
Thunderous Trauma Part 3



Ragna still lays on the ground, in Aphrodite's lap for she calms him down after seeing what he hides from others. While in her lap, Aphrodite then decides to cover Ragna with his clothes, as his blanket.

"( Ragna... )" Aphrodite says while Ragna still cries after remembering the pain again.

"( I'm sorry, I didn't know it was like this. )" Aphrodite says for during Ragna's flashback she also sees Ragna's memories of his torture, thanks to her Divine Telepathic Ability, she sees what Ragna experienced back in 2015 as he now remembers what happened, not just what happened to him but also his...

"( That Indura is really that horrifying, even for us the Divine. )"

"( Yes, she might be the most glorious of all of us, but... )" Aphrodite says as she remembers Indura back then, ages or millennia ago.

She remembers her to be just like her, but superior since she's technically the most Divinely Gorgeous of the Divine.

"( Indura, the ruler of Divine Thunder. )"

"( Unlike me who only can use Intermediate Divine Thunder, that woman is different, she's so advanced. )"

"( She is also the smartest and the most beautiful of us all, no one could able reach her for she is the peak of what we called 'Perfect'. )"

"( But... )" Aphrodite says as she pats Ragna's hair, looking at him who is still crying while covering his mouth and his d**k, as he still shivers via seeing all of it again.

"( Despite being perfect outside, her heart is cruel... )"

"( Those who know her or even get too close to her... )"

"( Will immediately know...)" she says while her hand holds Ragna comfortably, calming his mind slowly with her affection.

As she pats him, Ragna then asks, finally calmed after his trauma reached its peak, for he is now able to say his mind without any fear that holds him.

" Aphrodite..., lord Aphrodite. " Ragna calls her.

" I... *sob*, want to..., *wipe tears*..., ask you? "

" Yes, Ragna dear... "

" What is it? " she asks him as Ragna then went into silence and asks.

" You see my <Flashback> memory, did you not? " Ragna asks her that.

" Yes, dear... "

" Did 'Twelve' already tell you that ability of that we the Divine have? " Aphrodite asks Ragna nods for Twelve just told him all of it.

" Yes and if you have done that, so... "

" You have seen it, didn't you... "

" What happened to... "

" Yes, dear. "

" You're not the only one being tortured by Indura back then. "

" You're the last one after you see the ones before you. "

" Your... "

" Grrkkhhhh!!! " Ragna growls and cries as his hatred grows, even more, his Aether power too.

" I'm sorry, child..." Aphrodite says as Ragna's Aether Aura begins to calm down.

" I'm sorry that I didn't even know about this, I... "

" I should've known, especially.... "

" You're too late. " Ragna says.

" You and the other gods are always too late... "

" I can see it now... "

" Why Twelve decided to destroy you all, and why I must join him too. "

" Thanks to that Divine Vixen, my... "

" My happiness had been robbed. "

" My cheerful fiery spirit fades, as fears always clouded and struck at me in every way. "

" Making me vulnerable to anyone and anything near me. "

" Making me weak. "

" I lost every potential I could have, despite not having a Gift Core back then. " Ragna says as he tells that even before, he doesn't have one, doesn't have one at all, for back then, thanks to some opportunity he happens to find, he once found an alternative to have powers like the others, learning some magic books that one of his family smuggled from the Dungeon, as he didn't give it to the Association to purify it.

" So you did once learn magic before...? " Aphrodite asks

" Yes, but not that much of it, just some that I was able to use unorthodoxly. "

" Don't think of me immediately being OP (Overpowered) after learning it, no, my powers could be considered like having a Tier II Gift Ability. " Ragna explains.

" What magic did you learn, from those books? "

" That's... " Ragna tries to remember, activating the <Twelve Eye of Time> again.

" Fire and Water magic..., I guess... "

" But I think, the fire magic is unavailable for now. " Ragna says as he tells Aphrodite that due to something, maybe after he received the Yakan Curse, it made his body can't do Fire magic again despite him having his Water magic (in another form) returned.

" So you lost it? "

" Yeah, I'm still finding a way to learn it again, no matter how many times will cost me to do so. "

" For even the likes of Twelve, told me that my fire still has the potential to make me more overpowered than before, he's sure of it. "

" And now, I just need to find a way so that my body could use it, again. " Ragna says to Aphrodite which made her silent as she remembers.

"( My Current-Self is actually a prodigy, but thanks to the Yakan Curse... )" Aphrodite remembers what Ragna Twelve told her, as she also sees Ragna memories for once had the ability like that before.

"( Such a child, I must say that he's actually too young for everything. )" she sees Ragna's memories, showing her that he can immediately conjure a fire after reading that smuggled magic book.

"( Courtesy of him having quite powerful previous lifetimes, I guess. )"

"( Despite him being a human, I can't deny a prodigy like this will be hunted by the other gods if they also noticed this. )" Aphrodite says which she then pats Ragna even more.

While patting, Ragna remembers his happy days with his family, especially his uncle that who was once a Hunter, the person who dares smuggled a Dungeon Treasure just to bring him goods when he was a child.

But his memories of happiness are immediately gone, as it continues to a darker route, a darker route with thunderous light that hurts him so much and killed the family he loves, more specifically his...

" Lord Aphrodite...? "

" Yes, dear? " she asks again while also seeing what Ragna remembered.

" I want to ask you, about that Divine Vixen. " Ragna asks.

" Go on. "

" Just say it, I won't punish you. " Aphrodite says.

" After seeing my memories..., "

" Why did you think she do it to me? " Ragna asks which made Aphrodite go into silence, trying to formulate what words she should answer him with.

"( I can't just bluntly tell him why even if I know the probable answer. )"

"( Considering what he just experienced just now, those memories of torture, not just that. )" Aphrodite sees the more extreme scene of that even as she hugs Ragna even more in her lap.

"( That b**ch also..., I can't take it anymore. )" Aphrodite says as she then decides to answer but tries to not hurt Ragna even more.

" Because she's like a star, Ragna. "

" A star...? " Ragna wonders.

" Really? how does that answer my question? " Ragna says Aphrodite responds.

" Ragna, did you know that a star is glorious when you see it from afar... "

" But actually harmful if you dare get too close to it. " Aphrodite says as she explains that those who know her also experienced it too.

" Really? she's that harmful? " Ragna asks her more.

" Yes, because she's too perfect, she thinks that she is able to do anything for those below her, like us. "

" That's why she's so cruel, for no one is able to stop her for millennia. "

" Her lusts..., it already devoured many people before. "

" Including those that came near her by chance. " Aphrodite gives Ragna that answer which made Ragna quite understand as his mind began to connect it.

" So, basically... "

" Indura, that Divine Vixen, is basically the most beautiful girl in the school but always thinks herself too high for us, her friends to reach her. "

" For she can just step on anyone and anyone will tolerate her. " Ragna answers by thinking about it, using his logic again.

" Yes, you might think of her like that. " Aphrodite agrees with him, deeming it makes sense.

" I see, so she's that type of person... " Ragna says as he then wakes up and takes his clothes, covering himself with them again.

" Huh.. hahahaha... "

" Like a star... hahahaha.... " Ragna says while laughing as he then returns to the System Space, leaving Aphrodite alone.

The last one really clicked him hard.

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