
Meeting Koneko

As he walked back to lunch he patted down his clothing, making sure he at least looked proper, however, he did unbutton his blazer to show off the black shirt he wore beneath that hugged his frame. Once he made his way to the cafeteria he made it to one of the vending machines, the kitchens were closed down so he would have to rely on one of the vending machines.

Even though they were almost empty, what Issei didn't expect was to see Koneko standing in front of the vending machine, staring at one of the two items that were left.

Both were Melonpan or Melon Bread which was a sweet bread popular. It was surprising there were two left, but Koneko was staring hard into her palm.

When he walked up beside her he noticed she had just a 100 yen short to buy one.

As he got closer she turned to look at him, unsure if it was her mana sense, her nose, or her animalistic instinct that warned her of his approach. He put in a bill as he got both pieces of bread, Koneko seeming to be a bit dejected when she saw him take out both, only to place one of them into the hand she had the change in. She looked up to see him walking away with the other already opened as he bit into it.

As he walked away she called out to him. ''At least let me pay with what I have!''

Issei waved a hand over his shoulder. ''Buy me a melon bun next time instead!"

With that he continued on his way to class, he would need to eat a large dinner later to make up for his skipped lunch as the bun would hold him over, but not fill him up.

Due to his increase in physical activity, mana, and even just having Ddraig in his chest meant he took a lot more food than others. He would need to start bringing snacks with him, for himself mostly.

But also in case he ever needed to feed a white-haired stray occasionally.

~Could always learn Space Magic, and be able to carry meals around with you as well?~

'It's on the list, but we both know no matter how good I am, that's a little to advanced for me right now.'

~Sure enough... You might be able to find a space artifact?~

'Space artifact?'

~Magic items so to speak, demons make them quite often actually.~

'If I end up getting a summoning contract from Rias, that's what I'll summon her for first. Maybe then is when she'll also want to reincarnate me.'

~Give it some time, and your dragonic nature will make you irresistible to her.~

'I'm already irresistible, just playing hard to get.'

~Ah yes, like any fair maiden would, right?~

Yes, fair maiden.'

The rest of school was boring, as usual, learning nothing new while being forced to sit in classes during it all, he would keep his grades up to make sure his parents were proud, and further see the change he was bringing to his life as a good student.

But other than that, he wouldn't attempt much else, heading back home was only mildly annoying as he kept getting quite a little stress at him while he walked.

Confidence, working out, and general ability to not care about those around you somehow made you attractive to people of both genders.

Once he got home he noticed no one was starting dinner yet, ah that's right. Today is a Wednesday, right? That means his parents are out together shopping.

So, issei got himself changed and washed p. With an apron on he began to prepare are large dinner. His parents had come to appreciate his cooking when he had made a 'Small' snack for himself that was damn nearly a full-blown meal. His father became interested and tried it, then after his father's reaction, it was then his mother's turn.

Once they had tasted his cooking they had fallen for it immediately, getting praised on how he would be a great husband since not only was he good looking, strong, and had a good work ethic, but he had cooking skills to boot.

He would need to learn how to start making some sweets as well, as that was the only real thing he was bad at making, not because he sucked at it but because he never had to make sweets before. In his previous life, he tended to avoid sweets because of how hard it was for him to earn money, so he just didn't spend extra money on stuff like that.

It wasn't another two hours until his parents got home.

''Issei, we're sorry we took so long, I'll get started on cooking so-... Oh! Honey Issei cooked already! It's meat and potatoes!''

''Meat and potatoes? Good! It will go great with the veggies I got!'

Issei showed up in the hallway, whipping his hands down. ''Here, let me take those Mom, did you get some cauliflower and broccoli?''

''Yes, we did Issei!" She leaned in, pulling his face into her hands as she smooshed her lips against his cheek.

''Let me do the groceries, can you start steaming some?"

''Oh, delicious! Yes! But first, put on this apron."

She pulled a page open and handed him an apron, relinquishing her apron off himself he handed it back as he put on the other one. Once he looked down at it he snickered a bit. It had the feeling of a live laugh love sign, but in the fancy lettering, it had.

'Ya got buns, hun?'

''Did Dad pick this out for me?"

''Yes he did, I thought it was funny so we had to get it!"

Issei walked out, in the distance you could hear Issei's father burst into laughter as he saw the apron. ''I knew it'd look good!''


(To all those wondering, why Rias. It's simple, at least to me.)

(1: Sona does not have the pawn pieces to be able to reincarnate Issei, I'm already pushing it with Rias' pieces because whereas she has all of her pawn pieces left, they still wouldn't be enough. Issei was weak as FUCK and DYING when he got reincarnated originally, this Issei is chad, and definitely not dying.

2: In theory, couldn't I seek other options, such as making it so he doesn't join a Peerage at all, and turn him into a psuedo 'Dragonborn' type deal where he's just a chad human with dragon pieces? I could, it is in my ability to do such a thing, but despite all the people saying joining a Peerage means he's a slave, and all that jazz. So what? Maybe I like a little bit of slavery in my life? Maybe I'm a small cute boy who wants to have a Mommy Dommy? Or maybe I'm some big buff chad who likes a woman to take care of me, but no. I'm just a fat guy who's working on getting healthier, and my reason for joining Rias' peerage is simple.

I like redheads :I

3: About Issei's armor, yes I know it doesn't look very dragonic, I just hated how the gauntlet looked, the armor isn't meant to be anything other than eye candy for now since it's the best I could find, the armor does provide him with buffs, sure. But in further evolutions, I hope to find better armor that looks more anime, and badass. Even if I have to pay to get it drawn, or recolored myself

4: I feel like I say this all the time, if you don't like the book, please move the fuck on. No one cares, no one cares about you announcing your leave, no one cares that you don't like Rias because she's overused. Fanfics are overused, DxD is overused, and dragons are overused. Do I enjoy constructive criticism? Yes, do I like people explaining their own idea's, and possibly helping me make something neat? Yeah, but if all you got is to complain each chapter, please move the fuck on man.

Doesn't hurt my feelings or anything, and in fact the more you comment makes it better for me because more people will see my work, even if you don't like my work. It's just annoying to watch people bitch all the time when I'm only writing this fanfic because I thought.

Heheh, redhead, hehe, dergin, heehe, anime titty.

There is no deeper meaning to any of my work, if it's a fanfic, I am writing it because I wanted to write my own take on a series...

The money's cool though to KEK

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