
Peaceful Day #004

Dale showed me around camp and asked me if I wanted to share a tent with someone, I declined.

I have been sleeping on the ground with my rolling bed for a while now, and cold and heat doesn't bother me much.

I am more resistant to the weather than most people, as well as a nonfatal wound. It would take me 2 days to heal completely, a more serious wound like a stab or a shot that takes me 4 days to fully heal from them.

I wouldn't even have realized these perks of mine if I wasn't in the army, so it's a good thing I noticed them om time.


Night was approaching, and people were walking around getting ready for supper. I saw I still had some light, so I went to the lake and with a makeshift fishing pole fish on the shores.

"You are not going to get anything, you know." I heard a mature voice from behind me.

I saw Andrea and Amy walking toward me. 'Were they following me?'

"Ahh yes, some lovely company would feel much better," I said. Amy blushed while Andrea scoffed but still sat next to me while Amy was on the other side.

"Well, it'll be a miracle if you were to get som-" started Andrea only to be stopped when a fish pulled the thread and I pulled hard fishing out a big fish.

"You were saying?" I smirked at Andrea.

She humphed. "You got lucky,"

"Lucky, huh? Well, if I get lucky this next time, I get to kiss those pretty pouty lips of yours. " I said, grinning.

"Keep dreaming! you are not going to get anything! you are on!" she said challengingly.

I threw my hook, and not a few seconds later, another fish came out.

Amy and Andrea both widened their eyes.

"But how?" asked Andrea, surprised.

"I'm just lucky," I said and turned to her.

She blushed, remembering her bet. "Now don't go back on your word, Andrea," I said.

"But I guess I'll save my kiss for later, I want to savor those pouty lips." I winked at her, making the older woman blush and look away. "For now... shoo, I wanna fish some fishies."

"How about another bet?" asked Andrea, getting an idea.

"I'm listening,"

"If Amy and I get more fish before sun sets, then there is no kiss," she said, trying to get around my kiss.

"Hmm... okay, deal, " I said. Both girls got happy at that before I continued, "But if I win... I get to kiss YOU and Amy in front of everybody," I said triumphantly.

Amy was about to protest that her sister made a deal for both of them, but when I told mine, she stayed quiet. Losing didn't seem that bad to her now.

Andrea nodded. "Fair enough," she shuddered though thinking how Gabriel would savor her lips, no kne wmhas ever been so daring with her before. They always ignore her because she is already in her early 30s and is very strict.

I smirked, and we started fishing.


I looked at my bucket filled with fish while Amy and Andrea had barely caught five, still a good number, but compared to my 12 fish. I won easily.

Andrea had a small tint of red, knowing full well what it meant for her. Amy looked giddy while rubbing her knees.

I do wonder if it's the same with them... are they pent up like I am?

"Well, it seems I won, huh!" I said mockingly at them.

Andrea stood up and dusted herself. " Okay, get it over... Kiss me already, " she demanded, but I clicked my tongue.

"Tsk Tsk... that was not the deal, my dear Andrea, I will save my kiss and kiss you in front of everyone. That was the deal, " I said.

She bit her lips and just stomped away, leaving Amy and me alone.

I turned to the younger sister. "It's been a heck of a day, hasn't it?" I started.

"Mmh, hmm," she nodded. She smiled at me and hugged me.

"I don't think I thanked you for saving me..." she said, acting shy, her hands behind her back, pushing her small but perky tits up in an enticing way.

She leaned on me and kissed my cheek. She soon left, too, with a huge blush on her face.

I chuckled and looked to the side and saw something moving from a distance.

I frowned. "Is that...?" I blinked, and it was gone.

Was that one of the dead ones?

I shook my head, grabbed mine and the sisters' fish, and took it with me to camp, Andrea and Amy had forgotten their fish with me, leaving 'angry' or shy might have been the cause.

Once I made it to camp, I saw Shane. I walked towards him. "I think I saw one of those freaks near the lake, but it's too late now to check. We could lose some man, we should encircle the area with wired cans so if it enters our zone, it can alert us. I'm sure you guys also have night watch, but it wouldn't hurt to be safe, " I told him.

I could have gone outthere, but it was definetly getting dark and while I trust my skills as a fighter, if I get surrounded by them, then I'll be done for, though I could take on at least six of them at once.

Shane nodded, he didn't like the way I told him to set up a peremeter but he has a whole fucking group to look after. He looked at the side and spoke with one of the guys.

"Jim, Merle, and Daryl. You are gonna help him here and set up a peremeter around camp with the used cans of food we've used so far" he comanded to the two red necks and a tall skinny man. I am still taller than all of them though.



Fucking shit, I guess this is his way of payback?

Still, I don't mind much doing this, I'm starting to like the sisters so if they are in danger than the least I can do is keep'em safe for as long as I can while I teach them.

I nodded at Shane and saw the two red necks looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Well, then. You gather up wire or anything that can be used to tie up some cans around the camp" I looked at the older redneck, whose name is Merle.

I then looked at the smaller one, whose name is Daryl and the skinny guy, Jim. "You two would help finding as much of those cans as you can. The more sound it makes, the easier it is for us to detect"

Merle looked angry, seeing as I was ordering him around, but didn't speak up.

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