
3.17 Kian

Zhenxuan smiled.

"Hello, I hope I'm not bothering you."

Haoyu was stunned, she looked at Cillian to see how he was doing and saw that he was just looking at his father expressionlessly. She smiled and said:

"Not at all. Have a seat."

Zhenxuan took a seat at the end of the table and looked at Cillian.

"How are you, Lian?"

Cillian said:

"Don't call me that I don't like it."

Zhenxuan smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry I won't do it again."

Cillian simply nodded and resumed eating his chocolate cake. He asked:

"How have you been?"

Cillian swallowed and looked up. He said with a smile:

"I've been well how about you Zhenxuan?"

Zhenxuan said:

"I've been well too and you can call me father."

"I don't like to lie unless I absolutely have to."

When Zhenxuan saw the smirk on Cillian's face he knew that it was time to work his magic.

Zhenxuan held his hand and said:

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