
139- The Wise Cynic

Kaerlud. Karl the publisher's residence.

Rewa and Ekus had come to Karl a week ago after reading the latest Quick-quack message: the boy is missing. They were living in the publisher's guest room. Andrew had asked them twenty years prior that if the boy goes missing they should meet at Karl's house. And Rewa and Ekus putting faith in Karl because he was Andrew's best friend. Ekus had told the publisher about Matthew, the Quick-quack messages and everything. Karl was very happy to hear that his friend Andrew was alive. They said Andrew would send signal through Quick-quauck message. They were waiting for it. Karl was waiting for it.

Today after they saw a Quick-quack message appear on the newspaper. It said: Come Daisy Hotel, Ceni. Urgent.

They told it to Karl.

"But wait," said Ekus. "It can be a trap too."

He then eyed at Rewa who was staring at him in disbelief.

Ekus continued, "I don't know, but my gut tells me it is a trap."

"Who else in this world knows Quick-quack code, Ekus," Rewa said. "And our messages are not easy to crack. Who is such a genius and patient to crack and solve our messages, except Andrew?"

"I don't know, being a cynic is the wisest thing we can do."

"He has got a point," Karl chimed in. "You two reach there first. I am following you there with my men. You go to the hotel at first. I will wait outside for a fifteen minutes. If you come out I will consider it is Andrew who has sent the message. If you don't come out after fifteen minutes, then I will intrude with caution with my people."

"It sounds a good plan to me," Ekus beamed.

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