
Chapter 611 High Risk Mission

Emerging from the Warp, the Elven Voidshio found itself in a strange starless system with planets orbiting some sort of gravitation phenomenon.

The elves within the Voidship were all unconscious, therefore they could not steer the ship as it was headed to a strange starless planet. Weirdly, however, the planet produced its own light. The atmosphere aglow with ethereal light. It wasn't blinding, instead, it was as clear as any blue and green planets in many star star systems. The planet seemed to pull them towards it, not in orbit-like way, but pulling it as if the planet had a rope around the Voidship.

It was slow at first, but after  the Voidship entered the atmosphere, the ship plunged even faster. The atmosphere created friction on the exterior of the ship, violently shaking it and engulfing it in flame.

The Elves were awaken by the extreme situations. 

Cellaeth, the female elf warrior, stood up and sprinted to the command center.

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