
Lycans and the Vampire

Brentford grabbed two in the dash and slammed them both dace first into a wall but his moment of focus on them had another kick his head.

It had him off his feet but a quick roll and he was up again, only to be swarmed by two more.

They had the speed and power but Brentford noticed they lack grunt, whenever a blow lands it barely hurt, merely having enough firepower to get him off his feet.

He struck one then kicked another, an entire room now filled faced him and he felt confident this was going to be an easy fight.

Ducking under the fist of one he grabbed hom by the back if his collar and threw hom into the next oncoming officer.

The force of those two flying back collided with a third and all three went down.

This had the assault halted and Brentford stood holding his arms ready "Was that it? Is this the so called Lycans?"

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