questions about what you had done the years you didn't see each other.

Several times you had tried to clarify that you wanted to leave, that you were a hunter and wouldn't hesitate to fighr him if someone offered you enough Jenny to.

But he kept on talking and talking, at some point you had given up following him and to listen.

It was obvious that you had changed while Chrollo and everyone else from Meteor City stayed the same, they only became better thief's and nen users.

"Follow me." Chrollo suddenly said, took your hand and helped you up.

Machi and Franklin stood up as well to accompany you ad well but Chrollo told them to stay with a quick gaze in their direction.

When the two of you stepped out of the building, many copies stood everywhere around you as well.

It must've been one of the new members because you couldn't recall any of the founding ones to have a nen ability like this.

It was still raining.

Maybe you could take the initiative now and run away?

Chrollo did not seem to want to let you go and you started to fear that he would just take you back with him to meteor city or wherever he lived now.

"You fought well in the heavens arena. Why did you not become a floor master?" he asked.

You noticed that he had his book in his hand and you got a very bad feeling.

So he knew that you spend some time in the heavens arena.

"How do you know that I used to fight in the heaven's arena?" you finally asked.

"I watched you. Tell me, why did you not didn't you measure yourself against even stronger opponents? That would be even better done on your application as a bodyguard for mafia members."

You faltered.

You did not tell him that you took jobs as a bodyguard, you had only clarified that you were a hunter.

That he knew of your time at the heaven's arena wasn't even too unpredictable, you were rather famous during your time there and it was an open information.

But you decided to act like he didn't just say something he could impossibly know.

"I thought of it to be too dangerous. I have things I want to achive since i left our hometown..''

You swallowed down the lump in your throat.

"Too bad. I would've loved to fight against you." Chrollo answered and your heart felt a bit lighter.

So he did not stalk you.

And yet, how did he know from your job?

You had just gathered all you bravery to ask when he started to speak.

"You have worked hard to get where you are now. If you think about where you lived when you left Meteor City and where you live now.." his hand twisted around yours and he turned to you.

"How do you know all that?" you just asked, your body taken over by the curiosity and the slight fear your former childhood hero triggered in you.

Chrollo looked down on your hands, yours in his.

You couldn't move.

"I never understood why you just left without even saying a word. And when you said I didn't care...it broke my heart? I've been looking for you since you left, but we're from Meteor City, besided for each other we pretty much don't exist in the world. And then you had started fighting your way up the heavens arena. I expected you to become a floormaster so we would fight each other, I would have surprised you by being your opponent. But you left and kept moving from there on so I could barely locate you. However, after you were officially a Hunter and found fame in the heavens arena, there were posts about you and I found out what I could. I've learned everything about you since Meteor City. Uvogin is dead and there is an empty place in the spider,we are missing a leg. I want you to take the vacant seat."

Even while Chrollo was talking so naturally about having stalked and searched for you, you began to shake your head and the tears that had collected threatened to finally fall.

"I'm not like that." you said, your voice was shaking and higher than usual.

''I've put a lot of effort into finding you and now you're trying to tell me you don't care? That you're 'not like that'?" Chrollo's tone had changed, it was deeper and his gaze was elsewhere.

He was looking for eye contact which you avoided.

"I know you (Y/N), you know me, you know the Spider. Be a part of it."

Again you shook your head to tell him that you did not want to do that.

It was nice to hear that Chrollo did care about you, but not to this extent.

It wss not what you thought, expected, wanted.

It was quiet between the two of you for a while.

"Then don't be a part of the Spide, but at least be a part of me."

You didn't know what exactly made you just start running.

Were it his hands that suddenly let go of yours?

His words that sounded more like a threat than anything else?

But your effort was useless, your mind and body couldn't even work properly together so that you could use your nen.

But when suddenly a cloth fell over you and locked you in, you were as good as certain that you never had a chance against him anyways.


After all, most of what you had ever learned you still had from him.

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i hope you guys were able to enjoy the one shots since they are quiet different from the story and jf any of you want we could do this again sometime because i loved it ^^

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