
[R-18] Showing her love

Neo had fallen asleep quickly after going to bed. She heard Raven return and go to team RWBY's room a few hours ago but luckily there hadn't been any yelling. A few hours in, she felt something. Something pleasant like a rising pleasant warmth. It was a feeling she was familiar with, due to the fact that she had masturbated in her current body multiple times already. This felt even better.

A pleased sigh escaped her lips and she opened her eyes. Now, the feeling was more intense. She felt her thighs being squeezed and the feeling of hair rested on her legs and lower stomach. Before she could lift the blanket to reveal who she knew it was, she felt a cautious but curious tongue press into her clit. It sent a jolt of extreme pleasure though her body.

Neo gasped and pulled off her sheet, seeing Pyrrha smiling at her flirtatiously with Neo's pussy in her mouth. Neo bit down on another gasp before it could escape and watched as Pyrrha moved her lips and tongue. Through this her eyes were locked on Neo's.

After a short struggle and even more licking from Pyrrha, Neo holding her mouth closed gives her a pointed look and gestures to Ren and Nora across the room.

"Oh, them? I gave them some NiQuil to make sure they sleep through it. So lay back and enjoy. I told you, right? I'd tell you my answer. This is it, Partner" Pyrrha spoke while planting kisses on Neo's thigh.

"Well.. I won't say no" Neo chuckled before Pyrrha made her bite back a moan.

Pyrrha was going faster now, enveloping Neo's pussy in her mouth and giving her clit some extra attention.

~She looks sexy as hell doing that.. Think I'm starting to get why ahegao is a thing..!~ Neo closed her eyes and gripped the sheets hard as her legs squeezed Pyrrha's head and let loose a moan that set something off in Pyrrha.

Pyrrha slipped into a lustful haze and continued to attack her partner's weakest spots until she had her mouth fill up with her nectar. She realized just then that Neo had cum and had been moving her hips almost automatically. She peeked up to see Neo's small panting. Her face was flushed red and she licked her lips slowly, making Pyrrha shiver in excitement.

"You know.. I didn't expect you to be the one to make the first move like this. I kinda expected myself to be the one. Call me pleasantly surprised. Now.. I haven't showered and you haven't cum. Let's fix that" Neo slipped out of bed and pulled Pyrrha along with her into the shower.

Pyrrha and Neo had both gotten their clothes off rather quickly and Pyrrha stumbled with the water while Neo was planting kiss after kiss on the Spartan. From lips, neck, breasts, stomach and finally her pussy. Though she had teasingly trailed right back up her body with a smile as Pyrrha tightened her grip on the smaller girl. She was ready for it but her partner was building up to it. After exploring Pyrrha's mouth with her tongue and rubbing her soft, now wet body against Pyrrha's more muscular and firm but still very beautiful body, she took a dive and got on her knees, giving Pyrrha the same look she had given her, which made Pyrrha's face turn practically crimson now.

"Oh.. Neo.." Pyrrha bit her lip in excitement and felt the soft tongue of her partner and crush do the same thing she did to her.

At first she was focused on the outside, rolling her tongue up and around her clit. Then she stretched her tongue as far as it could go and plunged into Pyrrha's depths, testing and tasting her way around the red-head's most sensitive areas. Finding a few, she took it upon herself to match Pyrrha's expression of love. By carrying Pyrrha's legs and making her ride and rock into her face while Neo used her dexterity and speed to her advantage.

"Gh.. Ah! N..Neo! Mmm!" Pyrrha tried to speak in a broken and breathy sentence but Neo continued, pressing Pyrrha's wet back into the wall.

Holding her ass and squeezing it, Neo continued on, possessively and progressively continuing to rock Pyrrha until her mouth is filled with a sweetness she slowly swallows with a hum.

~The taste.. Must be so good because of the purification elixr~ Neo gave it a thought before standing right back up, only to be kissed passionately by Pyrrha, which she returned enthusiastically.

"Hah... does that count as my answer? I love you, Neo" Pyrrha deepened their hug and professed.

"You're funny, weird, kind of crazy, really attractive, did I say weird? Ah.. I'm rambling.. You make me feel.. like I'm a person. Though you do make me feel special. Not as if I were on a pedestal or.. or even as a trophy" Pyrrha just became redder and redder as she poured her heart out.

Neo just listened quietly with a smile as she stroked Pyrrha's Scarlet hair.

-Grimmlands, Salem's Castle-

"It seems dear Cinder's hit a few problems" Salem idly said as she stared out into the corrupting pool of darkness in which the Grimm spawned.

"I told you. Reincarnators are here. Though.. I have been notified of two dying" A voice behind her spoke out. It was gruff and inhuman, almost snarling with every word.

"And they possess.. other worldly gifts such as yours? That is a little annoying.." Salem sighed and rubbed her black veined head.

"Things used to be so.. predictable until you showed up, my dear" Salem said without turning to the voice's owner, earning her a cold snort.

"Life has been too boring for you then. When can I go rip the reincarnator to pieces?" He asked impatiently.

"Soon.. The Vytal Festival is what matters. My dear Cinder will prove herself there, I'm sure" She smiled darkly.

"If she fails?" Salem heard a chuckle behind her.

"Then do with her as you please" Salem didn't even flinch as she turned to her accomplice.

There at her table sat a 9ft Grimm with the plated head of a deer like beast, long body with its white ribs covering a glowing red heart and freakishly long clawed arms. Its eyes were shining red with three comma patterns in them. On top of this, it even wielded a large greatsword from the game 'Devil May Cry 5'.

"Gladly. I've been cooped up here too long. After killing Summer I've been so bored.." He picks his fang-filled maw and spoke with mirth.

"You'll get your chance to have fun, soon. Just wait until then" Salem walked past him and strode down the halls of her Castle.

"Oh I can't wait.." He cackled to himself.

-Beacon, next day-

Team RWBY had once again busted into JNPR's room. Again, more specifically, Yang and Ruby with Weiss and Blake right behind them. They saw Neo in her black one piece undergarment being held by an elated Pyrrha. Ren and Nora were just waking up.

"Aww Pyrrha's a cuddler!" Ruby cooed at the sight as Neo opened her tired eyes.

~What time is it..? Nine? Jeez.. be teenagers and sleep until twelve on weekends, crazy bastards..~ Neo groaned.

Blake sniffed the room with squinted eyes. Then she looked right at Neo and Pyrrha and her eyes slowly widened. Her face got about ten shades redder as well.

~I guess we didn't shower enough. That or her nose is amazing?~ Neo just shrugged, waking Pyrrha up to the sight of team RWBY and the other half of JNPR looking at her and Neo.

Yang was about to make a joke, Neo knew it. So she put a finger up and interrupted her.

"Breakfast. I'll tell my fantastic tale there.. How I was hit by Truck-kun and sent to a different world with just my scroll. How I met King Kai and learned Kaio-ken. And finally how I ran into a Vampire in the woods while he was taking a walk.. while he saved a big tittied police girl" Neo calmly got up and put her clothes on for the day while everyone sans Nora was confused.

"A WHAT!? Vamires exist!? What's a Kaio-what? Who is Truck-kun!?" Nora shook her leader and demanded answers.

"Only cultured individuals can answer those questions properly, Nora. Don't worry about it. Let's go eat, shall we?" Neo strode out, followed by the eager teams.

All the while, Blake was giving Pyrrha a curious look and messaged her in chat.

[>Prettykitty: So.. how was she?<]

[>Spartanwaifu: It was intense..<]

[>Icecreambae: NANI? Someone took her virginity before me!? Damn it! If only I wasn't so busy doing this fire bitch's work!<]

Neopolitan kicked a crate full of heavy weapons into a group of nearby White Fang grunts. The others nearby began to slowly back away.

[>Icecreambae: If only we weren't interrupted back in that other world, SHIZUKA<]

[>BoobaphysicsFTW: I'm sorry!?<]

Neopolitan huffed and flipped the grunts nearby her off.

[>Yangsyummymummy: Ah backed up I see? Then it'll be all the sweeter once we get a piece<]

[>Neo²: I'm not a pie..<]

[>Icecreambae: Won't stop me from eating you up like one 👅<]

[>Neo²: Sundae on Sundae? I look forward to it<]

[>Prettykitty: I do sort of like that image.. am I weird?<]

[>Neo²/Icecreambae/Spartanwaifu/Yangsyummymummy: No<]

[>BoobaphysicsFTW: Eh? Is it?<]

Blake just sighed.

-Beacon Lunchroom-

After Neo told them the omitted version of what she did during those two months away, the teams went on to tell her about the epic food fight they had during lunch. Neo really did regret not being part of that. Ruby was really excited about the Mercenary weapons and asked Neo about how they function without needing Dust. Yang then asked about her Mom, seeing as she spent those two months with Raven.

"So.. what's my Mom like? I know she told me she made a mistake in leaving and she kinda gave up hope on the war on Grimm but I have no idea what made her give up like that. You know, right? Was it that bad?" Yang leaned in and asked.

"You can say that. Though you'll know more about that stuff a bit later on since you can't do anything about it now" Neo said as she gestured with a french toast stick in her hand at Yang.

"Yeah.. when we get stronger, I guess" Yang looked a bit dejected, as did Ruby and Weiss upon realizing their current weakness.

Before Neo could say anything though, Raven pulled up and rested her arm on the smallest girl's head.

"Tell you what? If you win the Vytal Festival and prove your talent and skill to me, I'll tell you everything, Yang, Ruby" Raven stole Neo's food and casually made an offer.

"Yes! Can we uh.. maybe hang out too? I wanna.. get to know you more" Yang actually fidgeted. Fidgeted.

Neo grabbed at her heart and made a noise.

"HNNG.. so cute.. You have to, Rae.." Neo looked up at Raven but even she was affected by the sudden and unexpected cuteness.

"Khh.. Yeah, I'd do that even without your asking, Yang" Raven recomposed herself as Yang stood up and threw her arms up.

"YEAH!- Uh.. I mean.. cool, cool" Yang tried to play it off but that just caused the same reaction from Raven and Neo again.

"You two certainly get along well" Ren stated as he drank his health drink which made Nora gag in the background.

"Oh yes we certainly do.." Raven sat on Neo's lap and put the rest of her french toast stick in Neo's mouth, making the teams (especially Yang's) eyes widen.

"Uh.. real close eh?" Yang laughed nervously.

"Yeah.. Raven and I are pretty good frien-" Neo was interrupted as Raven locked lips with Neo once again, making Yang and Ruby's eyes widen and jaws drop.

"Wow! I think I should change Fearless Leader into Ladykiller leader.." Nora said while stuffing a pancake in her mouth while everyone else was silent.

Everyone but Raven, who had kissed Neo quite audibly.

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