
Into the Unknown Pt. 1

"Aaaahhhhhh!" woke a screaming Fuego covered in sweat as he clutched his head in preparation for the splitting headache that was to follow the dream as it has for the past week. Fuego wasn't always a screaming mess in the middle of the night but ever since the discovery of a new planet he's been having the same reoccurring dream overnight.

'I really should see someone about this but they'd just send me home and call me unfit for a Front expedition.' Fuego knew that even if he explained to them tat the headache comes and goes he'd be cut and as of his situation right now he couldn't afford for that to happen. After casting a small fireball on his finger tip Fuego looked around his room for his combat uniform and found his uniform hanging up with the name tag 'Presto" on it.

"Fuego Presto, youre a loon just like your name. Who names their child literally Fire Magic? A dunce I tell you" Fuego looked at the opening of his door to a brown eyed large muscular man who was more on the lean side instead of bulk. Upon closer inspection one could barely see that he was shaped more like a large gorilla human hybrid than a human.

"Quit your screaming and get ready for briefing in 15 minutes. Once we're finished you'll be assigned in groups of three for the Front." The burly man spoke with a gruff but clear voice with no hesitation before turning his back and walking away. There was a large insignia of monkey skeleton on his back. This was the insignia of the mercenary group known as Camp Laz and the big burly man was their leader, Luffy Sun a B rank Bearer.

"Oh I also forgot, don't be late." as Leader Luffy turned around baring his teeth in a smile but also a threatening manner. Fuego just gulped and nodded in understanding as the commander walked away. Fuego stood up from his bed to reveal a in shape tan body that stood at 5'10 with long locks of blonde hair tied in a bun as he walked to his uniform and got dressed.

As a low D rank Slayer, Fuego didn't have much use even in the mercenary department considering his innate talent for using Prime Particles was expected to be C Rank at the best. Hell most of these jobs would be a C rank at the minimum. But due to Camp Laz's low survival rate on Front expeditions they take any breathing and intact body they can get just to meet the minimum requirements. Fuego hurried out the door to attend the briefing when another Slayer bumped into him and cashed him to stumble.

"Hey! Watch where you-, oh damn its you Fuego my bad. I wasn't paying attention, if you can't tell I'm kinda in a rush sorta like you." Fuego didn't even hesitate as he punched the individual square in the shoulder. "Ow that kinda hurt. Im gonna bruise" joked the man known as Nicholas Cyan a b rank water Bearer with a blue hair sporting a short hair cut and sky blue eyes.

Nicholas Cyan came from a medium sized family known for their uses in water magic back in Mistveil City on Volantis. Nicholas was only one of the two friends that Fudge had back in his academy days at Volanti Magic Academy or VMA for short. Fuego just rolled his eyes at his friend and walked past him heading to the briefing. "If you stand there any longer I dont think you'll want to see Luffy when he's upset especially when the reason is you're late. Fuego's voice trailed off as he sprinted down the corridor.

"Shit you're right!" Called out Nicholas as he sprinted off in pursuit of his friend while fearing being late. Seeing the briefing still in loud mixed chaos both men slipped in and found a row of seats in the middle, settling in before the meeting started. A loud slam occurred as the room went deadly silent you could could hear a Defined peeing on Lunacy cotton. In walked the commander to a now organized and quiet room full of Slayers ready yo be briefed. Assuming the position behind the podium Commander Luffy eyed the room, except he wasn't alone.

Standing to the left of the Commander was a large 4 meter gorilla shaped Delfiend eyeing the rom with its dark brown fur and small golden eyes. 'A B rank Bond' thought Fuego as he knew only Bearers were the only ones that could afford to have a bond. Bearers were Slayers in every which way except they were born with the capacity at birth to form Bonds with Delfiends that matched their element. Seeing the Golden Mountain Gorilla just showed the capabilities of Commander Luffy and why he was a Bearer and not an ordinary Slayer.

Seeing the look of desperation on his friends face Nicholas nudge him with his shoulder. "Hey man don't be so down, I know they say most Slayers have the potential to become bearers even if they weren't at birth. Just get enough money and buy yourself a bond and be happy. He chuckeld lightly but even knew that Fuego want going to take it that way. In surprise Fuego just shrugged and laughed lightly while joking "Yeah easy for you to say you're a Bearer that was born like that from birth, like most of them now are. I just wish I had an actual Mark instead of trying to get a Pseudo Mark."

Nicholas sat there with his mouth gaped open about to repost for a rebuttal when Commander Luffy spoke up.

"QUIET! Id like to speak then sit down we don't have much time left before our Vault lands." The briefing room once again resumed its silent as a holopic of the Vault's landing plan appeared on the screen. There was a moving blip with dots to an uncharted planet, which Fuego assumed was their destination but was unsure because this Frontier expedition or Font for short was last minute and not very detailed.

"Now as for those who can read a map can see we are heading to uncharted territory for a Front. Normally mercenary groups don't carry out this like this and its all usually left to the Bearers and Slayers of the Earth Federation. The reason we are charting this is due to the destruction left behind by the World Breaker Sherkan and how much evacuating and combat time needed to bring it down. They haven't found a name for this planet but we are goings a scouting unit only to some of wildlife, vegetation and to see if there'd any civilization. This is the first time a merc group as fulfilled this time since The Great Expansion began."

Three were murmurs and concern all riddled throughout the briefing room unit Lon lone solider spoke up. "Commander, if mercs don't usually do this then why dot they send a small squad of S rank Bearers to do a important job like this?" Before even completing his sentence many of the mercenary nodded and grumbled in agreeance to the young mercs claims. The commander didn't dismiss his question but before he could address it hid Golden Mountain Gorilla howled in annoyance as he became impatient.

"Calm now Goldie" as Commander Luffy spoke in a calm yet caring voice that all the merc found shocking most of the merc internally as this was behavior never witnessed before only told in legends. Commander Luffy stroked the Delfiend as he calmed dow while staring was his underlings glaring threateningly.

"Before I explain anything and I meant anything let me offer you all word of advice. If the news of me doing this gets out, I'll skin you alive. Do you understand?" His words had a massive effect as all the mercs sat quietly and didn't even breathe. It was even more so for the young merc as he passed out for the pressure from the Commanders stare.

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