
CH - 2 - Blair

"Blair... What happened??... Where are you??... I will be there in half an hour." and disconnect the call. I then explain to Alexis that we need to leave immediately so that I can drop her home and then go check on Blair.

After we told Gram that we are leaving I got the car from the valet and drove Alexis home. The drive was quiet and there was not much traffic so we got home fairly fast. After dropping Alexis off and telling her that I will call her if something comes up, I drive off to meet Blair.


[Location: East River]

Blair told me that she was near the East River so right now I am walking, after parking the car roadside, to find her.

After a bit of walking, I finally find her leaning on the railings facing the river. So I walk up behind her and call her "Blair, What are you doing here?" hearing her name she turns and sees me standing in front of her. I see her crying so take out my handkerchief and hand it to her, then I ask her "What happened Blair?" as soon as I ask she starts crying again, seeing this I get closer to her and lightly hug her to comfort her. She then leans her head on me and while crying tells me "Mom and Dad....they are breaking up...and dad....dad's leaving me" hearing this I tighten my hug a little and start lightly patting her back and while doing so I say "Everythings gonna be alright Blair, everything is gonna be just...fine..."

[Blair Waldorf Pic]

After a while, she stopped crying and so to ease the mood a bit I tell her "You know Blair you could have just told me you were near the Manhattan Bridge, It would have saved me a lot of running around"I say pointing at the big ass bridge right in front of us. But she doesn't say anything just peaks a glance and returns to her previous position, so I decided to take it up a notch by saying "You know if Nate sees us like this he might get the wrong idea." hearing this she says "You are such a jerk" and while saying this she punches me on the gut with a bit of strength and as a reaction to this I break our hug and feign being hurt but with a smile on my face and say "Ufff that hurt you know."

"You deserve it, Noah," she says.

Seeing that she is coming back to normal I say to her "I did, didn't I" to which she says "Yes you did."

I smile at her and say "Oh Blair, when did you get here. Anyway did you happen to see a cute girl I was hugging about ya tall and in need of my healing touch? she was here just a few seconds ago. Also, I was thinking of taking her back to my place to do the Devil's Tango" and as soon I say that she kicks me on the leg with her shoes and this one hurts like a bitch.

"Ouch This one really hurt Blair... ahh..ahh" as I say this I am hopping on one leg while massaging the other one with my hands.

Seeing me hopping on one leg and in pain, she smiles slightly and says " Keep acting like an ass, I dare you because there is a lot more from where that came from " in saying so she points at her leg.

Seeing there is a high chance she swings again I get back on both feet and say to her "Ok, Blair let's agree to a truce?"

"Sure but what do I get ?"

"Me and junior..." before I could finish that sentence I see Blair winding her leg up to kick me so I immediately stop take a few steps back and say "You and I are going to a restaurant and I will pay for everything."

But even after this, she shows no sign of stopping her attack so I bring out the big guns and tell her "I will pay for anything and everything you wanna buy for the next 24 hours" hearing this she stops her attack and tells me "Not good enough"

Hearing this in my mind I go 'WTF Blair "this is not a negotiation "' then I noticed that I said the last part out loud so I immediately close my mouth with one hand and slap myself with the other.

Hearing me Blair goes "Is that so?" and starts to ready herself to kick me.

So immediately said "No no Blair that was the logical part of my brain saying that and as you know I never listen to my logical part, "I say forcing a smile on my face "So Blair how about the next 3 days?.... a week??..... Two weeks??...." getting more and more desperate as the duration increases finally I say " a month that's the best I can do" to which she finally say "It's a truce then" and smiles at me.

I scoff at her smiling and say "Let's get something to eat I am starving explain the rest of what happened to you over dinner " I say and walk to a restaurant nearby.

Inside the restaurant, we order our food and she starts telling me about how her father is going to Paris, about his 31-year-old boyfriend, and so on in between all this a three-course meal came and went. Seeing that Blair still had things to unload off her shoulders I offered to drop her home so I paid for the dinner and then we exited the restaurant. From the restaurant, we walked to the car, and then I drove her home during this she talked about Serena leaving suddenly without telling her anything, Nate acting weirdly around her, and all that good stuff. During all this, I just listened, nodded, and repeated a few keywords like "is that so", "And...", and "I am sure it's all gonna be fine".

Seeing that we reached 1136 Fifth Avenue I park the car to the side and look at Blair who hadn't noticed that we reached her home as she was still engrossed in talking about her problems and not showing any signs of stopping so I force her mouth shut with my hand and when I did that she glares at me angrily which I find really cute so I smile at her and point to the building beside us, she turns to look at what I was pointing and finds out that she reached her home so she looks back at me a bit embarrassed and says "Sorry I got lost in..."

I interject by saying "Yeah, I figured. It's alright though. So how are you feeling now that you have emptied out that tiny brain of yours, Good?? "

"I am good and I don't have a tiny brain okay" she replies

"Sure keep telling yourself that," I say with a smirk on my face.

Then I continue "You know Blair, whatever you are going through with your Dad, Serena, and Nate. I am sure all of it will work itself out. No toss that... I know it will work itself out. So don't worry in the slightest. Also Blair next time you wanna unload like today. Just call me.."

Blair says "Thank you for today Noah I really needed that" and she kisses me on the cheek which I didn't see coming so as I was rubbing my cheek in shock she exits the car and says "Thanks" once again.

I see her waving me goodbye so I decided to get one last jab in before leaving and so I lowered the passenger side window and tell her "...you know Blair you didn't let me finish before so here goes... next time you wanna unload call me and I will give you the number of a famous psychologist friend of dads' so that you can talk things out with him. Also if you really wanna be Thankful to me just don't bankrupt me by the end of the month. See ya!!" I smile at her and without waiting for her reply drove away from there.

Through the rearview mirror, I could see her stomping the ground in anger and yelling something like "You are such an asshole, Noah." but I could be wrong.

From there I drive home straight and after parking the car I go up to the loft where I realize that I didn't take the key with me to the party so I ring the bell and Alexis opens the door.

She asks "What happened to your key?"

"I didn't take it with me to the party" I answer as I enter.

"Ohh I see. So how did it go with Blair?? She alright?? and also why do you look so down??"

"Good. She is good now. And to answer the final one well it's BLAIR"

"Ufff I feel bad for you brother," she answers as she sympathizes with me.

As I make my way into the living room I glance at the clock to my right and see it's midnight so I ask Alexis "You are up late sis, any reason "

"No reason other than there is no school tomorrow. Also, brother you sure about transferring schools??"

"Yeah, The only person I really know in that school is you."

"It's because of Nate, Blair and those guys isn't it?" she enquires to which I say "A bit".

"So Dad and Gram back yet??"

"Dad is not but Gram is back but she and her date went out again to get something she forgot," she answers a bit reluctantly, especially the Gram part, and from her tone I understood that I won the bet. So a smile comes on my face unbeknownst to me.

I say "I won didn't I ?"

To which she reluctantly says "Yes but how??"

"Ohh it's rather Elementary my dear Watson while you were counting the number of old people I counted the number of Old people with no wedding rings and there were 2 at the party but out of the 2 he was the only one Gram would go for. You can wire transfer the money right??" I say with a slight smirk but then remember Blair ripping me off earlier.

Listening to this Alexis becomes even more gloomy and walks her way to the kitchen table seeing her leave I tell her I am going up to my room to freshen up and just walk upstairs.

As I was freshening up I hear someone playing my piano in the living room and also here Gram singing.

After the light bath, I take open my laptop to check if I have any new mail and also to check up on my investments in the stock market.

I didn't get any new mail so I checked my portfolio to see how its doing because I need to show it to dad so that I can get more money from him ti invest and also to star my own thing in the future.

**************************************** PORTFOLIO ******************************************

Name - Quantity - Invested Amount - Current

1. Mastercard Inc - 11250 - 90,000$ - 276,975$

2. Apple Inc - 45000 - 90,000$ - 225,000$

3. Amazon.com - 2500 - 100,000$ - 180,000$

Total 280,000$ - 681,975$

Okay looks like the crash due to bad loans has not affected me that much good but there is still more than a year to go till the situation normalizes and the Fed starts pumping money into the economy again and till then there will be some absolute bargains in the market but I don't have any free cash looks like I will have to talk to dad very soon to secure more funds with that thought I close my laptop and go downstairs.

Downstairs I see Grams singing and dancing while her date plays the piano she sees me and says "Hey kiddo " I just smile at her and then nod at her date to say hello to which he nods back. Then I make my way to Kitchen where I see Alexis doing her homework. I make my way to the refrigerator open and take out a bottle of cold water to drink. From there I go to my dad's library to find a good book to read.

{Time- 12:45}

I was on sitting on the sofa in the study reading < The Road > when I saw Alexis and Dad come in and seeing Dad I ask "How was the date, dad? Get any inspiration for the due manuscript??" with a smile on my face.


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